Bringing peace to northern Italy(2)

The next day, the sun cast its golden rays upon the camp where 600 knights stood in formation, their armor glistening in the morning light. Row upon row of mounted warriors, each bearing the colors and heraldry of their respective lords, created an imposing and awe-inspiring sight. The rhythmic clatter of their horses' hooves on the ground resonated through the air, creating an aura of disciplined might and unity.

The knights had gathered for a grand display of their martial prowess, showcasing their readiness for the upcoming campaign. Banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, displaying the symbols of their liege lords and their unwavering loyalty to the cause.

Their armor was immaculate, shields polished to a shine, and lances held firmly in hand. The knights exuded an air of confidence and determination, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the name of their lords and the realm.