The royal family

For King Conradin, victory was not merely an expectation but a certainty, and he led his triumphant army in a grand procession through the heart of the city. The king's countenance radiated confidence and determination, a testament to his unwavering commitment to ending the two-year-long war that had plagued the kingdom.

With bated breath and hearts filled with hope, the city's residents eagerly lined the bustling streets and followed towards the square , their jubilant cheers and the fluttering of flags painting a vibrant tapestry of celebration for their victorious sovereign. Conradin, mounted majestically atop a magnificent white stallion, seemed like a living legend as his gleaming armor caught the brilliant rays of the sun. The people, who had endured endless pain and misery, now rejoiced with unrestrained fervor, offering prayers of gratitude to the Almighty for the king's triumphant return.