37 - Future sight?

An: I know we didn't reach the 300 power stone goal but I noticed that a lot of you guys really tried to get me there and I'll feel bad if I didn't release a chapter today so here you go.



Levi's eyes couldn't help but twitch and his brows couldn't help but frown as he listened to Tobirama narrating how he had found him.

He couldn't believe it, he wanted to get up and slap him across the face more than once, 'what the hell was up with this person? I thought I was the monster but it should have been him.' thought Levi exasperated.

If not for the reassurance of the system that summoned characters are perfectly safe and can't go against him Levi would be fully on guard now, and even then he didn't let his guard down completely.

Even Tenzin, Aang's future son couldn't access the spirit realm after decades of trying, and Tobirama was able to do it just because he was persistent at it?

But one thing about Tobirama's story caught his attention, apparently at the place where the portal swallowed him there was something underwater that Tobirama felt, Levi Could only think about one thing that was underwater and that was close to his tribe, The Avatar!

The parrot Sage's words couldn't help but repeat in his head, -"But one thing I know is that few are powerful enough that they can shift you here with the worlds separated from each other"-

Levi couldn't help but feel rage bubbling deep down inside him as his face contorted in anger, if his theory of what had happened turned out to be true then he would get his revenge, the balance of the world he damned.

Quickly calming down and regaining his bearings partly thanks to Gamer's mind Levi asked the question that's been on his mind all along, "How are my family and master doing?." He asked about the people he cared about, Tobirama didn't elaborate on them when he was telling his story previously but he would never forget about them and he knew they must be worrying sick about him.

"Your family is taking it pretty badly, I wished to help, maybe to disguise myself as a clone of you and come back to the tribe but I didn't know what you would think about that, I didn't want to do it without consulting you first." said Tobirama while looking at Levi waiting for his input.

Levi again couldn't help but appreciate Tobirama's competence, if it were anyone else their emotions might have gotten the better of them and they might just do it, "It's good that you didn't, that would have caused more harm than good." said Levi and he really believed that.

Yes, that would bring relief to his family and master, but in the long run no matter how good Tobirama was there was no way he could fake his emotions towards them and how he interacts with them, and sooner or later they will feel it. 

In the best case scenario they might figure out that it's not really him, and in the worst case they might believe it to be him and believe that their son, brother, and student had completely changed, no longer did he care about them or see them as family, no matter how he tried to fake it.

"What about my master?" asked Levi even though he kind of knew the answer to his own question.

"He is not doing too well himself, he blames himself for your disappearance and it's taking a toll on his health." said Tobirama hesitating for a while as if he wanted to say something but didn't know if it was appropriate.

"Speak." said Levi, ordering more than asking as he noticed Tobirama's hesitation, he really didn't like people hiding stuff from him.

"Ha-ah, I also blame him, if it were me in there I could have done something, he calls himself a master water bender when he couldn't even protect…." 

"Enough." said Levi firmly interrupting Tobirama's speech.

"You know better than anyone that he couldn't have done anything about it, he may be strong but he's limited by this world's power levels, so why would you hold a grudge against him, the opposite actually I need you two on good terms with each other in order to protect my family and the southern water tribe until I come back." said Levi hoping that Tobirama wouldn't make matters too complicated with his master.

"I understand, I won't disappoint." replied Tobirama with a serious expression, making Levi nod in satisfaction.

Tobirama had also caught something in Levi's words that he chose not to address, Levi had tasked him to protect the southern water tribe and his family "Until he came back." Levi had said it so casually that he almost missed it.

It meant that Levi could probably go back any time he wished or at most he would need some time before he would be able to, it didn't seem to be an issue that was worrying him, following that line of thought Tobirama relaxed even more, it seemed that all his worries were for nothing Levi wasn't in as much trouble as he had imagined.

"Good, now that I am gone I need you to do a few things for me." said Levi completely unaware of Tobirama's thoughts, pausing for a second to see that tobirama was paying attention he continued, "Like I said before, I want you to protect my family, especially my mother I….had a vision if things go as they are she will die two years from now." said Levi with a grave look on his face.

Hearing him Tobirama's eyes couldn't help but contract, the only thing keeping him calm was his experience and shinobi training, had a vision! He can see the future! Tobirama was already convinced that Levi was more than he showed previously and this only cemented it more.

Nodding he promised, "You have my word, you gave me this new life and I would die before I let anything happen to your family."

Nodding in satisfaction and not commenting on Tobirama's worshiping look Levi continued, "Secondly, I want you to search the deserts of this entire world." said Levi pausing to see if he was asking too much from his summon, seeing no reaction he continued, "Somewhere in the middle of a desert there is a library that holds vast knowledge of this world, in it I suspect that you'll find the knowledge to summon me back to the physical world." he hoped he could pinpoint him to the exact location but sadly he could remember.

Tobirama's eyes shined as he heard that information, he had spent enormous effort and tried countless fuinjutsu seals combinations in order to search for Levi and bring him back with no success, but now he finally had a road to follow.

Not waiting for Tobirama to reply Levi added, "One other thing, try to be polite to the spirit guarding the library, and take note that he really hates wars so it's alright to be honest and state your purpose for going there."

Nodding Tobirama spoke, "It will be done master, one other thing, what should I do about that presence I felt at the bottom of the sea."

Hearing his question Levi thought about how to reply for a while before deciding that there wasn't any harm in revealing some things to tobirama as he was quite reliable, "Keep what I am about to tell you here a secret no matter what." said Levi with a serious look and waited for Tobirama's affirmation before he continued.

"That presence you felt is the avatar." said Levi, shocking Tobirama for the umpteenth time today.

He knew who The Avatar was from the memories granted to him by Levi and from the little bit of interaction he had with the denizens of this world, the master of the four elements, the bridge between the spirit and physical world, the hope of everyone in the three nations, and the one who's job is to keep the balance in the world, which he seemed to be doing a terrible job at if Tobirama had any say in it.

But even with everything that he knew rage couldn't help but bubble inside of Tobirama, So that's the one that's responsible for his master's disappearance?

Seeing tobirama expression Levi hurried to calm him down and erase any misunderstandings he had, "Calm down tobirama, if my guess is right The avatar isn't the one that's responsible for my current situation, it's something else inside of him, so in case the avatar comes back before I do don't do anything stupid and don't interfere in his path."

Hearing him Tobirama again marveled at how much knowledge his master had, knowledge that people of this world would have considered ad treasures but he was just throwing it his way so casually, the avatar had something inside of him? Was it similar to how they sealed tailed beasts in people in his previous world? Tobirama could only nod in agreement with his master's request.

Remembering another thing Levi added fearing that tobirama might mess with the timeline and ruin his future knowledge, even if saving his mother might do just that, "And when I say don't interfere in his path I mean it wholeheartedly, even when my siblings free him from his bindings and decided to accompany him I don't want you to interfere." said Levi seriously.

Tobirama was again intrigued, Levi didn't use the word "If" but instead he said "When" with complete certainty. And he's even allowing his siblings whom he treasured so dearly to come in contact with him, which could only mean that he saw everything and was sure nothing bad would happen to them.

He wondered how someone who could see the future so clearly could be caught off guard, was the avatar really so strong to catch him off guard?

Even his previous suspicion that Levi wasn't really trapped here seemed to be truer the more he sat with him, maybe he could get out any time he wanted and all of this was just a test for him? If that's the case he couldn't disappoint.

Nodding seriously again, Tobirama spoke, "Understood master, is there anything else you wish me to do?." 

Holding his chin with his right hand and looking down Levi tried to think of anything else that he might want tobirama to do before deciding that it was enough for now, as he lifted his head and he was about to speak he noticed a peculiar scene.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Acnologia was circling around Tobirama while sniffing him repeatedly with a curious look on his face before looking at Levi and giving him a look that Tobirama didn't understand.

"Ha-ah, no Acnologia he isn't food he is our friend." replied Levi with an exasperated sigh, hating that he understood Acnologia perfectly, and making Tobirama's eye twitch at his reply.

Hearing him, Acnologia seemed to lose all interest as he went back behind Levi and slept or at least he seemed like he was sleeping.

"That's an…interesting companion." replied Tobirama pausing for a second to find the right word.

"Don't let his little appearance fool you, this little ball of scales can change his size at will and he's growing every day." said Levi while patting Acnologia's head and making Tobirama's eyes raise in interest as he looked at the sleeping dragon.

"What an interesting creature, he almost looks like a dragon." remarked Tobirama, still analyzing Acnologia who opened his eyes and looked at him with an offended expression.

"Hahahah, that's because he is a dragon." said Levi laughing out loud at his little scaly friend.

"Oh, sorry about that." said Tobirama apologetically, seeming to understand Acnologia's offended expression perfectly.

'Don't tell me he's already learning how to read dragon expressions.' thought Levi, resigned at Tobirama's learning speed.

"Well, this should be it for now, since you can now access the spirit realm. I want you to give me a weekly report on everything." said Levi, with a little annoyed tone due to Tobirama's learning speed unconsciously slipping into his voice.

"Al..alright if that's all then I will be excusing myself." said Tobirama with an awkward expression not understanding what he did wrong that annoyed Levi before disappearing.

"Humph." humping Levi went back into his meditation position when he suddenly received a notification from the system.


[Spirit body leveled up +1]

[Spirit body (Passive/Active) - Level 19:.....]

'Finally, it's getting closer to level twenty.' thought Levi dying in excitement to see what ability he would receive at level 20, before going back to meditation he decided to check his status first since it had been a long while.


Name: Levi

Age: 8 years old. 

Titles: Courageous Guardian, 

Level: 11

HP: 170 

Chi: 230. 

SP: 230 

Vitality: 17

Stamina: 23

Strength: 15 

Agility: 20 

Dexterity: 16 

Endurance/Will power: 20. 

Intelligence: 10 

Wisdom: 13 

Charisma: 4

Luck: 10 

Available state points: 125.

Available system points: 10000.


Gamer Mind (passive) - Level Max: This power allows the user to control their emotions and thoughts as if they were in a video game. They are able to remain calm and focused even in the most stressful situations, giving them a significant advantage over their opponents. This power also makes the user's mind impenetrable to outside influence, such as mind control,  psychic attacks and more.

Gamer Body (passive) - Level max: This power allows the user to heal quickly and recover from injuries at an accelerated rate, similar to a video game character. The user can quickly recover from fatigue and exhaustion with just a little rest, and heal from minor injuries in a matter of seconds. They can even regenerate lost limbs or other body parts.

Night vision (passive) - Level 9: Allows the user to see in the dark as if it were daylight, it can allow the user to navigate better in dark areas and not lose his way, the higher the level the clearer the user's vision will be

Meditation (Active) - Level 9: Helps calm the mind and spirit, HP, SP and Energy recovery increases during meditation, at higher levels the user can connect to the spirit realm.

Water bending (active) - Level 16: user is able to bend water to his own will at higher levels this can unlock other sub-elements of water bending such as ice bending and blood bending, the higher the level the less chi is needed to use this ability. 

Cold resistance (Passive) level 7:Grants the user the ability to resist cold temperatures and reduce the, at higher levels the user won't be affected by any degree of cold at all.

Incomplete Blood bending (Active) - Level 16: The ability to freely manipulate living beings blood like its water, can be used for 1 hour straight after activating it, needs 1 month to recharge after use, the higher the level the stronger the ability and the less time it needs to recharge.

Ice bending (Active) - Level 16: A sub-bending ability of water bending, the user can manipulate the water molecules to either freeze or melt the water. 

Water healing (Active) - Level 16: The user can apply water to an injured area thus redirecting more energy to it and speeding up the healing process, different types of water have different effects, at higher levels the user can even heal internal injuries as well as illness.

Pain tolerance (Passive) - Level 8: The user can resist and stay focused under intense pain, at higher level the user will be able to withstand anything] 

Observation (Active) level 6: A power that allows the user to identify things and people in his environment, it gives a brief description of the target coupled with its level, the higher the skill level the more information that can be provided. 

Limit breaker (Active) level 2: Only use when necessary, allows the user to break through his limits and ascend to new heights, the user will suffer temporary side effects later on, the severity of it depends on how long the skill was active. The higher the level the higher the boost granted to the user and the lesser consequences the user will suffer after. 

Danger sense (Passive) Level 18: Allows the user to sense incoming danger and avoid it beforehand, increases reaction speed and reflexes by 18%]

Rapid recovery - (Passive) - Level 3: Recovery rate of 12% every 59 minutes, the higher the level the higher the recovery rate and the less time needed, helps the user recover any and all damage done to him, Stamina, and all energy



Spirit body (Active/Passive) Level 19: By activating this ability the user can change his state of existence from physical to spiritual and vice versa. The user needs to change his state of being according to the world he is in.

Current state: Spiritual.

Costs 1000 Chi points to switch, the cost to switch will decrease as the ability levels up, and the user will also unlock more abilities. - (It doesn't cost anything to maintain the user state)

Divine armament (Active) - Level 3: A divine armament containing all tools of war the user can conceive, the higher the level the more weapons and armor the user has access to.

Cost: 5 chi peruse.


Stealth (Active/Passive) - level 8: Grants the user the ability to move undetected, decreasing the users presence and sound, at higher levels it can directly erase the user's presence.

Dodge (Active) - Level 17: Allows the user to swiftly evade incoming attacks with enhanced agility and reflexes, the user gains an intuitive sense of foresight, enabling them to predict and avoid enemy strikes more effectively. 

Weapon mastery (Active) level 12: Grants the user mastery over all kinds of weapons plus increased speed and damage while using a weapon by 12%, can be leveled up using any kind of melee weapon. 

Close-quarter combat (Active) level 16: Proficiency in hand-to-hand fighting styles and techniques plus increased speed, strength, and damage during hand-to-hand combat by 16%

Mentor (Passive) - Level 9: The user can more effectively impart his knowledge, powers, and skills to other people hastening their learning process, the higher the level the faster and more efficiently the target will learn, +9% learning speed of the target, +9% target comprehension ability during teaching session]

Dash (Active) - Level 11: Grants a 21% burst of speed for short distances, speed boost, and Stamina points consumption vary according to skill level, consume 1 Stamina point each use.

Throwing (Active) - Level 3:  Grants a 30% increase to the user's throwing accuracy, distance, speed and damage. The skill effects will increase with each level up.

Acting (Active) - level 8: The user can use his superior acting abilities to deceive and lie to other people, the higher the level the better the user is at acting and the higher his chances of deception are.]

Nodding in satisfaction at his current states Levi closed his eyes and went back into meditation working even harder at it, he had a feeling that he would also receive an ability when his meditation reached level 10 so he pushed himself even harder than before.


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