Thema system (2)

Corrado, Pietro, and Enrico proceeded with measured steps down the grand corridor of the Palazzo dei Normanni, the opulent surroundings casting long shadows as they advanced toward the chamber where they had been summoned by their young and enterprising king, Conradin. The flickering torches that lined the corridor provided a soft, warm illumination, creating an atmosphere of anticipation as they approached the intricately carved door to the chamber.

As the trio neared the entrance, Corrado, the seasoned senior advisor, took the lead. He paused at the door, his hand resting thoughtfully on the ornate handle, and turned to his companions. "Our young king does have a penchant for innovative ideas," he remarked, his voice resonating with a mix of respect and a subtle hint of wry amusement. "One never knows what surprises he might have in store for us this time."