Harmfully Charming Vampire.

The car moved through the streets, and Evelyn said, "Melvin, go to the shopping district, please."

Melvin nodded and controlled the vehicle. Christoph watched the scenery outside and said, "For some odd reason, I never liked car rides."

Evelyn turned to look at him and asked, "Why do you say so?"

The young man continued, "When I was seven, my family went on a trip. I remember it was cloudy, and winter was around the corner. On the way home, my father was driving through the fog at a rather fast speed. My mother was talking to him, and suddenly, my father turned his head to look at her.

It was as if he was sitting on the couch in our living room and forgot that watching the road was more important. The car ran into a pit hole and lost balance. It skated on the road for a distance before we crashed into the side skirt and came to a stop. Since then, sitting in the back has become a phobia of mine."

Evelyn nodded and replied, "I can understand what you are saying, I had a similar phobia growing up, and it took a lot of guts and guidance to get over it."

The young man nodded and curiously asked, "Miss Evelyn, what did you fear?"

The lady smiled and said, "Sunlight, ironic, isn't it?"

Christoph smiled at the answer.

The car drove through the crowd quickly, and the people entered the shopping district. Their vehicle was a limited edition but a commercial car, which did not attract much attention from the crowd.

Commercial cars did not have the aggression of a sports car in their body lines. They were meant for comfort and class. Christoph got down from the vehicle and opened the door for Evelyn. This task was meant for Melvin, but he took it upon himself.

Evelyn asked as she stepped out of the vehicle, "Why open the door?"

Christoph replied, "Inside the car, we can be friends, but outside, my role is that of your assistant."

The reply was sharp and on point. Evelyn nodded and then said, "That is your official designation. You do not have to play assistant with me outside."

Christoph nodded and said, "You are different than usual."

Evelyn chuckled and sighed, "Well, sometimes it is good to let loose."

The young man nodded, but he did not believe her completely. He could tell something was happening in her mind but could not pinpoint it exactly. He only followed her inside the mall.

The two had not entered through the parking lot but the main entrance of the building. Their arrival immediately attracted a lot of attention. The place was filled with whispers of the visitors.

"Hey, are those two celebrities?"

"That man is so dashing."

"Look at that woman, how stunning, I swear, even though I wish I were a man."

While Christoph and Evelyn were scurrying around the mall, Travis Carlos called for a meeting with the rest of the management. He knew that since there was no other way to get things done, he might as well go head-on.

Everyone arrived on time. They thought Travis wanted to share the details of his meeting with the two people. Ten members sat on a long table gazing at Travis, standing at the end of the room, smoking a cigar.

One man asked, "Travis, didn't you quit smoking? What made you pick it up after two years?"

The rest of the people also expressed fake concern, and Travis exhaled a puff of smoke before saying, "Don't put gold on your faces. I do not have much to say. Pick up the dossiers."

The people all found a thin dossier placed before them. The ten people picked up the dossier, and the blood drained from their faces when they read the content.

Someone smacked the dossier on the table and stood up before questioning him agitatedly, "Carlos, you better clear up what you mean by this."

Travis replied while exhaling smoke from his mouth, "What is my meaning by this? You fucking assholes!"

Everyone was surprised to see him lose his temper and speak profanely. Travis continued, "This is the meaning of those two people. If only you all had kept your ego in reins, but no. You had to show them who is the boss. Do you know that our company does not have a board of directors? The family of those two people owns everything."

A man with gray hair asked, "What is the name of those people?"

Travis replied, "Evelyn Heart, Lawrence C. Silvermoon."

The man opened his eyes wide open and shivered. All these men were a snake, and they found how a pair of names rattled the man. Someone asked, "Hey, Goldberg, what's the matter."

The man woke up from his daze, took out a handkerchief to wipe his face, and stood up from his seat as he said, "I cannot tell you anything of significance, but the Silvermoon family is not to be taken lightly. You all remember the fall of Hawk Investment?"

Everyone else opened their eyes wide. It was said that before Nector Investments took off, they were targeted by Hawk Investments. Just when everyone thought it was time to close the office, Hawk Investments was suddenly raided by national agencies.

They were charged with money laundry and tax invasion. They were also investigated for insider trading, and within twenty-four hours, every big shot was arrested and put away.

It took the Silvermoon family one day to do all this. Someone shook his head and asked, "Aren't you thinking a bit too much? How can they do it to their own company?"

Travis kicked the chair, and it smashed into the wall. He yelled, "You sweaty sack of balls if this material goes out to the media, the shares will plummet, and then the Silvermoon family will have the right to appoint a new CEO and replace us all. At the same time, they will seize everything down to your skin to compensate for the losses. Did any of you bastards read the employment contract? Pieces of shits."

Goldberg sighed and said, "Travis, what do they want?"

Travis replied, "Resignation and return of the embezzled money. They promised to let everyone keep what they earned honestly. Otherwise, you know what they are capable of."

Goldberg nodded and said, "I do not wish to have my family visit me in prison. I will submit my resignation before the end of the office hours."

That said, Goldberg left the room, and the rest of the people just watched him.

Christoph was gazing at Evelyn, who was checking the fit of a dress in the mirror, and asked, "When shall we hold the press release?"

Evelyn replied, "You can think about it. I will play the shopkeeper, only collect money."

Christoph nodded and said, "I will try this."

That said, he walked inside the trial room with a set of clothes in his hands.

After a few minutes, everyone in the store was shocked when he walked out, including Evelyn. The lady woke from a daze when she heard a dull thud behind her. A staff member ran into her while ogling at Christoph.

The lady apologized, and Evelyn waved her off before she walked closer to Christoph and commented, "I did not know you looked so good?"

The young man wore a black silk shirt with a mink collar and black trousers. The shirt gave him a very carefree aura. The shirt was a pull-over style item. Evelyn walked around him and helped him sort out the folds. Her actions appeared very caring and romantic to the people.

A few girls even took out their phones to click pictures when Evelyn stepped back and nodded, "Now you look good. Come on, and I will select a few formal suits for you too."