AN: Ladies and gentlemen we finally reached the magic number.
It wasn't hard for Levi to get into the city of Omashu, in fact it was extremely easy, all of the security was concentrated around the main and only gate in, leaving all other sides exposed as they thought nobody could get in that way, and in a sense they were right, it was just that Levi was an exception.
As he was getting closer to the city gates he saw a medium-sized carriage waiting in line to get into the city, the moment Levi saw this he was shocked for a second before he smiled, it was the cabbage guy, Levi had totally forgotten about him until he saw him here today, in his previous life he was one of his favorite characters from the show. Shaking his head Levi focused on the more pressing issue.
Levi just floated right from the side of the city where there were zero guards before dropping in the middle of a narrow alley, after that he didn't even have to hide his identity as nobody bothered to check it, people who were inside the city were all either citizens or had already been checked at the gates.
'Bumi really needs to up his game man' Levi couldn't help but criticize inwardly as he watched two guards pass by him not giving him another look, he made a mental note to remind him of it when they met.
Levi took his time as he walked through the streets of Omashu, he wasn't in a hurry, he had barely gone out to explore ever since he got into this world, the only times he would go out was on a mission. An hour later Levi had seen most of the city and decided it was time to meet Bumi, his group must be dying of boredom outside.
Staying in stealth Levi approached the palace before he quickly memorized the guard's patrol route and found an opening that he slipped in through, after that it was just a simple matter of using his ethereal sense to locate Bumi which he quickly did.
He was inside a large room with no doors! 'I guess doors can be a weakness when you have earth bending.' thought Levi, why leave behind doors for possible intruders to go through when you can just create your own door using earth bending whenever you need?
Of course Levi wasn't deterred by that, he had the perfect ability to get past this.
[Spirit body activated, switching to spirit body.]
[Switch successful -300 chi points]
Immediately Levi disappeared from where he was standing, for normal people anyhow, for anyone who could see spirits like Iroh they would be able to spot him.
After that Levi hurriedly walked towards the wall, he couldn't maintain his current form in the physical world for long so he had to hurry.
Passing through the wall Levi immediately switched back to his physical form, thankfully he had his bond spirits with him plus Acnologia or else he wouldn't have enough Chi to switch back, although he was only missing 50 chi points, it wouldn't be long before he'll be able to use his spirit body main ability by himself.
In front of him sat the king of Omashu and possibly the strongest earth bender alive today, but that would be the last thing anyone would think about when they first saw him, he had his back towards Levi as he sat on a chair eating some fruits that laid on a table in front of him.
Having a devious idea Levi smiled evilly before he approached Bumi from behind, Levi had thought that Bumi wouldn't be able to notice his presence but just when he was behind him and was about to reach his hand and tap his shoulder Bumi stopped eating all of a sudden, and before Levi could do or say anything his danger sense flared as he jumped away from the old king as fast as he could.
In the place he was standing just a moment ago sharp rock spikes drilled from the ground so fast that most people wouldn't be able to react, if he was just a bit late he would have been impaled. Yes, he would be fine, but it certainly wouldn't be pleasant.
"Who are you?" asked King Bumi, his gaze grave, his usual playful and cheery mood nowhere to be seen.
Levi was shocked for a second before he realized something, of course he wouldn't recognize him, they had only met once nine years ago, for him Bumi was a memorable character he watched in his previous world, but for Bumi, he was just his friend's disciple.
Smiling, Levi decided not to answer for now, instead he shot back his own question instead, "I am quite surprised you managed to detect my presence, very few people would be able to do that, how did you do it?" asked Levi, he was really curious about that, his stealth skill was at max level, Bumi shouldn't have been able to detect him.
"I am honestly surprised that there are people who can detect you." said Bumi in praise before continuing, "But when you're my age you tend to pick a trick or two along the way." he finished as he removed his royal robes showing his muscular frame that nobody his age had the right to have, he didn't even bother calling for any guards he was enough, and if he couldn't defeat this intruder there was no point in calling anyone else.
'A trick?' questioned Levi inwardly before he remembered something, 'Right, earth benders and their seismic sense.' thought Levi, finally figuring it out, he couldn't help but be thankful that very few people had mastered this ability or else his stealth skill might turn into a useless one.
'If Bumi is like this I can't imagine how toph would be, I doubt I would be able to sneak up on her without using air bending or developing a more advanced stealth skill.' thought Levi, reminding himself not to have blind fate in his abilities and to always be ready or anything.
"You're a strange one, getting lost in thought in the middle of a fight, aren't you afraid I might suddenly attack you? Didn't the fire nation send you to assassinate me? Why are you taking so long?" asked Bumi with narrowed eyes trying to prop for information before a fight ensued but sadly for him Levi wasn't here to fight.
"Ha-ah, you really don't remember me? Well I kind of understand, It was years ago and I was just a young boy." said Levi, sighing and shaking his head.
Hearing him, Bumi's eyes narrowed but he still didn't seem to remember, "Care to refresh my memory?" said Bumi but he didn't drop his guard, years of experience had taught him to be ready for anything.
"Yeah why not." said Levi before he pretended to put his hand in his pocket and retrieved a small bundle of clothes from his inventory, throwing it at Bumi.
Encasing his hand in rock Bumi caught the bundle and started inspecting it in confusion before saying, "Is this supposed to mean something." said Bumi, he was ready to fight, he started suspecting that the boy in front of him was just delaying for time and he didn't want to fall into any traps.
"Ha-ah smell it." said Levi sighing, 'I didn't know Bumi was this paranoid.' complained Levi inwardly at Bumi's behavior, but he wasn't annoyed, he knew for somebody to make it to this age they must be beyond paranoid.
While suspicious Bumi decided to give it a try, and the moment he did so his eyes went wide in shock, "Iroh's tea?." he asked in disbelief.
"Damn right it is, consider it a gift from me?" said Levi, although it pained him to give some of it away as soon as he got it his scammer of a master had taught him a valuable lesson when it came to giving things up.
"Hahaha, I remember you now, you're Tenzin's student. How is the old man doing?" asked Bumi as he finally relaxed, his posture going back to his relaxed hunched one.
"Well, he scammed me out of half the batch of Uncle Iroh's tea leaves he gave me last time on the island so I'd say he's doing just fine." said Levi with an annoyed look on his face making Bumi choke on his words..
*cough* *cough*
"So What warrants such a visit, are you just passing by? How did you get past the guard? And how did you even get into this room?" asked Bumi one question after another changing the subject as he shoved his face into Levi's face.
"Alright alright one thing at a time, first no I am not just passing by, secondly you should really up your defenses and guards, with all due respect it is shit, especially on the walls of the city there is literally nobody there, and finally just like you said previously it is a trick I picked up along the way, but don't worry I have it on good authority that nobody besides me can do it." said levi answering all his questions one by one in order.
"Hmmm." hummed Bumi for a second as he stared at Levi before he kicked the ground lowering the wall behind him where a guard could be seen.
Seeing the wall lower, the guard immediately rushed inside and stood behind Bumi before speaking, "Your majesty, what are your orders?"
"Put some guards on the city walls immediately." ordered Bumi making Levi raise an eyebrow, he didn't think Bumi would take his suggestion seriously let alone execute it so quickly, it seemed his breaking in had scared the old king more than he realized, but he was happy with things this way, now it'll be even harder to breach Omashu, unless he surrendered it willingly.
"But your Highness, no one can breach from there we will be wasting our resources" said the guard but he was immediately shot a look by Bumi that shut him up as he lowered his head and got out.
Of course he didn't address or look at Levi the entire time, seeing the king not talking about it he also chose not to, it wasn't his business, but if he knew that he had just gotten past him and entered the king's room without him noticing anything he might just shit his pants.
With that out of the way Bumi went back and sat at the table before asking, "So what brought you here?"
"Well, remember the last time we met? You said something about knowing the past avatar?." asked Levi as he also took a seat.
"Knowing? I didn't just know him, Aang was my best friend, sadly you are not his reincarnation." said Bumi with a sad tone in his voice.
"Well you might want to get rid of the WAS and that sad tone of yours, because your best friend is at the front gates waiting for you to let him through." said Levi with a smile.
"Huh? What did you just say." asked Bumi, dropping the fruit he was just about to eat.
A wide smile crept into Levi's face as he saw Bumi's shocked expression, he really liked to mess with people
"I am dying over here, he's taking so long." complained Sokka as he rested his back against Appa, Aang and Momo were sleeping beside him.
"Well it's only been a couple of hours, you should have some patience." said Katara as she practiced water bending on the side, although deep down she also wanted Levi to hurry up.
She wasn't worried about Levi, none of them were, they knew he could take care of himself they were just tired of waiting.
"You three." came a loud voice from behind them startling Aang and Momo awake as Katara lost control of her water bending in surprise while Sokka quickly got to his feet and grabbed his boomerang, ready for battle.
Five earth benders stood there as they stared the group down, a big hole was closing in behind them, obviously the way they came from.
"The king awaits your arrival at the palace, move it." said the guard in the lead before any of them could speak.
Not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble the three of them along with Momo were led by the earth benders inside the city, leaving Appa outside.
"Just wait here boy, we won't be gone for long." said Aang as patted Appa's head before following Sokka and Katara.
"You think it's Levi's doing?" asked Aang in a low voice as they walked.
"I don't know, I guess we will find out soon enough." replied Katara.
"Ha-ah, this is some good tea indeed." said Bumi as he put his cup down, Levi doing the same across from him while nodding his head in agreement.
"So I want to play a small little game with my old friend and your siblings first, you don't mind right?" asked Bumi raising a brow at Levi.
"Do your thing I trust you." said Levi shrugging he knew what kind of game Bumi was talking about and he didn't mind, plus he could use a little peace and quiet for a while.
Bumi was caught off guard by what Levi had said for a second but he soon recovered, "Well I'll be off then, I'll leave the door open, you can stay here or take a walk around the palace, if you need anything a guard would be staying outside." said Bumi before the ground opened up and swallowed him, closing back again right after.
'That must be really convenient.' thought Levi in envy as he saw this scene before he quickly shook his head, he can't be too greedy he already had three elements and he didn't even get his main element to level 100 yet.
Levi got up before stretching, after that he walked to the middle of the room before he sat cross-legged and started meditating, it had been years since he had leveled up his meditation ability, it had always been stuck at level 19, but now he could feel that he wasn't far off from the next level, he just needed a small push.
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Donate some power stones for your humble author please,' thought the author.
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