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The grand halls of the Palazzo dei Normanni were a hive of activity, the air thick with the scent of polished wood and waxed floors. Servants, clad in livery of rich burgundy and gold, moved with purposeful yet weary steps. Some carried trays of delicacies, others arranged elaborate floral displays, and a few bustled about with bundles of parchment and quills, attending to the administrative needs of the palace.

Their footsteps echoed against the opulent marble floors, a rhythmic cadence that spoke of long hours and dedicated service. Candlelight flickered on the walls, casting elongated shadows that danced along with them, creating an almost hypnotic atmosphere within the regal corridors.

Each servant bore the mark of their duties, be it the slight stoop of a steward holding a ledger, or the careful balance of a servant carrying a tray of goblets. They moved with practiced precision, a testament to the meticulous training that governed their every action.