60 - Meeting Prince Zuko

"Fire nation ship incoming." Acnologia's voice came telepathically, "Do you want me to take care of it?." he asked, his tone not even worried.

Levi, who was currently meditating on the outskirts of the tribe, opened his eyes and told him to stand his ground.

If it were any other time he would have let Acnologia handle it, he was strong enough plus there would be no link back to them.

But he knew who was on that ship, if this was anything like the plot, then it was Iroh and Zuko coming.

"Why not? Do you think I can't handle them? We can jump them together then, they won't know what hit them." said Acnologia excitedly.

'Relax, it's not like that.' said Levi trying to calm him down.

'Humph, bitches thought they'll catch us lacking.' sent Acnologia almost making Levi choke on his spit.

'Hey, language.' transmitted Levi in an angry tone as he smiled wearily.

He had used his old-world slang and "unique" words more than once while he was in Acnologia's company during the past years and to his dismay Acnologia had picked up on each and every one of them like a dry sponge absorbing water.

He couldn't help but smile wearily at his bad influence on the dragon, feeling a little bit guilty, after all, he was just a kid when he started following him.


Walking home Levi removed his shoes by the door and went inside, he could sense that there was only one person inside.

Walking towards the kitchen he saw a sight that he couldn't accept in his house, Katara was sitting at the dining table and staring at her cup of tea not drinking it and lost in thought, she didn't even notice him, he could tell that she was feeling down and he had an idea as to why.

Walking stealthily towards her from behind Levi tapped her on the shoulder almost making her jump out of her clothes in fright before she noticed that it was him.

"Levi you know I hate it when you do that." said Katara complaining and trying to hide her downcast mood.

"Where is the fun in learning to hide my presence if I can't scare my little sister, hehe." said Levi teasing her.

"Yes, just make sure that's the only thing you do with that skill of yours." said Katara with a judgmental look on her face.

"Hey." retorted Levi, feeling wronged, "You know I'll never do anything like that. I am not Sokka."


"Atcho." somewhere in the Southern water tribe Sokka sneezed as he rubbed his nose.

"Bless you." said Aang with an innocent smile on his face as he looked at Sokka.

"Piss off."


"Ha-ah, I know, I'm sorry, I've just not been myself lately." said Katara, sighing with her head down.

"Let me guess, you saw my fight against Aang and so how strong and awesome and dazzling I am and now you think that you will never be able to reach that level and it's been eating you up inside, am I right or am I right?" said Levi shamelessly with a smile on his face.

"Ha-ah, I don't know whether I should be happy or creeped out by how accurate that was, but yeah that sums it up." said Katara with a helpless look on her face.

"No matter what I do, no matter how hard I train, I can barely make any progress." she said exasperated.

Hearing her Levi wanted to say that she was way stronger than her counterpart from the original show so she should be happy, but sadly he couldn't say that

"I know you're feeling frustrated Katara and it's easy to think that you'll never be as good. But let me tell you something, mastery doesn't come overnight. It's in the struggle, in every drop of sweat, every moment of doubt, every time you want to give up but persevere forward, that's when true strength is born." said Levi trying to cheer her up, but he meant every word of it.

"You have this incredible spirit, Katara. I've seen it in the way you care for others, the way you never back down from what you believe is right. That same spirit is what will make you a great waterbender. It's not just about technique or talent, it's about the heart you put into it. And you, Katara, have more heart than anyone I know."

"Remember, every master was once a beginner too. We all had moments when we thought we'd never succeed. But we kept going, just like you will.' said Levi he almost couldn't resist saying "Except me" at the last part but he held himself back, this wasn't the moment to be cocky.

"I believe in you, and I know you'll get there eventually. And when you do, we'll stand together at the top and look at this moment and laugh." said Levi with a smile on his face as he stroked Katara's head.

Hearing him and seeing the conviction in his eyes, showing that he believed with no trace of a doubt that she would eventually become a great water bender Katara's eyes couldn't help but become wet.

"Thank you brother, I don't know what we would have done without you." said Katara as she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"You're strong, you would have been just fine." Said Levi to which Katara just shook her head not retorting, although he knew that for a fact they did end up well in the show.


At the shore of the southern water tribe

The benders and soldiers of the tribe were gathering. They stood on the shore as they watched a faraway fire nation ship staying still and not moving, a boat was lowered from it as it slowly approached.

Unlike the show, the southern water tribe was way stronger so they didn't dare to send a ship or else if something went wrong they'd be stranded here with no way to retreat.

Although the atmosphere on the shore was tense there was no panic or fear, this wasn't the Southern water tribe shown at the beginning of the show.

Right now they had three water-bending masters and one of them they even believed was the avatar.

The small boat kept getting closer until the people on shore spotted four people on board, two of them clearly of higher rank and the other two with hamlets clearly just normal guards.

Levi saw them clearly using Eagle eyes before they even mounted the small boat, they were Zuko and Iroh along with two Fire Nation soldiers, they came closer with Zuko having an angry expression and iroh a helpless one, before long they ducked at the shore as Zuko jumped and landed on the island.

"Where is the avatar I know he's here?" shouted Zuko as soon as he landed, demanding angrily.

Levi couldn't help but frown, even though he knew his backstory from the show, and knew he would turn a new leaf later in life and become a way better human being, he still found him annoying.

He could see Iroh giving him and Tenzin an apologetic look from behind Zuko, seeing this he couldn't help but sigh, if it wasn't for Iroh he would have taught this arrogant prince a lesson he wouldn't forget, he also couldn't reveal his relationship with Iroh so he just pretended not to know him for now.

"And who might you be?" said Levi as he stepped forward, even though he knew who he was he had to put up a front.

"I am Prince Zuko of the fire nation, son of fire lord Ozai and heir to the Throne, I've come to capture the avatar and redeem my name." said Zuko in a proud voice, anyone who didn't know the truth would feel intimidated just from hearing that.

As for Levi, hearing the cliche lines coming from Zuko, he barely resisted the urge to slap his forehead.

Although Levi could feel the discomfort of Aang in the back of the group, he might be thinking that he had brought trouble to their tribe.

Unlike the original timeline where Aang left because he had triggered the warning signal on the abandoned Fire Nation battleship this time, maybe because of their spar, he didn't get to do that and so he was still here.

This also made Levi question what had led Zuko here this time, it seemed that changing the timeline was harder than he had thought.

"If you know what's best for you, hand over the avatar, NOW!, even if we're outnumbered now, do you think I can't call an army of fire nation to destroy your tribe?." Said Zuko in a threatening tone.

'I know you can't.' thought Levi amused, he knew Zuko would be lucky to deploy another ship let alone call an army.

Just as he was about to speak, "It's me who you're looking for, leave these people alone." said Aang as he stepped forward.

"Aang what are you doing?" exclaimed Katara.

"You? You're barely a fifteen-year-old child, the avatar should be an old man." said Zuko with a look of doubt on his face before seeing the Airbender's clothes and tattoos which seemed to ease his doubt, "Bring him in." said Zuko as the two fire nation soldiers moved and grabbed Aang from both sides as they dragged him along.

Seeing this the people around frowned, even Sokka who still didn't like Aang that much was about to interfere, Zuko and Iroh also noticed this intense atmosphere and became alert.

"It's alright everything will be fine." said Aang with a smile as he turned towards them, that seemed to agitate the people around even more.

Levi couldn't practically read their minds, 'What are we afraid of?, we can take them.'

Just as hell was about to break loose Levi raised his hands signalling for his clan members to calm down, and they did.

By this point Levi had earned everyone's trust and respect so they didn't question him.

Aang was dragged into the boat, before Zuko and Iroh also rode and it set sail going back to their ship, Iroh didn't say anything the entire time but there was clearly a thoughtful look on his face.


"Levi we can't just leave Aang to them, we need to save him." said Katara as she chased after Levi with Sokka behind her.

"He's just a child."

Levi didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her outburst, he obviously didn't plan to let Aang be taken by them but she obviously didn't know that.

"Relax Katara, we're obviously not going to leave him, we're going to save your little boyfriend, alright?." said Levi with a smirk on his face.

Katara turned red in the face at his words, "He's not my boyfriend." she retorted as she crossed her hands still red in the face.

"Hehe sure he isn't, and what made you think I was going to leave him in the hands of the fire nation, he's the avatar after all." said Levi with a smile as he kept walking.

"Wait what? Hey wait, what do you mean." screamed Katara as she followed him

"Hey!? I thought YOU were the avatar." questioned Sokka as he ran after them.

Levi didn't answer them as he kept walking forward, soon they reached a big ball of white fur just lying there, away from the tribe's main settlement, it was Appa who was currently snoring, unaware that his dear friend had been taken

"Hey there big guy, time to wake up." said Levi gently as he stroked Appa's fur.

He had always been kind to animals, some might say that he treated them even better than a lot of people, and appa with all that cuteness of his was no different.

'Humph.' came Acnologia's annoyed snort but Levi just ignored it.

Appa, feeling someone rubbing his fur, woke up and looked at Levi without showing any expression on his face before he started licking him, leaving drool all over Levi's face.

"Eeeww." Sokka's voice came from behind him which he also ignored, Katara was just curiously looking at the big ball of fur.

"Hey there pall, don't know how to break this news to you so I'll make it short, Aang just got kidnapped and if we ever have a chance of rescuing him you need to fly us there." said Levi to the sky bison.

Although Apps's expression didn't change Levi had spent enough time with Acnologia and spirit world animals to be able to read micro-expressions and he knew the sky bison was agitated upon hearing his words.

He also took note that Appa seemed to understand every word he said,

What he said wasn't the truth though, with his strength he didn't even need to merge with the red dragon to fly there himself, he could just water bend himself there, or just ask Acnologia to go handle it himself, but they didn't need to know that for now.

Appa upon hearing Levi immediately got down and laid on the ground as if telling them to get on, to which Levi immediately did, the other two still hesitating.

"What? If you're not coming along I'll leave without you guys." said Levi teasingly.

Katara immediately hurried to get on followed by Sokka, after that appa immediately ran and jumped into the ocean and started swimming forward!


"Well this is a bit underwhelming." said Sokka with a defeated look on his face, Katara also seemed to get a little bit anxious.

"Hehe, try to keep that attitude." said Levi with a knowing smile as he held Appa's rain and spoke, "Hold on to something, Appa yeep yeep."

Hearing the command, appa's eyes opened wider as he started waving his tail and before the brother and sister duo realized it he was high in the sky.

"LEVI, KATARA, IT'S FLYING IT'S ACTUALLY FLYIN…" Screamed Sokka at the top of his lungs before he held himself back as he saw Katara and Levi smirk, turning slightly red in the face.


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