Thema system (3)

After presenting his comprehensive plan for military reform, King Conrad III leaned back in his ornate chair, his eyes shifting between his councilors. With a sense of anticipation, he spoke, "Now that I've shared my proposal with you, I am eager to hear your opinions. Do you believe it's a viable path forward for our kingdom?"

The councilors exchanged glances, each pondering the implications of the king's innovative plan. They understood the pressing need for defense and security but remained concerned about the potential consequences for the kingdom's treasury and the broader societal impact of the proposed changes. It was now their turn to express their views and offer insights into the matter.

The councilors nodded in acknowledgment of King Conrad III's point, recognizing the potential pitfalls of decentralized pay distribution. It was clear that practical solutions needed to be devised for this military reform to be successful.