Battle for a crown (7)


As Conradin rode toward the enemy knights, his lance held high,the thunderous clash of swords, the agonized cries of the wounded, and the chaos of war seemed to fade into the background as he focused his gaze on the menacing figures before him. His heart pounded in his chest, fueled by a potent mix of determination and adrenaline.


Around him, the enemy knights mercilessly cut down his troops, and the sight of their brutality only intensified Conradin's resolve. 


Conradin and his loyal guards closed in on the enemy, their lances poised to strike. The knight's  determination to protect their king was evident in their unwavering gaze and was  only smaller than the ocean. The footmen who fought alongside them watched in a daze, their eyes fixed on their king as he risked his life to stand with them in the midst of the deadly melee.