36 - Finding Levi

How about we make a deal 😏😏

If we can reach 300 power stones withing 24h I'll post another chapter.

I thought about 400 but that seems too big of a goal for now.



Tobirama POV - The day of Levi's disappearance

Tobirama was furious, furious at the useless old man who called himself Levi's mentor for what had happened, he had allowed his student to disappear right before his eyes, if his words were to be believed that is, which Tobirama didn't as he put him under a genjutsu and extracted any information he can from him, just in case, turns out the old useless man wasn't lying.

Tobirama on the other hand knew that Levi was more than he showed to others, so it might have just been something that he did all by himself, but why didn't he inform him, that was the worrying part.

He had personally gone to where the accident had happened just when Tenzin came back and reported it to the tribe, he could feel spatial distortions all around the perimeter, something that he was all too familiar with, they were slowly disappearing but he could still feel them. If he was in top shape then he may have been able to track them, but sadly for him, he was far from it.

Standing on the surface of the water using water bending that was granted to him by his master, instead of the shinobi water walking, Tobirama looked down at the ocean below his feet, he could feel something in there even if he couldn't see it, something dangerous, all his senses were prompting him not to approach it, he couldn't help but wonder if that "THING" underwater had something to do with his master's disappearance.

Deciding not to approach for now and not finding a way to follow the spatial distortion to where they lead without being in his top shape he decided to head back to the tribe and contemplate what to do next.


Arriving back into the tribe in stealth mode to avoid being noticed he could see the useless old man staring at the shores of the tribe looking into the far distance with a lost look on his face.

He wasn't stupid, the opposite actually, he may be the smartest person currently alive. He could tell that the old man was feeling extreme guilt and regret about his student's disappearance, but what good would that do? Could it bring him back? And could it alleviate Tobirama's annoyance at him? The answer was no.

Stealthily getting past the old man and returning to the tribe Tobirama could feel that the atmosphere of the entire tribe was different, there was an air of gloom hanging in the air, and there wasn't the usual laughter and bustling air.

Everyone looked somber and sad, and he could understand, Levi was the most promising youngster in the tribe and the son of the chief, if he was taken by someone like the Fire Nation, they could go and free him, they could go and fight and even die for one of their own, but he had just gone and disappeared without any warning, nobody knew what to do in this situation.

Passing by his master's home, he could hear the sobbing cries of his mother and little sister, his father sat outside with a tired look on his face along with his son who was holding back tears, Tobirama swore to give his life to protect them, he knew how much Levi cared about them and he will die before he let anything happen to this family.

Getting back into his house Tobirama raised an ice block behind him sealing the exist entirely, before looking down and melting the ice beneath him falling straight down for a long while before touching the hard surface of the earth, going through a combination of other hand seals the earth opened up as if it was water swallowing Tobirama down again before closing back up leaving no trace at all.


In a big empty chamber underground Tobirama dropped from the high ceiling falling for a few seconds before he hit the ground without making a single sound at all, looking at the person before him Tobirama asked with a straight face, "How is it going?" 

"Not too good, see for yourself." said the person addressed by Tobirama in a resigned tone before lifting both his index and middle finger in front of his face and disappearing in a mass of smoke, revealing him to be Tobirama's clone.

Immediately a bunch of memories assaulted Tobirama's head that would have had some of the shinobi from his previous world flinching in pain but he didn't react at all. He saw how his clone had covered the entire underground chamber in fuinjutsu seals and runes that were still all over the place, how he had tried every trick possible to track and locate Levi.

He saw how the clone sneakily retrieved hair and blood from Levi's entire family without them noticing and how it used them as a catalyst for a bunch of locator jutsus with no success at all, finally it saw himself dropping from the ceiling and talking to his clone.

"It is as if he had disappeared from the face of this world entirely." muttered Tobirama absentmindedly with a frown on his face before suddenly freezing.

That's right, that was someone who had summoned him from a different world, completely revived him, and granted him bending powers of this world, as well as altered the memories of everyone in the southern water tribe, what was a little world hopping for him? It was basically just taking a stroll.

"But why would he go to another world without any warnings at all, it doesn't make any sense." thought tobirama exasperated, even if Levi was leaving for a while he shouldn't have done so without any warnings, the least he could have done was inform him.

He knew Levi, even though he hadn't interacted with him much with his training and experience as a ninja he could deduce a lot of stuff from the little details. If Levi was going to leave he would have at least informed him and his family, and he certainly wouldn't have done it in front of Tenzin in such a way that would expose his power, he knew he liked to keep his cards secret even from the closest people to him.

And that's when another idea crossed Tobirama's mind, sure his master was strong but someone that strong can't be without enemies, and people who qualify as his enemies, no matter how few they were, must be just as strong and dangerous as him.

This was the only conclusion that Tobirama reached, and it was the only reasonable one he could come to, 'So someone wanted him gone and achieved that by catching him off guard?.' he thought questioning if he was right before remembering that presence he felt below the surface of the sea, he couldn't help but think if that presence had something to do with it.

Deciding not to dwell over it any further as he saw no further benefit from it Tobirama focused next on the only step he could take, if Levi was indeed in another world, then what was the closest world to their physical one? That was the spirit world, if he could find a way to get there then he may have a chance to find his master.

Sadly the only way he knew of to get into the spirit world was through meditation, which was something Levi implanted into his memories as he summoned him here.

Finally finding a path to follow Tobirama immediately brought his hand in a hand seal and created a clone that appeared in a puff of smoke, the clone immediately jumped into the ceiling before disappearing seeming to sink into it.

That clone will act in his stead in the tribe to avoid any suspicion, as for him, he sat cross-legged inside the underground chamber, swearing not to leave it until he could connect to the spirit world through meditation.

All his will was concentrated on finding his master and seeing if he could help him, and so minutes turned to hours and hours turned to days until Tobirama felt his surroundings shift and his body become lighter. Opening his eyes he couldn't help himself as a smile came into his face, he could see an all too familiar back sitting in meditation in front of him, like he himself had done for the past few days.

Beside him slept a small beast that looked harmless but Tobirama's instincts told him it was nothing but that, but he didn't need to worry about it, it was obviously his master's companion if it was sitting so close, 'Finally.' he thought in relief 

"I found you." muttered tobirama.


AN: I realize this might seem way too different from Tobirama's personality that everyone is used to from the show, with him saying Levi is his master and all, but this is the influence of the system summon function, it'll make sure that whoever Levi summons will be completely loyal to him and go to any lengths for him.


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