Hypocrite Vampire Baring Fangs.

The car moved through the traffic smoothly. Evelyn said, "This city has a specialty, and that is what it is named for too."

Surprised, Christoph asked, "I cannot associate the word Relic as a specialty."

He was speaking the truth, but before Evelyn could say anything. Melvin said, "You must be from the western side of the nation. That is why you do not know that this city is built over the relics of the old one."

Christoph tilted his head and asked, "What does that mean? There is an old city under the ground?"

Melvin nodded and replied, "A century ago, the experts found a pit while digging for the underground metro services. They discovered that the entire city was built on a megalith buried under a hundred feet thick layer of dust and sand. After extensive research, it was discovered that a city was underneath, and thus the government suspended all the digging permissions."

Christoph nodded thoughtfully and asked, "I wonder how the structure did not cave in from all this extra weight."

Melvin nodded and said, "They found high and large pillars under the surface that support the weight of this city."

Christoph could not help but gaze at the road outside the window, and Melvin smiled, "Do not worry, Sir. Scientists have proved this city will not cave in for the next thousand years. Thanks to the technology used by our elders in that city."

The young man nodded and kept looking outside. He was not interested in communicating with anyone. He leaned back in the seat and relaxed a bit more. Evelyn noticed the change in his demeanor. She nodded faintly and went back to look outside the window.

She realized what was happening to Christoph. The young man was worried and stressed by the sudden move to a new place. He had yet to adjust completely to this new life. She understood things were moving too fast for him, but life was like that. It will never slow down because of you.

Christoph did not know what was going on with Evelyn. Soon, Melvin said, "Madam, we have reached."

Evelyn and Christoph woke up from their thoughts and found that the vehicle had entered the compound a few minutes ago. Christoph exited the car and walked up to Evelyn's side. He was here as Evelyn's assistant.

The lady exited the car, and her gentle demeanor was covered with thick ice. Christoph had gotten used to it. Evelyn will not let just anyone see the warm side of her nature. It was not like she was afraid, but she was just prideful.

She looked at the desolate scene and said, "They have opened a strong resistance."

Christoph replied, "Time to fire some people."

Evelyn asked, "Have you prepared any reason we can provide as grounds for termination?"

Christoph nodded and said, "Not just one."

Evelyn was confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

Christoph said, "Why don't we go back to some cafe, and then I will tell you everything. They must be having fun watching us in the surveillance."

Evelyn thought briefly and said, "The company building has one."

Christoph nodded and sorted his clothes before he asked Melvin, "Can you guide us to the cafeteria?"

He did not realize it, but his aura had changed. It was not like the usual easy-going vibe that he had. Evelyn noticed this but did not say anything. Christoph was not the one who would take the initiative, but he was good at analyzing situations.

Melvin led them through the reception lobby and to the cafeteria. It was pretty early in the noon, and they did not find anyone inside. The cafeteria was luxurious. Evelyn looked at a waiter staring at her quite obviously, and asked, "Can I get two cappuccinos here?"

The waiter woke up from the daze and shook his head slightly before Melvin approached him and whispered a few words. The waiter nodded and said, "Right away, Ma'am."

The lady asked Christoph, "So, Chris, what do you have in mind?"

The young man smiled faintly and unlocked the tablet. Then he said, "There are two ways to solve this. One, we kill a chicken and warn the monkeys. Or we use the sword to settle the rebellion."

He was using idioms, and this amused Evelyn. She asked, "The first way will cause us less damage."

Christoph nodded. After all, if a multi-million dollar worth company was to fire almost half of its high management, then it was bound to cater to media attention. This would get them a lot of unwanted publicity from the press and would cause their stocks to fall.

Evelyn did not wish to suffer a loss. Christoph understood this and said, "Since you do not wish for any damage control this early, let them leave on their own."

The lady shook her head and said, "Why will they leave this job alone? They are earning a lot from us."

Christoph nodded and replied, "Pests never want to leave, but we still clean the house and get rid of them for a happy life."

Evelyn asked, "What do you mean?"

Christoph replied, "The stock market will close at four in the evening, and after that, none of the news will impact the stocks. The night will be ours to do the damage control."

Evelyn nodded but leaned back in the chair and asked, "Can you tell me how the company will do the damage control?"

Christoph smiled and said, "All in good time."

He sorted the black material into folders and sent it to one person. He also mentioned that if the people did not come to find them inside the cafeteria, this data would be made public, and they would suffer many bad things. He gave them ten minutes to decide.

The waiter came over with two cups of cappuccinos and left after placing them on the table. Melvin was watching things from the side. When he thought this young man was not worth being paired with Evelyn, the cafeteria door was pushed open, and Christoph said, "Watch."

The person who walked inside was a middle-aged man, this guy had a strong build, and his breathing was ragged. The clenched fist and glaring eyes were proof that the person was angry. He asked, "Who sent me those files?"

Only three people were inside the Cafeteria, and he wanted to beat someone. So, one old and one woman with a young man. He picked up the young man.

Christoph stood up and sorted his clothes as he said, "I did. Hello, I am Lawrence Christoph Silvermoon. You can call me Chris."

The man walked over slowly, saying, "I am Trevor Carlos, Vice President of Marketing. You thought you would walk in here with some dirt on me, and you would make me kneel to you?"

Christoph nodded and said, "Indeed, that was what I thought exactly, but how would you react if this same file is sent to your father-in-law? If I am right, he owns a private security company, right?"

Travis Carlos stopped in his tracks and shivered. The rage in his eyes was now replaced by fear. He asked with a stammer, "What do you want?"

Christoph smiled and said, "I have some black sheep in the herd, and I want you to clean them up. Now, would you help me? Or shall I help myself?"

Travis Carlos could not believe Christoph and the latter said, "Well, do not worry, I will give you fair compensation. In exchange for this labor, I will allow you to stay in the company and mend your ways. The files will remain sealed. Now, you can sit down and think until we finish the coffee, or I will go public with this, even at the cost of damaging the company's reputation."

His words were calm, and his aura was dignified. The nobility he radiated made Melvin acknowledge him. Travis, on the other hand, feared Christoph. This young man had pinned down the nerve that hurt him the most. His father-in-law was not only the owner of a private security company, but also a person who cleaned up the high-profile mess, and his work was spotless.

If it were discovered that he was disloyal in his marriage, he would not even know how he died. Not only that, even his parents and others might suffer.

Travis watched Christoph sitting back on the chair and sipping his coffee easily. The young man did not show any fear, and the woman sitting across from him gave him an even more unfathomable feeling. Travis Carlos was cussing himself for the fact that the rest of those old men coerced him.

He asked, "Can you tell me why should I trust you?"

Christoph was surprised and placed his cup down to look at Travis. Then he said, "You think this sort of thing comes with a guarantee? Grow up and take a stand. I do not have the whole day. If you don't do it, someone else will. If I were to tell your father-in-law that I would give him ten percent of the stakes with your head as a gift, everything would be settled. Yet, here I am being kind, and you do not like that."

He picked up the tab and unlocked it when Travis broke down and said, "I will do it, please. I agree!"

Christoph smiled and said, "Very good. See, it was not that easy."

Then he turned around to look at Evelyn and said, "Miss Evelyn, shall we go shopping? I think Mister Carlos will convince the others to submit their resignation after the stock market closes, and we can hold a good farewell party for the people."

Evelyn stood up and said, "Let's go."

Christoph smiled at Travis and said, "Don't forget to check your mail."

The two people sat in the car, and Evelyn said, "You are quite a hypocrite."

Christoph smiled as the car left the compound.