Battle's for a crown (10)

As Maletta led his forces onwards, crossing rivers and rugged terrain, he couldn't help but marvel at the audacious plan that had brought them to this point. The king's plan had been nothing short of mad, yet it seemed to be working, and Maletta couldn't shake the feeling that some divine intervention must be at play.

"By the Lord's grace," Maletta muttered to himself, "this king may just succeed where others would have faltered."


Despite the urgency of the situation, Maletta's mind couldn't help but drift towards his own discomfort. He had been enduring lower back pain for the past week, and it was becoming increasingly unbearable. Every jolt from the horse sent sharp waves of pain through his spine. He knew he needed to consult a physician as soon as he returned to the kingdom. Neglecting his health at such a critical time could have dire consequences, and he couldn't afford to be hindered in carrying out his duties.