Rule number two is that the questions have to be interesting, like relationship questions, digging up dirt, secrets, sexual questions, etc. No boring questions like, "How old are you?" or "What is your favorite color."
And rule number three is that she has to go first. This is to see where her mind is at when she asks the question.
If she starts off with a sexual question, then you already know she has sex on her mind. If she doesn't ask something sexual, then start with normal getting to know each other type questions like, "Where's your favorite place to travel," "What's the craziest thing you've ever done?" or "If you could be anything in the world with no chance of failure, what would you be?"
Then, before things get too platonic, transition to relationship questions like, "What are you looking for in a man? What's the craziest first date you've had?" Or even "Are you a good kisser?" which can lead into a kiss by saying, "Let's find out."
Then after asking and answering relationship questions for a while, slowly start transitioning into intimate questions, such as, "What's your favorite position? What's the craziest place you've ever had sex?" or "What's your biggest turn on?"
The answers to these types of question can actually give you some great insight as to what she likes in bed and how she prefers to receive pleasure, so make sure to remember her answers for later.
The beauty is that she is unlikely to object to these sexual questions because, after all, it's still in the context of a game.
The Body Test
One time I was sitting with a hot girl in a trendy bar in downtown Los Angeles, when I had an idea. We were sitting on a couch away from the dance floor and I couldn't take my eyes off her tan sexy legs, in her short dress.
"I want to see how well you know your body," I said. She looked intrigued.
"Hold out your arm," I commanded. "I'm going to pick a spot on your arm right here," touching her bicep. "Now close your eyes and when I get to that spot, tell me." I started at her wrist and slowly stroked her arm with my finger, inching closer to the spot on her bicep.
"There," she said, opening her eyes. "Not bad, but you were a little off. Let's try again."
"This time, I'm going to pick a spot on your legs. And you have to close your eyes and when I touch that spot again, you have to tell me." She agreed.
I picked a spot on her thigh where her panties would have been, if she would have been wearing any, where her thigh met her hip.
She closed her eyes as I started at her knee, gently tracing my fingers closer to her inner thigh. My finger reached her skirt and I noticed a pleasant look on her face. She was enjoying every moment of it.
I inched my way up her skirt. She didn't flinch.
As my hand moved under her skirt, I could feel the warmth of her vagina on my hand. Up until this point, I was unsure how far I could take things. Now
I knew. My next move was clear. "Let's get out of here."
Strawberry Fields
Another test you can try, is the psychological Strawberry Fields "test" to gauge her level of sexual openness. Just like the last example, it's not something you would do right away, rather something to use later in the interaction after a significant level of rapport has been established.
You can set up the test by saying, "I heard about a psychological test that will tell you things you may not have known about yourself. It's kind of like those tests in Cosmo. Want to try it?"
Then you'll ask three questions. Each of which will provide insight into her sexuality. But it's usually best not to tell her that until the end. The questions go like this:
"Imagine that you are standing at the gates of a strawberry field. You are alone. There are tasty, ripe strawberries in the field. How high is the gate surrounding the field?" Let her answer.
"Now, imagine you're inside the strawberry field. How many strawberries do you pick and eat?" Let her answer.
"After you finish eating the strawberries, you realize that there is a farmer looking at you. This is his field and you've eaten his strawberries. How do you feel about the farmer?" Let her answer.
Now it's time to reveal the meaning for each of her answers.
The first question, about how high the fence is, indicates her barrier to having sex. If the fence is high, it means she doesn't have sex quickly. You could tell her, "That means you don't just sleep with everyone you like. It takes you some time to feel comfortable and safe with someone before you sleep with him." If the fence is low, or she said there is no fence, then she has a low barrier to having sex with a new partner. You could tell her, "That means you are very open minded about sex and you don't view it as a big deal. You're more of the fun type who lives in the moment and does what she wants." This is also a good cold read.
How many strawberries she ate indicates her sexual appetite. The more strawberries she devoured, the more she loves sex. If she only said one or two strawberries, you could say, "You don't have a lot of sexual partners but the ones you do have you cherish deeply." If she ate a lot of strawberries, don't just tell her she loves sex or has had a lot of partners. Instead say, "The number of strawberries indicates your sexual appetite. So you really enjoy sex and when you are with someone you want to enjoy him as much as possible. And I bet it takes a man with a lot of skills to satisfy you." Since this is a cold read, even if she disagrees and corrects you, that's totally fine.
And finally, how she feels about the farmer suggests how she feels after she has sex. If she says she feels bad, then maybe sometimes she regrets it. If she says she didn't even see the farmer or doesn't care about the farmer, then it means she doesn't feel bad after she has sex.
Do you see how this little test can quickly turn the conversation sexual in a fun and interesting way? The cool thing is, this simple test is usually very accurate. So if you want to know how sexual she is, try it on your next date.
Playful Restrictions
You can also be direct with your sexual escalation, which is best saved for later in the interaction after you've kissed her. But don't overdo your interest or she might feel like you only want her for your own gratification. Remember, you are a high status man who has options. You are not desperate for sex with her.
So you don't come on too strong, use a push-pull statement that shows interest, while simultaneously taking it away with a restriction. This helps convey your interest, so you aren't pulling a sexual move completely out of the blue.
Examples of using restrictions:
"I shouldn't do this, but fuck it... (go for kiss)."
"If there weren't all these people in here right now, I would throw you down on that pool table and have my way with you."
"I would love to take you home tonight. I know it would be amazing. But I want to wait until next time"
• Don't be afraid of expressing your sexuality and don't be intimidated by her sexuality if she says something sexual. She's likely testing your own confidence and level of comfort.
• When you bring up intimate topics in a comfortable way it will get her thinking about escalating the interaction with you.
• To keep things fun and escalate to intimacy, play flirtatious games or talk about other's experiences, rather than just tossing out direct sexual statements that may come across as lewd.
Sexual Tension and Escalation
"Sexual tension is when you feel a spark, just from grazing your hand against their hand. Just from an innocent, accidental touch. "
- Holly Riordan
The anticipation and possibility that something exciting and intimate might occur is what creates sexual tension. A grounded man can enjoy the sexual tension and increase it at will. The typical "nice guy," on the other hand, doesn't create any anticipation nor sexual tension. He has a nice friendly conversation that feels very platonic to her. It doesn't excite her. It doesn't create any deep emotions. He is not playing to win; but rather playing not to lose.
He doesn't' want to say anything that might rock the boat or offend her. His eye contact is shifty. He speaks fast and ends his sentences with a high pitch tonality, causing him to sound unsure of himself. He stands too far away from her. He laughs and smiles too much, breaking all tension. He plays on the safe side and keeps the conversation purely friendly.
If you do this don't be surprised if you forever reside in the land of friend zone purgatory.
Instead, your entire vibe should imply that this is not a platonic interaction. The look in your eyes should imply that you will rock her world, if she is lucky enough that you choose her. The way you speak to her should be low, drawn out and sexual. The ends of your sentences should go down in pitch, conveying your masculine strength.
Sexual Tension Through Body Language
Your body language and tone should express your sexual interest clearly, without any ambiguity. You should always be classy, of course, but don't be so gentlemanly that she's still wondering what you want after a few seconds. This means, for example, don't be afraid to glance down at her body from time to time when neither of you are speaking, but don't stare or leer. Feel free to hold her hand a little longer than usual or slip inside the "personal space" barrier occasionally while speaking to her, but don't physically trap her or rub against her like a needy puppy.
This clear intent is a signal that allows her to express her sexual attraction back to you in a safe, playful way, or ignore the tension gracefully if she's not interested.
She might reciprocate by holding your gaze or hand longer than normal, or by blushing or bashfully looking down. Maybe she'll lean in when you get close instead of staying put or sliding away. All of these are flashing "game on" signals that mean she's interested in taking things further.
The next time you approach a woman, I want you to intentionally increase the sexual tension with your body language alone. Your eyes will have the biggest impact, so make sure to hold strong eye contact. Don't look away to avoid or break the tension. Hold her gaze and enjoy it. Take in her beauty. Breath it in. Instead of hiding your sexual interest in her, allow yourself to experience it fully and express it through your eyes.
Make sure to slow down the speed in which you speak. When you talk too fast it makes you seem nervous, as if you want to finish the interaction as quickly as possible. It portrays that you don't believe what you have to say has merit and that you think she doesn't want to listen, which is why you are saying it so fast. This is the opposite of confidence.
Instead, remember to slow things down. Take deep full breaths. This will allow you to get grounded and present and will help you naturally create longer pauses. Pauses create anticipation over what you'll say next and amps up the sexual tension. Even when you're exaggerating your pauses to the point it feels incredibly awkward, you will likely still be too fast, but at least you're headed in the right direction.
When it comes to your voice, you should also speak in a loud authoritative tone. Don't yell for God's sakes, but speak loud enough so she can hear you clearly. If she asks, "what?" then you know you are speaking much too soft, which makes you seem weak and afraid.
Try to speak deep and low. Don't overdo it, just speak from your diaphragm. Make sure the inflection at the ends of your sentences don't go up in pitch, or you will sound overly excited and desperate to seek rapport. Make sure your tone is either neutral or goes down at the end.
Just to be clear, this doesn't mean that you should be monotone. Your tone should fluctuate naturally and you should have passion in your voice.
Like with everything, it's important to show a range of emotion. Just because you are grounded doesn't mean you should be stiff or display a stonecold face.
After all, she must be able to read you. If she can't read you because you are expressionless, then she will assume the worst, that you are a serial killer. Seriously. So, make sure to smile, but don't go overboard with a comedic ear to ear grin. She doesn't need to see all of your pearly whites. Instead have a sly subtle smile or smirk that communicates that you know she wants you. Squinting your eyes just a bit, can help.
I know this seems like a lot to remember, but these are all the same principles you learned for initially talking to women, just slowed down and exaggerated for maximum sexual tension. Best of all, if you're really staying grounded, then your body language will tweak itself naturally. Just allow yourself to feel your attraction towards her by taking your time to really appreciate her beauty, instead of masking it.
If you want to ramp up the sexual tension even more, then stand closer to her. In a daytime situation, getting too close too soon might scare her, but anything further than arms distance away makes you seem afraid of her. Some women will actually stand in your personal space to see if you can handle the tension. I love it when they do that.
During the day, experiment with standing arms distance apart. Once you are comfortable with that, try standing an inch or two closer. Just that small difference can really spike the sexual tension.
At a bar or club you should stand much closer, since there is loud music. In a noisy club it's fine to stand with your body touching hers. Even pulling her closer with your hand on her lower back as you talk to her.
The Sexual Tension Handshake
When you shake her hand, make sure it is firm so she feels your strength. Don't crush her hand or she'll feel like you are a man who could cause her harm because you don't know how to control your strength.
But don't match her gentle touch. Women hate a limp fish handshake since that's not what she's expecting from a strong man. A weak handshake means you are a weak man and the attraction will instantly die.
Also, try to hold her hand a few seconds longer than normal. This will really amp up the sexual tension and create a more romantic vibe.
The same is true for hugging. Sissy hugs with your ass sticking out while patting her back are what you do when you aren't comfortable with someone. So when you hug her, give her a strong squeeze so she feels your power. If she seems really shy, then a side hug is fine.
Practicing Sexual Tension
I know this is a lot to remember, and I don't expect you to remember it all right away. That's why it is so important to read this book several times and take good notes.
Just keep in mind that your overall vibe should be confident, grounded, playful and sexual with a willingness to walk away.
But all the study in the world is no substitute for hands-on practice. So get out there and put these lessons to work, even if it's just one component at a time. To get the best results, it's incredibly helpful to get an outside perspective. If you can have a wingman analyze your approach for you and provide you with constructive feedback, that can be extremely beneficial. Unfortunately, most average wingmen don't know what to look for or how to give feedback.
That's why attending getting mentored by a coach can be extremely valuable, because a coach will point out all of your blind spots for you.
Those blind spots are all things you are doing to push women away that you are completely oblivious about. We all have them. One little tweak in your body language can make a huge difference.
For example, most guys don't realize that they glance down when talking to a woman to break the tension. Looking down at the ground can completely turn her off because it's weak submissive behavior. Even if you're still giving off a confident vibe, looking down too often makes her feel as if you're just staring at her like a piece of meat.
Guys don't mean to do this, and are usually totally unaware they are doing it. Once we point out this flaw and correct it, their results dramatically increase. And that's just one of many things they might be doing to push women away.
You can also ramp up the sexual tension and demonstrate your desire nonverbally by touching her. Touching is vital in helping a woman feel safe, connected and turned on by you. Unlike with men, it's exceedingly rare she'll even consider having sex with you before establishing a significant level of physical comfort beforehand.
The best way to establish this physical comfort is with physical contact. Touching releases oxytocin, the "bonding hormone" that helps increase comfort and attachment. Male primates often groom the females in their group in order to woo them. It's the touching that creates a close bond between males and females.
The problem is that if you touch the wrong way, or too much too soon, it can have the opposite effect and release the stress chemical cortisol. Or as women call this, the "creepy touch" and it will break rapport and destroy your chances with her.
I remember being in a club in Vegas with my girlfriend, who worked as a model at the time. Naturally, guys would constantly hit on her the second she left my side. At one point, I was standing at the bar, waiting for her to come back from the bathroom. On her way back some big wannabe bodybuilder dude snatched her wrist in the air. He started pumping her hand while introducing himself. Somehow he must have interpreted her face flushing with rage as blushing, so he wrapped an arm around the small of her back and pulled her in closer.
Her reaction was priceless.
Whatever line he had brewing never got out as she punched him in the face. I don't mean an offended slap, but a full roundhouse to the jaw. She wound up having a sore wrist later.
I could hear her screaming long before I got close. "Let me go! You don't fucking know me! Get the fuck off me!"
I have to admit, instead of stepping in to protect my girlfriend from this douchebag, I ran over and yanked her off of him. I literally had to hold her back from killing the guy. Even as a bouncer came over and escorted the big guy out, he kept babbling about, "I just said hey and never touched her sexually!"
When she calmed down, I asked my girlfriend what she was thinking picking a fight with him when she could have just waited a few seconds until I got over there. She just sighed and said, "I wasn't thinking. It was just reflex. You're a man, you can't understand what it feels like."
The important take away is not to be scared of touching but do it incrementally. When it comes to touching, or any form of escalation, start small to test the woman's comfort level, and then work your way up as she becomes more comfortable with you over time.
This guy was completely uncalibrated and misjudged the situation by trying to jump right to the top of the escalator, missing quite a few steps in the process.
Here are three more important rules to keep in mind when it comes to touching women:
Strong VS Soft Touch
Most guys think women are delicate little flowers and so they touch them weak and way too soft. Now there is definitely a time to use a soft touch to get her aroused. But, don't be afraid to shake her hand like a man or give her a good bear hug, as long as the context calls for it.
The same goes for physically moving her. Take her hand when you're ready to move somewhere instead of waiting for her to lead. This will make her feel safe as you are leading her through the crowd. When you hug, pull her a bit close instead of leaning just your upper body her way. And when you kiss, cup her chin and tilt her lips up or towards you as needed.
The key is to be powerful without overpowering her. Be dominant, without being domineering.
At any point, if you sense she's uncomfortable just pull away and stop touching her. Never force or coerce her to do anything she doesn't want to do. You are a man of options so you don't need to touch her.
Break The Touch Barrier Sooner Rather Than Later
If you wait too long to touch her then that first contact will seem awkward and forced. So make sure to touch her hand, shoulder or some other platonic point as soon as possible, which is typically within a few seconds of meeting. For example, during the day usually a handshake, and/or a kiss on the cheek is appropriate. At a bar you might give her a playful high-five or touch her casually touch her shoulder to get her attention. On a date, you would give her a hug and/or kiss on the cheek when you greet her.
I recommend touching early and often so she assumes you are a touchy guy and won't think anything of it. If you wait too long and then suddenly go for a big touch, such as putting your arm around her or going for a kiss, she'll likely resist because it no longer feels natural.
It's better to do a small touch right away, and then work your way up to more intimate touching later on.
Don't Let It Linger
In the beginning, make sure to keep your touches brief. Remember, touching releases the bonding hormone oxytocin, which feels good. But if you let it linger too long, cortisol is released and those good feeling turn into creepy feelings.
A good rule in mind is taking two steps forward, one step back. If you keep putting on the gas, then she will put on the brakes. So instead of touching and escalating as much as you can, remember to take a step back, because when you take away your touch she will want more. But if you keep touching her and escalating non-stop, then she is more likely to resist or even get scared. The idea is to make her want more of your touch instead of wanting you to stop.
An example of physically escalating then taking it away is putting your arm around her, telling her you like her and then turn completely away from her. Another example is kissing her and then ending the tongue wrestling match before she does, by saying, "That's all you get; no more for you," with a smirk.
Types Of Touches By Context
When it comes to touching, you can't just start feeling all over her for no reason. There must be context to your touch. Without any reason for you touching her it will just come off as creepy touching.
So here are seven reasons you can touch, each with their own style:
1. Conversational Touch - Using your hands as you talk and touching her arm, shoulder or hand to emphasis a point. Example: "You won't believe what happened next..." as you touch her arm to express emphasis. In a loud bar you might touch her waist, which is a very sensual spot, as you lean in to tell her something.
2. Inquiring Touch - Touch her hair, nails or something she is wearing to make a comment about it. Example: "Wow you have sparkly nails," as you hold her hands examining her nail polish. You can also try complimenting her figure. Just like how women say, "Have you been working out?" as an excuse to touch your biceps, you can say the same line as you touch her abs. Make sure she has a flat stomach before you do this because pinching her belly flab won't exactly turn her on.
3. Leading Touch - While leading her from one place to the next, you can hold her hand, walk arm-in-arm, or place your palm on her lower back. This builds extra trust and feelings of safety in many situations, such as when holding her hand while crossing a busy road because it will make her feel protected.
4. Correcting Touch - Fix something about her like her clothing, hair or posture. Example: "Hold on let me fix your shirt. Okay, there, much better."
5. Playful Touch - Fun games like thumb wrestling or slap hands.
6. Rewarding Touch - Rewarding her with a hug, high-five or kiss. Example: "Nice, that deserves a hug!"
7. Direct Touch - Going for a kiss, biting her neck, pulling her hair in a sexual manner, initiating foreplay or just taking her and having your way with her. You should have built up a high level of attraction and compliance in order to execute direct touch properly. Don't be afraid to give her a head's-up. She'll find it quite sexy to hear something like, "I'm going to kiss you now. Hold on to your socks." Conversely, nothing kills the mood faster than misreading the situation and planting an unwelcome kiss.
Don't be afraid to push the envelope when it comes to physically and verbally showing your interest. I'm not talking about groping or doing anything to make her uncomfortable, of course, but if her body language is responding well to a casual touch, why stop? Last time I checked, a two hour long platonic conversation never turned a woman on.
In fact, I once taught a class of 17 women and 14 guys in Singapore with one of our instructors, Josiah, and the number one complaint that the women there expressed was that men don't escalate and show their interest soon enough.
It's not in a women's nature to make the first move. As the man, you have to do it, or another guy will. So get used to it.
A woman will often lose interest in a man if he doesn't make a move or sexualize the interaction fast enough. If you don't make the first move, then she will find someone else who will.
Women are usually in search of romance and excitement. So you will rarely lose a girl because you made too many moves or were overly sexual, as long as you're classy about it. In fact, I can't think of a single client who told me he didn't get a second date because he talked about sex too much or tried to kiss her too many times.
So, stop hesitating and second guessing yourself, because women want you to make a move on them. Even if you swing and miss, that's not the end of things if you remain grounded. Next time you are on a date with a girl, go for it and reap the rewards.
You can thank me later.
Now, if you get any type of objection when you go for a kiss or make a move on her, don't panic. A grounded man should never be phased by an objection. Obviously, no means no, and even if she doesn't specifically say stop, if her body language is hesitant or unsure, you should definitely back off. But no matter what, take the objection with poise.
For a common example, say you think the moment is just right and lean in for a kiss but she flicks her head away at the last second. Don't be embarrassed or try to cover up the awkwardness by getting defensive. Don't say, "What's wrong?" or "I thought you liked me!?" This sounds needy, overly dramatic and downright pathetic. You will lose her if you seem emotionally distraught by her rejection.
Instead, own up to the tension and then move on.
My favorite thing to say when a woman rejects my kiss attempt, and I suggest you steal this, is, "Aww that's cute. Don't worry, I'll get you later."
Whatever you say, just remain calm and collected, because she will be carefully monitoring you for any sign of emotional distress. If you seem upset or emotionally effected by her rejection then she won't see you as a confident grounded man.
Remember, it's in a woman's nature to give objections, even if she's attracted to you, simply because she doesn't want to seem too easy. Often "no" isn't forever, but just means "not right now." You'll never know what she intends though if you act pushy and desperate.
She could also just be testing to see how you will react. Even if you back off immediately but you seem emotionally distraught, then she knows you are a man who can't handle it when things don't go your way. This will make her feel unsafe, like you cannot protect her if shit hits the fan, or that you might hurt her if she angers you.
Just because a woman rejects your move, doesn't necessarily mean she's not interested in you. It usually just means you misread her signals and are moving too fast. If you stay emotionally unaffected and don't let the rejection bother you, then she will likely feel even more comfortable with you than before. Just stay emotionally unaffected by her objections. Remain calm, smile and change the subject. That's the only way to get another chance later.
• Creating sexual tension will help her see you as a potential lover instead of just friends
• Break the touch barrier in a casual way. Then keep cycling between escalating and cooling off the sexual tension as you get to know each other to build up the anticipation.
• Don't be afraid to make a move. It's more likely that you will lose the girl for waiting too long to escalate VS. escalating too soon.
• If you stay cool and don't take a rejection personally, then a 'no' usually means "not right now," rather than never.
• Think of times in your past where you lost the girl or ended up in the friend zone because you didn't make a move on her. Write down 3 things you could you have done differently to take the interaction to the next level.
Putting It All Together In Different Situations
"I'm the old-fashioned type who prefers to meet a woman in a more normal setting. I've always liked to do my own hunting when it comes to
meeting women."
- George Clooney
By now, you've already learned how to make a woman feel safe by being grounded; how to show your desire and create attraction without being creepy; how to be a challenge and make her start chasing you; how to build rapport so she'll feel a connection and trusts you; how to keep things fun and flirty to increase her interest and escalate smoothly; and how to take things further and get her thinking about sex with you. Now, it's time to put it all together so you can use these tools in different situations.
But what are the best situations to meet women? Well, my friend once asked me, "Matt, what's the worst place to sell a book?" I was puzzled. "In a bookstore," he claimed, "Because you are competing with all of the other books." Now, I'm not entirely sure if that's true or not, but it's certainly true when it comes to dating. Instead of lurking online or going to a club full of jacked up alpha males all competing for the same "prey" like a pack of lions, I recommend focusing on places with little or no competition.
Imagine you are sitting at your favorite cafe and spot a beautiful woman walking by.
At a club you would have to talk over loud music, fend off other guys trying to butt in, charm her friends who are looking for an excuse to be cockblocks and deal with a barrage of other distractions. However, during the day you can simply walk up to a woman by herself and get her number or go on an instant date with her with few distractions and almost zero competition. If you follow my straightforward approach, there's no reason you couldn't walk up to most women and get a date within three minutes.
So, let me break down my tried and true C.Q.C. (Compliment, Qualify, Close) method for you step by step.
Step 1: Compliment
The reason you want to talk to her is because you think she's attractive, right? So be honest, cut to the chase and show your true intentions by being direct and giving her a genuine compliment.
Remember, women are intuitive by nature. It's a primitive survival mechanism. Since they can sense your intentions, if you are trying to hide your intent it can make her feel threatened.
Plus, being direct and showing your interest right away will also save you a ton of time if she has a boyfriend or isn't interested. If you ask her an indirect question or use an observation, you might waste a lot of time talking about something irrelevant with a woman who is unavailable. That time could have been better spent meeting women who are single and interested.
You might be thinking, "But you said that women are indirect in their communication, therefore shouldn't I be indirect?" Yes, in some situations it is better to be indirect, such as when you take her back to your place. "Let's go check out the view from my apartment," will likely work better than, "Let's go shag." But when it comes to the approach and the initial spark of attraction, male direct communication works better because it demonstrates confidence, leadership and assertiveness, all attractive masculine traits.
Another reason a direct compliment works so well is because women love watching romantic movies where the leading male character is full of purpose and confidently approaches the woman of his dreams. Think of the scene in
The Notebook—I know it's probably your favorite movie of all time—where Ryan Gosling approaches Rachel McAdams and unapologetically shows his desire and asks for exactly what he wants. Women absolutely love that scene.
It's all about creating that movie moment for her.
Clear Intent To Enhance Desire
As you know, women love to feel desired by a strong confident man. However, there is nothing inherently powerful about giving a compliment like, "Hey, I think you are cute." What makes it effective is your intent, which is conveyed based on how you deliver the compliment.
For example, if your intention is to not get rejected, she will feel that fearful energy and it won't feel attractive. If, on the other hand, you are feeling great about yourself and are excited to make her day, then your delivery will be confident and she will likely be very receptive.
The best compliments to use are "cute," "adorable," "stunning," "pretty," "beautiful" and "gorgeous." "Sexy" and "hot" are too sexual, so don't use these compliments during the daytime. It doesn't matter which compliment you give, as long as it feels authentic and genuine for you. I often just give an implied compliment like, "I just saw you over here and I had to come meet you." This works well and still makes her feel beautiful, even though there was no actual compliment. It's not the actual words that make her smile, it's the emotion and tension that makes her feel attraction.
Body Language
Compliments only work when there is emotion attached by really feeling the words you are saying. Through repetition and practice, the emotional impact will come naturally through your voice tonality, body language and eye contact.
During the opening statement, your eye contact should be intense and you should not break eye contact for any reason. Later in the interaction it's fine to look away, but in the first few moments it's crucial to have strong, yet relaxed, eye contact. Breaking eye contact shows weakness that you can't handle the intensity of the situation, so make sure to hold it.
Make sure you are also relaxed and taking your time. If you rush through the compliment, you will seem scared and nervous. Take a deep breath, get grounded, and use plenty of pauses. The more time you take, from the moment you get her attention to the moment you actually give the compliment, the more tension is created.
For example, "Hey, you're cute!" will have almost no sexual tension and be significantly less effective than, "Hey...real quick...this is a little unexpected...and I know you are busy...but I just saw you here...and I had to meet you because you are...absolutely...stunning."
Can you hear the difference? In the second example, I'm taking a lot more time by using pauses.
I'm always using two other techniques that you should be using in all of your daytime approaches. These two techniques, time constraints and acknowledging the reality, can often make or break your interactions.
You Must Use Time Constraints
People are usually busy during the day. They're either working, or on their way to work, shopping, talking on their phone, on their way to meet a friend, etc. When someone they don't know approaches them, the first thing they often wonder is, "How much time is this going take?"
So to preemptively defuse her knee-jerk objection to a stranger taking up her time, use a time constraint as soon as you open your mouth. This could be as simple as: "Hey, real quick…" "One second, please…" or "I have to get going soon…" These simple statements will put her mind at ease by letting her know that you won't take up too much of her time, which allows her to listen to what you're saying.
Acknowledge Her Reality
Similar to a time constraint, it's imperative that you acknowledge the reality of the situation and show her that you understand that she's busy doing something else. This clears the air and suddenly makes her getting upset at your interruption feel like a bigger social faux pas than what you did. It even establishes a sense of rapport because you're showing that you understand what's going on in her reality and respect what's important to her.
Talking about the reality of the situation also allows you to extend the introduction before delivering the actual compliment. Like I said before, pausing and having enough time from the moment you approach her until the moment you deliver the compliment creates tension, anticipation and makes the compliment far more powerful.
Think of a funny comedian, for example. He builds up a lot of tension before delivering the punch line. When he finally delivers the punch line, the audience laughs, which releases the tension of the buildup to the joke. If you were to try to deliver the same joke without the same build up, your audience is likely to look at you puzzled. If you've ever repeated a comedian's joke to your friends but it didn't land it was likely because it lacked tension.
So to create more tension, drama, and suspense in your approach, take your time and make sure to acknowledge the reality of the moment before delivering the compliment. Most of the time, you can just simply acknowledge whatever it is that she's doing.
If she's walking her dog say, "Hey I know you are walking your dog..." If she's at work say, "Listen, I know you are working...." If she's walking very quickly say, "Hey I know you are in a rush, but..."
You can even acknowledge what she might be potentially thinking. Now, unfortunately we aren't mind readers, but we can predict that she probably doesn't get approached very often during the day. In fact, the prettier she is, the likelihood of men approaching her decreases. Especially during the daytime. Let's face it, most guys are way too intimidated and simply don't have the "cojones" to approach hot women without some liquid courage first. So this is your time to shine and stand out from the pack.
If you don't believe me, just ask your female friends, "How often does a guy walk up to you and confidently tell you that he thinks you are attractive?" She might often get catcalled or hollered at, but it's probably rare that she gets approached the way I'm showing you here. Since it's uncommon for her, acknowledge that by saying, "This is really random," or "This is totally unexpected." Even if it isn't random or unexpected for you, it will be for her.
You can also acknowledge your own reality. If you saw her in the distance, then feel free to say that. Or, if you were sitting at a cafe and she walked by you, just tell her, "Hey, real quick, I was just sitting at that cafe...and you just walked by me..."
It nothing else, at least acknowledge what you are thinking or feeling. For example, "This is kind of random and I don't usually do this... but I just thought it would be a good say hi."
This can be extra useful if you are feeling nervous. Instead of trying to hide your nerves, which can make things awkward, just own up to it and acknowledge the situation by saying, "I am a little nervous." After all, the definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens you. So when you tell her that you don't usually do this despite being nervous, it actually shows your courage. Which is far more attractive than not mentioning your nerves while shuffling around and fidgeting.
What About Those So-Called Tough Situations?
There is no such thing as a tough situation if you're acknowledging reality. When you grab the bull by the horns and tackle any potential problem as soon as you open your mouth, the seemingly impossible will become routine. For example, if she's chatting on her phone or eating with someone at a restaurant, it can seem quite rude to approach her. So it's vital that you acknowledge that what you are doing is slightly rude.
The beauty is when you acknowledge that you are aware of the social awkwardness or rudeness of the situation and get that out of the way, she usually won't see it as a big deal. Whereas if you didn't acknowledge your rudeness, her mind would be distracted with, "Can't this guy see I'm busy? Why is he interrupting me?"
For example, if she's talking on the phone, you would simply say, "Hey, real quick, I know you are on the phone, and I know it's so rude to interrupt, but I had to come meet you." Trust me, this might seem like a lost cause, but it actually works more than you think. Quite often she's not even on an important call and she'll be happy to call the person back, assuming you're projecting an attractive vibe.
A quick side note: If she's on the phone, then don't do the customary long pauses. Keep your intro short, but don't speak so fast she might have trouble understanding you.
Such "impossible" situations, like when she's on the phone, hanging out with a friend, sitting with her mother or even talking to another guy, are actually great opportunities. She's quite aware of what's going on and remember: women want to be uniquely desired above all else. So the tougher the circumstances, the more flattering your approach seems. The same compliment delivered when she's clearly busy and you're risking "embarrassment" just to talk to her carries far more weight than the same thing delivered when she's sitting alone at a bar.
Personally, I prefer these tough situations and seek them out. The tension is so much fun and great practice. If she's really busy, then I'll know immediate and can move on in seconds. But if she's attracted to me, then that attraction will be ramped up a hundred-fold when she sees how bold I am.
There are many variations on this but acknowledging the reality of what you're doing out loud makes it possible to approach in almost any situation. For example, if she's with a friend you can say, "Hey I know you girls are busy, but I thought your friend here was really cute. Is it okay if I say 'hi'?" Asking her friend for permission shows respect, and it's always a good idea to get her friend's favor in every interaction.
If she's working you could say, "I know you're working but I had to tell you that I think you are absolutely gorgeous" Naturally, if she's at work she probably can't whip out her phone and give out her number. Even if her boss isn't around, there might be cameras. So, when it's time to get her number, just acknowledge the reality by saying, "Listen, I know you can't give out your number while you are working, but you have to make an exception just this once. Go to the counter and grab a pen and write it down. No one will know." This works great because you are diffusing her objection beforehand in a dominant and assertive manner.
Acknowledging reality even works with girls who are with guys. Again, this is one of my favorite approaches because it demonstrates a ton of courage to the woman. Now, if they're obviously in a relationship, like holding hands, then you're just being a pest and asking for trouble. But if their relationship status is unclear, then by all means, go for it. Walk up and acknowledge the situation by saying to the guy, "Hey really quick, I know this is random and I mean no disrespect, (turn to look at the girl) but your girlfriend here is absolutely stunning, (look back at the guy) and I just wanted to give a compliment to you."
If they are together, he'll likely thank you. Even if he sees straight through you, he likely won't want to publicly overreact to a simple compliment. If they aren't romantically involved, then he's on the spot to tell you. And if he doesn't tell you that the aren't together then she will. You can then proceed by asking how they know each other, introducing yourself, qualifying her, and setting up a time to meet up with her alone.
Step 2: Qualify Her
After providing a time constraint, acknowledging the reality, and giving a compliment in a calm and confident manner, then introduce yourself and shake her hand. A firm strong handshake is a must. Remember, women hate a limp fish hand shake because it conveys weakness.
At this point you don't know anything about her, except her name and that she's attractive. For a man of low status, that might be enough, but she'll sense such desperation and it will turn her off. A man of high status realizes there's endless fish in the sea and wants to find out more about her to see if she's worth the time to take things further. She will appreciate earning your attraction, so remember to be a man of standards and ask a qualifying question.
It all comes back to a woman wanting to be uniquely desired. She knows most men have low standards and aren't picky, so when she meets a man with high standards who is a bit of a challenge, and then wins him over, she really feels special. So tell her something like, "Well I have to get going (time constraining) but I don't know anything about you (acknowledging the reality) so tell me one cool thing about you."
Or, if you want to be even more challenging you could say, "I'm really picky about who I hang out with, so tell me something interesting about you." This may seem harsh, but it should be true. You should be picky about who you hang out with because you're a busy man and your time is valuable.
I prefer broad, open ended questions like, "Tell me something interesting or cool about you," "What are you passionate about?" or "What is something you've done that you are proud of?" This gets her thinking and puts some pressure on her. She'll likely answer with something that is important to her, so you'll get some good insight into her life and what she's all about.
Remember, you can also qualify her based on something specific. Maybe you are looking for an athletic woman, so you might ask, "I am really in to fitness. Did you workout?" Say this with a smile so it doesn't come off as too harsh.
Remember, if there is something that is a total turn off or deal breaker for you, such as a habit like smoking or a certain political view, you can screen that early on by asking, "Do you smoke?" or "Are you a Democrat or Republican?" If she gives the wrong answer just pleasantly end the interaction with, "Oh bummer, it won't work out between us. I know your prince charming is out there. Have an awesome day." Now, even if she answers correctly but you're still not sure, don't be afraid to keep asking follow up questions. For example, "Okay good, you get cool points for not smoking. One more question before I go. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?"
What if you ask a general qualification question like, "Tell me something interesting about you," and she says, "I don't know?" That doesn't mean she's boring and empty headed, but likely isn't used to being on the spot like this. So it's your responsibility to help her out.
You can either narrow it down to something specific like, "What are you passionate about?" or you can use reciprocity and give her an example from your own life, such as, "Well, I really love to go scuba diving because it's so peaceful under the water. What about you? Is there something you love to do that makes you feel at peace?"
Don't count on girls always having a great answer right away. Especially if she's incredibly attractive, it's quite likely no man has ever asked such a direct qualification question before. So be a gentleman and help her out by giving her an example of something interesting about you. This means you must have a good example planned out beforehand. I usually say, "Well, like me, I love to play guitar because I love to express myself through music. What about you? Is there something creative that you love to do?" This, of course, also gives her an opportunity to learn more about you and ask about your life.
Build Rapport and Appreciate
After she gives you a decent answer, keep the conversation going by simply talking about the topic she mentioned. You can relate to her by giving examples of your own experience. Make sure to avoid fact finding questions like, "how long have you been into that?" or "where do you do that?" Stick to emotion generation questions.
When you're first getting to know someone, you're just building a connection rather than learn all the details of their life story. So relate to the emotions or motivations of her passions and interests, rather than the specifics. This is all the more important if you don't directly share her interests. For example, if she loves painting because she can express herself freely but you're are a horrible painter, then relate to expressing yourself by talking about something that you love that makes you feel that way.
Practical Example:
Guy: "I have to get going but before I go, tell me one cool thing about you. Because I don't know anything about you and I don't know if we can hang out yet."
Girl: "Well, I love to paint."
Guy: "You love to paint. Interesting. What is it about painting that you love?"
Girl: "It's a way of expressing myself and a way to release whatever I'm feeling."
Guy: "I know what you mean. I feel the same way when I'm playing guitar. It's kind of a way to escape the chaos of the world for me. Is it like that for you when you're painting?"
Girl: "Yeah, definitely! I just feel so at peace."
Guy: "I just get in the zone sometimes and that's when I come up with my best stuff. Are you ever in the zone like that?"
Girl: "Yeah, for sure! I just painted this abstract piece the other day and it only took me an hour because I was in the zone. The inspiration just came to me. And I didn't even realize that 3 hours just flew by."
Guy: "I love when that happens. I have to come see your art sometime.
because I like that you are so creative. Maybe I'll even play you a song, if you are lucky (smile)."
Girl: "Sure!"
Guy: "Lets exchange contact info."
Girl: "Okay here…"
Guy: "Where were you headed by the way?"
Girl: "Just shopping."
Guy: "Okay I only have ten minutes. Let's grab coffee. I know a great place on the next block."
Girl: "Umm, sure. Why not?!"
Remember to give appreciation after she qualifies herself, as long as she gives an answer that you like. The whole point is to help her win you over. If you are too much of a challenge it can push her away. So after you relate to her answer, do show her you appreciate what she's saying. People love to feel appreciated, but it has to be genuine. Saying, "Oh nice," is too bland and sounds like B.S. Instead, tell her why you like that specific quality about her.
For example, if she loves to paint you could say, "I like that you are so artistic and I'd love to see your drawings some time." Or, if she is a dancer you could say, "That's really cool that you feel free enough to express yourself through your dancing. I like that." Or if she seems really passionate about something you could say, "I love how passionate you are about that. It's so important to have passions in life."
Step 3: Closing The Deal
Finally, if she seems like someone you would like to get to know better, then you must get her contact info or go for an instant date right then and there. The key here for getting her number or social media is not to ask for it, but expect it. Don't say, "Can I have your number?" or "Can I add you on social media?" because that shows a sudden lack of confidence. Instead, assume that she likes you and state it as a casual command instead of a question.
Remember, women love guys that are direct and go for what they want. So after the qualification step, say, "Here, put your number in my phone," or "Let's exchange contact info. Do you prefer texting or social media?" And then hand her your phone or tell her to hand over hers because you expect her to say yes. There are many ways that you can go for her contact info, but the important thing is to make a definitive statement, instead of asking an unconfident question.
If she isn't busy at that moment, then why quit while you're ahead? Instead of dealing with the headache of messaging back and forth to set up a future date, just go for an instant date. After you get her number, you can ask, "What are you up to right now?" If she gives you an answer like, "Not much, I'm just walking around," then ask her out right then by suggesting coffee, ice cream or going for a walk.
Remember to use a time constraint in case she's not yet ready to commit to a long date. Say something like, "I have 10 minutes, let's grab an ice-cream. My treat. I know a great place nearby."
Don't worry if you and her decide to spend more than ten minutes together. I've had instant dates that lasted hours, even though I told her I only had ten minutes to spare. Remember, she is winning you over, and therefore, you are deciding to spend more time with her.
Taking Her Home in Broad Daylight
You'll be surprised how often instant dates turn into her going back to your place. Not always, of course, but the odds are stacked in your favor. Since most guys never approach women during the day, it's very uncommon for a woman to go home with a guy she just met at the mall or at the park. So many women view the entire concept as a naughty, secret fantasy… and you can be the one to make it a reality for her. Just bounce around to a few different venues, such as a coffee shop, the park, an ice cream parlor, etc. and then suggest going back to your place to do something innocent. Like watching a movie, cooking dinner together or showing her your hobbies firsthand.
Since it's daytime, the whole situation seems more innocent and less about sex compared to going home with a guy at 1 a.m. When you're alone and she seems clearly comfortable, then ramp up the flirting. Don't be afraid to go for a kiss and escalate physically.
I highly recommend you frequent social gatherings in your city, such as meetup groups, singles mixers, dance class, personal development seminars, cooking classes and fitness classes. Since you will likely see the women there multiple times, there is no need to be as direct in showing your attraction towards her as you would be when meeting someone walking down the street. When you meet an attractive woman during the day you usually have one shot with her and that's it. In social gatherings though, you can take your time building rapport… and sexual tension.
In social settings, I usually introduce myself with, "Hi, I'm Matt. I don't think we've met yet." It's simple, direct to the point and implies that you know a lot of people. Like every approach, desire and attraction won't come from the words, especially since there is no compliment. It comes from the way you look at her, your tone of voice, how grounded you are and your overall vibe, most of which are communicated nonverbally.
After you introduce yourself, qualify her with, "What do you love about cooking?" If it's a cooking class of course. You could also ask, "Besides cooking, how else do you love spending your free time?" After a short conversation go for her contact details sooner rather than later. If you wait until next class, you might be disappointed if she doesn't show up. I recommend exchanging social media because it's more low-key and lower compliance than a phone number.
What about women at work? Well, if you like your job then I don't recommend hitting on or flirting with girls at work. Instead, befriend the women there and tell them you are single, and maybe they'll introduce you to their single friends. Or maybe they will be willing to come with you to a bar and help you meet girls.
Speaking of female friends, not only are events and classes often packed with available women, but you can also make genuine, non-romantic friends. Building up your social circle is a great way to meet women because your new friends will introduce you to their female friends. All you have to do is ask.
A lot of guys think approaching women at night, where they're often looking for a man and have loosened their inhibitions a bit with alcohol is the easiest way to go. In reality, it's much less straight forward than approaching a woman in the daytime and using the Compliment, Qualify, Close (C.Q.C.) method.
While the fundamentals are the same, meeting women at night has its own obstacles and requires a slightly modified approach. Sure, sometimes just a short conversation leads to a number and a date later on. Yet often it's a longer interaction that lasts half the night. Or perhaps you encounter multiple interactions with the same girl throughout the night. Or, best case scenario, you bring the girl you like, often with her friends tagging along, to another bar or two and then back to your place.
Let me stress the friend aspect. With all the desperate creeps out there, women rarely go out alone. You will almost always have to deal with multiple friends. Sometimes her friends will be fully onboard and help facilitate you and her getting to know each other, while other times they'll do everything in their power to cockblock you.
Other roadblocks you will likely encounter at a bar are desperate guys competing for the girl you like, loud music, random drunk people, her drinking too much, her friends dragging her to the bathroom, plus a general onslaught of other distractions, since bars and clubs are designed to distract and entertain people.
With so many potential roadblocks, why even bother trying to meet girls at bars and clubs? Why not focus solely on the daytime, where there's basically zero competition, no loud music, no drunken debauchery, and women are more likely to be alone?
The answer is simple: Frequency. Bars and clubs usually have a lot more attractive and available women, compared to a mall or any random street. In huge cities, like New York or Saint Petersburg, this may not be as true, but in most cities, you'll have to sample the night life to find a large collection of potential dating partners.
That's why bars and clubs can be great places to put your skills to the test. If you can handle the fast pace environment and plethora of distractions you'll encounter while meeting girls at night, then meeting girls during the day will be a breeze. And if you can tolerate the intensity and craziness of interacting with women at bars, then your dates will feel like a piece of cake.
So let's break down your modified approach in these situations.
Starting Off The Night
First, when you enter the venue, don't be the typical guy that circles the place in search of girls. Remember that female intuition. They're always subconsciously studying everything in their environment. So they will notice that you're not having fun while roaming the club like a predator, which raises all sorts of red flags when you approach her.
Instead, start talking to people as soon as you enter the venue. This will help you be more sociable and conveys that you're not just there solely to find girls.
This will also get your social energy up. It can be hard to go from being in the office or at home all day, to entering a loud, high-energy environment. So simply start talking to as many people as possible. Guys, girls, young, old, thin, fat, it doesn't matter. You aren't trying to pick anyone up yet, you are just getting into a social state.
Just ask people, "How's your night going?" or "What are you celebrating?" Or, you can ask, "What's the name of this song?" Or "Is there a DJ playing tonight?" You don't have to say anything clever, because you are just warming up.
Step 2: Starting The Conversation
One of the most common questions guys have is, "How to open the conversation at a bar?" You probably already know my answer. Almost anything can work with the right mentality and attitude. The best opener in the world will fail with the wrong energy and vibe. Yet a terribly cheesy pick up line about squirrel nuts can break the ice and get the conversation started, if your attitude conveys that you don't care and you're just amusing yourself.
Although what you say isn't too important, first impressions, on the other hand, are important. A few days later, she likely won't remember the first words you said to her, but she will remember the impression you made. The purpose of the opener is just to open up the conversation. That's it.
Looking for the right phrase to make her like you is already needy. So stop thinking that way, because you don't need the perfect line to get her approval. If you can't start a conversation with a simple, "hello," then no "magic phrase" will ever be good enough. You need to have the conversational freedom to start the interaction in any way you wish.
Don't forget about intent and emotional contagion. Whatever you are thinking and feeling when you approach, she'll feel it. If you are trying to get a specific reaction, or are only trying to get laid with anyone that'll have you, or just trying not to get rejected, then she will sense it. There will be a subtle indicator in your body language, like leaning in too much or your voice tonality increasing in pitch. Remember, you can't fake being a selector. Women are too clever for that.
If you approach her and tell her she's cute because that's what you really think, then she will feel that. If you approach with a tease because you are just having a good time and you aren't seeking a reaction, then she will feel that too. The point is that it doesn't matter what you say. It only matters what your intentions are.
Just as I would at an social event, I usually just walk up and introduce myself with, "Hi...I'm Matt...who are you?" It's straightforward and conveys that I don't need some line or excuse to come talk to her. It shows my intent, without going overboard and showing too much interest.
Appearance-based compliments just don't have as strong of an effect at night as they do during the day. She likely spent a lot of time and effort getting ready to go out, plus a thousand men have probably already told her how great she looks. And if not, she can see all the guys standing around staring at her.
That's why I recommend implying your compliment through a funny, selfamusing opener. After all, fun is exactly what she's looking for at night. That being said, don't be the entertainer. Use funny, witty, cocky, teasing or even cheesy pickup lines to amuse yourself, not her.
My favorites are:
"I have a rule that I have to say 'hi' to the cutest girls in the entire bar (long pause) so can you help me say hi to those girls over there?"
"You are the second sexiest person here." She replies, "who's the first?" "Me of course!"
"Are you girls shy?" "Because you haven't hit on me yet. You must be shy."
"You and I are like the hottest people in here, so I figured we should at least meet,"
You can start super fun and high energy, or be more low key depending on her energy, the energy of the venue, and the energy of her group. Whatever feels right at the moment. The key is that you must be having fun yourself or the girls you are talking to will get bored. Actually, scratch that, if you aren't having fun then you will get bored, which is even worse.
Remember, fun is the secret to a great delivery. Whatever you're saying must feel fun as it's coming out of your mouth. If you seem nervous, timid, insecure and you don't own it, then she'll feel that energy. She will only feel attraction if you are feeling confident, secure, fun and not caring about the outcome. And like I said, one of the fastest ways to get into that confident state is to warm up first by meeting people as soon as you walk into the venue.
Keep The Conversation Going
The main question guys have after breaking the ice is, "What do I say after the opener?" The question they should be asking isn't what to say, but what to do. Having a nice conversation with her won't get you nearly as far as creating an emotional experience will.
But unlike during the day, there's no ABC method to approaching, escalating and bringing a girl home from a bar or club. By that, I mean there's no three-minute beginning, middle and end type model because you don't know how long the interaction will last, what the group dynamics are with her friends, or what kind of emotional state she'll be in. Maybe one drink in and she wants to dance, then another round drops her into an emotional state where she's upset about some past regret… so you must stay flexible.
Plus, every bar has a different energy. Some lounges are super low key and a daytime style approach can work well. Other places are so high energy and loud that having any type of normal conversation is out of the question.
In short, meeting girls at night is less predictable than meeting girls on the street or in the mall, so you have to stay on your toes and be willing to go with the flow. That being said, figuring out what to do is actually simple.
If you approach her with your calm daytime demeanor, looking deep into her eyes and pausing to create tension, she will turn away before you even finish your sentence, because it's too serious and she's there to have fun. So "fun" is going to be a very important element at night.
Step 1: Fun
Do you remember all the fun options we talk about earlier such as flirting, playing games, role-playing and teasing? If not go back to the section on "Fun & Flirting" and re-read it.
If you are just starting out and are new at this, prepare one fun thing ahead of time that you can do after your opener. One of the easiest things is just play a game. After you open you can say, "Do you like to have fun?" She will likely say "yes." Then just suggest a game. If she says "no," then she's probably joking and you can go into a divorce role play or disqualify yourself by saying, "This will never work out between us. I only like fun girls. But I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. Let's play a game."
In this type of setting, your vibe is going to be far more important than what you actually say. Therefore, I recommend you go to venues that are fun for you. This seems obvious, but most guys only go to places where the hot girls go, despite the fact that they don't even like the place, which puts them off their game the whole night. So go to places where you enjoy the music, the environment and the people because you'll have a better time there, which leads to a better vibe when the girls sense that you are enjoying yourself.
Your first and foremost focus when you go out should always be to have a good time. If you follow that guiding principle, you can't go wrong no matter what the night throws at you.
Step 2: Escalate
Next, you need to remember to escalate the sexual tension. This includes verbal escalation, like talking about intimate subjects, as well as physically escalating, like touching her hands or lower back, so she gets comfortable with your touch.
Here are some points I "touched" on earlier that are particularly important in the night scene:
1. Make sure to touch as soon as you can to establish that you are a touchy guy who is not afraid to physically engage women.
2. Don't let it linger. Don't just leave your arm around her or your hand on her leg. Tease a little and then take it away, leaving her wanting more.
3. Start small and work your way up. Just like how an escalator starts at the bottom and brings you to the top, start with small, low compliance touching, such as a handshake, squeezing her arm or touching her ring. Then move your way up to higher compliance touching, like holding hands, as she gets more comfortable.
With all the common-sense caveats of don't be a sleaze, don't be afraid to touch women. Humans crave physical affection, but it has to be in context. It has to make sense. Don't just touch out of nowhere. Make sure it is in context of what is going on in the interaction.
Moving Her Or The Group
Forgetting to move is the biggest escalation mistake I see guys make. A lot of guys get comfortable in the conversation and they focus purely on the verbal communication, and soon enough the girl gets bored.
Even if the conversation is going great, eventually the girl or her friends will get bored staying in the same spot. It's your job as a man to lead the interaction and keep moving. This is Building Rapport 101: the more experiences together the more rapport is built. So the more you move, the more memories and experiences she has with you, the safer she'll feel and the more likely she'll go home with you.
Also keep in mind that when you first approach a group of girls, you are a stranger. You are the new guy. But as soon as you say, "Hey, come meet my friends," or "Let's go over there where it's quieter," and they come with you, the whole dynamic shifts. You are no longer just the random guy who came over to hit on them. You're now together as part of a new group.
This doesn't mean she is guaranteed to stay with you the entire night, but you've started building some stronger rapport and compliance. The more