61 - Avatar state and Goodbyes

By the time Levi spotted the Fire Nation ship on the horizon he saw Aang and Zuko engaging in combat on the deck and surprisingly Aang was losing. Levi remembered this scene from the show, and if he was right soon Aang would enter the avatar state.

And as he had predicted, before long Zuko overwhelmed Aang and threw him off the ship.

"AANG" Sokka and Katara screamed at the same time as they saw this scene.

Levi wasn't worried though he knew what was about to come next so he prepared himself.

Spreading his ethereal sense over the ocean below and pushing it deeper he could feel a massive surge of energy before the waters below started moving.

Aang with his tattoos and eyes glowing and a frown on his face rose out of the water riding a water tornado and landed on the ship startling the people on board.

Zuko, who just moments ago had an angry look on his face and was full of confidence, could feel that something was wrong as he took a step away from Aang.

Just as he was about to turn away and run, Aang bended the water tornado turning it into a huge amount of water as he swept it across the deck of the ship throwing everyone off balance, some even falling towards the ocean like Zuko. Nobody was able to resist the massive surge of water.

After that, unlike the original show where Aang exited the avatar state and almost passed out, this time Aang looked directly at them, or more precisely at Levi!

Levi could feel Aang's gaze trying to Pierce his body, if looks could kill that look would have killed Levi a hundred times over.

Levi just smiled mockingly in return, he knew it wasn't Aang who was staring at him, it was Ravva!

But he wasn't deterred, if it was him from years ago then he might have been apprehensive, but he had a lot of ways to deal with her by now, if worst came he could just seal her consciousness like Vaatu for a few years to teach her a lesson.

"WAIT, HE REALLY IS THE AVATAR?." he could hear Sokka's loud scream coming from behind him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He almost turned and slapped his younger brother because of how loud he was, but he held himself back, he discovered long ago that Gamer's mind does wonders for your self-control.

"But YOU'RE the avatar!." Sokka kept shouting behind him, seemingly not going to shut up anytime soon.

"You both are! There can be more than two?"

"Ahhhh I can't understand anything anymore." screamed Sokka as he finally stopped while holding his head.

Levi could swear he saw smoke rising out of his head, it seemed he had pushed his brain more than it was designed to.

As if in response to Sokka's loud screams stopping, Aang's eyes and tattoos finally stopped glowing, signifying him getting out of the avatar state before he collapsed on the deck of the warship.

"AANG." Screamed Katara in worry as she ran towards Aang after Appa landed.

Even while Sokka was screaming earlier she didn't pay him any heed and was only focusing on Aang showing her worry for him.

Levi couldn't help but shake his head at that, she had met Aang for barely a day and she was so worried for him already, he couldn't help but sigh at how kind-hearted she could be, which wasn't always a good trait.

Jumping down, Levi landed beside Aang followed by Sokka, soon enough Aang woke up and found the three of them surrounding him.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming." said Aang in a tired tone of voice but one could see the appreciation in his eyes making both Sokka and Katara smile.

"I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but this isn't the time for a lovely reunion, we need to move now." said Levi with his hands crossed as he looked around at the fire nation soldiers surrounding them.

He wasn't the least worried about them though, only Iroh could pose a problem to him on this ship and he could feel him under the ship pretending to have not noticed anything so he didn't have anything to worry about.

"ATTACK." shouted one of the Fire Nation soldiers as he rushed at them.

Spinning around and waving his hand, Levi directed all the water that was left on the ship towards the incoming soldiers before freezing them inside it, of course leaving them gaps to breathe through.

He didn't have any problems with killing them but these guys were firstly Iroh and Zuko's man, and secondly, he could already tell they were short staffed and he didn't think they'll be able to operate the ship on their own, leaving them here alone they won't survive for long.

"Alright, time to go you three." said Levi as he picked up Aang and jumped on top of Appa followed by Katara and Sokka.

By the time Zuko managed to climb back on board of the ship and Iroh walked upstairs Levi and the others were nowhere to be seen.


"Alright, someone needs to give us a really good explanation or I'll lose my mind." said Sokka as he looked between Aang and Levi.

Aang looked a little bit confused but Levi knew exactly what Sokka was talking about.

"Ha-ah, there is no need to fry whatever brain cells you have left on this, Aang is the avatar." said Levi, sighing.

"Hey!!, did you mean to say I am stupid!" exclaimed Sokka, but no one answered him.

"But how can you bend fire if Aang is the avatar?" asked Katara as she stared at Levi, prompting the other two to look at him. They also wanted an answer.

"First of all I never said I was the avatar, And who said you need to be the avatar to bend other elements." said Levi with a mysterious smile on his face before continuing, "It's something I picked up the time I was gone, that's all I am going to say."

Hearing him both Sokka and Katara couldn't help but look at each other, that's right, Levi had never once said he was the avatar, everyone else just assumed he was and he didn't bother to correct them.

"Well at least this clears things up." said Sokka as he leaned back beside Levi looking at Aang with a complicated look.

"But Aang, why didn't you say anything, why didn't you say you were the avatar, we wouldn't have known if the fire nation didn't abduct you." asked Katara looking at Aang.

Hearing her question Aang couldn't help but hug his legs and curl before answering in a sad tone., "Because I never wanted to be the avatar."

Hearing him Katara started regretting asking that in the first place.

Noticing the awkward atmosphere Sokka spoke trying to change the subject, "So where to now?."

"Well the monks back at the southern Air temple said that if I want to master the elements I need to start with water first." said Aang with shining eyes as he looked towards Levi.

Levi who could feel Aang's gaze on him couldn't help but sigh inwardly, he really didn't want to bother with teaching Aang water bending, he needed to focus on his own training more.

Seeing Levi not replying, Aang seemed to get the message, "Well no need to rush anything, we can go visit the southern air temple first, that's my home." said Aang with a cheery smile on his face not noticing the pitying look of Katara and Sokka.


"Ha-ah Are you sure you want to do this?" sighed Hakoda stroking the bridge of his nose.

"Yes Dad, I am sure this is what I need to do." said Katara with a determined look on her face, Sokka nodded from behind her affirming that he too thinks the same.

Seeing this Hakoda couldn't say anything anymore, of course all of that was on the basis that Levi was accompanying them so he was not that worried, otherwise there was no way he was going to let his kids go and wander the world on a whim like this.

Plus they told him Aang was the avatar, which took him a while plus the acknowledgement of Levi to accept, that eased his worries even more.

With Levi and the avatar traveling alongside them he actually pitied anyone that gets in their way.


On another side of the southern water tribe.

Levi stood side by side with Tobirama as they watched Hakoda talking nonstop with Sokka and Katara giving them one advice after another until the two siblings got tied.

Levi only smiled slightly as he saw this scene, he rarely saw Hakoda this concerned or worried, or maybe he was just that good at hiding it

"Take care of everyone here alright Tobirama, but if worst comes to worst you know who's more important." said Levi in a serious tone as Tobirama nodded from beside him, it was obvious he didn't even need Levi's reminder.

Finishing his business with Tobirama Levi turned and walked away, there was one finally person he still hadn't said his goodbyes to.


At the edge of the village Tenzin could be seen sitting at the shore with a fishing rod in his hands, a bucket full of water lay by his side with not a single fish inside it.

"Still as useless as ever when it comes to fishing I see." said Levi with his hands in his pockets as he approached Tenzin from behind.

Levi couldn't fathom how someone so good at water bending could be so bad at fishing, 'I guess even the best of us are still lacking in certain areas.' thought Levi.

*Cough* *cough*

"Tsk, cheeky brat, what do you want from me now." asked Tenzin in an annoyed tone between coughs.

Hearing him cough Levi couldn't help but sigh inwardly, like any other living being Tenzin had almost completed this cycle of his life and was nearing his end, being a master water bender with more chi inside him than other normal people he could obviously live longer, but sooner or later death will still catch up to him.

"Relax old man just because you suck at fishing doesn't mean you have to vent it all on me." said Levi and even though blood bending wasn't active he could swear he felt Tenzin's blood heat up a little.

"Ahem, anyhow I came to say goodbye for now I'll be accompanying the avatar for a while." said Levi.

"Humph and you still have the audacity to say that after you lied to me" said Tenzin.

"Well again, I never did say I was the avatar." said Levi rolling his eyes,

"Just go, you're scaring the fish away." said Tenzin, waving his hand at Levi dismissing him.

"Alright take care old man, just make sure not to kick the bucket before I come back, and I am not talking about the empty one next to you ." said Levi as he turned around and left, tilting his head to the side halfway and avoiding an ice spike that would have pierced right through his head.

Before going back to his siblings, Aang Levi went to an empty spot where no one could spy on him and merged back with Acnologia and the red dragon.

Acnologia had been out having fun for a while and seemed to have had enough which is why he came back, as for the red dragon it didn't have a consciousness of its own and only followed Levi's orders


After a couple days of flying on top of Appa, they had finally arrived at the Southern Air Temple.

Riding on top of Appa Levi and his siblings along with Aang who was driving spotted a mountain in the distance adorned with all kinds of pavilions and buildings of all sizes.

"Finally, we're home, Appa ." said Aang with a smile on his face as he patted Appa's head.

"Aang." called Katara with hesitation as she looked towards Aang, "You need to know that a lot of things can change in 100 years." she said, trying to ease him up to the fact that everyone he knows and the southern air temple were likely destroyed but Aang seemed to be oblivious to that.

"Hehe, You don't have to worry Katara, the only way to get into the southern air temple is with a sky bison, and I doubt the fire nation has them, isn't that right boy" said Aang as he petted Appa's head.

Hearing him Katara could only keep quiet.

Levi who was sitting at the back heard their conversations but it was of no interest to him, although he wondered how Aang in the avatar state would fare against him.

There was no avoiding it later on, he was sure to enter the avatar state after he sees what the fire nation had done to his home.

Aside from that he was also contemplating taking a trip into the spirit world after all of this was settled, he had the feeling that it would be his gateway into other worlds.

"We're here." Aang excited shout snapped him out of his contemplation as Appa landed on the grounds of the southern air temple, Levi could feel that even Appa was excited even though no emotions were showing on his face.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter people, now here is the deal, if we can hit 150 power stones mark in 12hours (starting from this chapter release) I will release another bonuses chapter.

Lemme see them luscious power stones


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