New administration

The spacious hall was adorned with ornate tapestries, gilded columns, and intricate mosaics that depicted scenes from Sicilian history. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a warm and inviting light over the gathered courtiers.

At the heart of this magnificent court were the Muslim men who had taken the tests set by King Conradin. They stood in small groups, chatting nervously among themselves in Arabic and Sicilian, a blend of cultures that represented the diversity of the kingdom. The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and tension as they awaited the results of their tests, which would determine their future roles in the kingdom.

Some engaged in quiet conversations, discussing the questions they had faced during the tests and sharing their strategies for answering them. Others gathered in circles, animatedly debating various topics, from politics to philosophy. Laughter and smiles occasionally broke through the anxiety that hung in the air.