AN: So guys we had a vote last chapter and the '....' won for inner monologue so I will keep using it, sadly I wrote using italics for inner monologue in like 8 chapter so you have to bear through them, the time I would spend on editing them out would be better spent on writing new chapters and I am sure you all agree.
Second and last thing, I have three chapters prepared(not edited) for this week, it will depend on you guys how fast I release them here.
Either way I am ok with it, more power stones means I will have to work harder and edit them faster but my book will go up in rankings, less power stones mean I will get to take my time editing.
First mark 200 power stones.
Second mark 450 power stones.
Third mark 3000 power stones (Lol as if I'd let you guys work me to death).
Last but not least, enjoy the extra juicy 2.7k words chapter.
Taking deep breaths in and breathing out through his mouth Levi filtered all outside noises and distractions, focusing only on his breath as he quickly entered into a meditative state losing track of time.
In this state he could feel that he could project his consciousness into the spirit realm at any moment, an ability most would spend their whole lives without being able to learn, but that wasn't his goal today, his goal was to level up his meditation ability.
In the halls of the royal palace of Omashu, a single earth bender was walking in front with the group of three and Momo following closely behind him, they all had slightly nervous expressions on their faces, except for Momo who was curiously looking around.
On both sides of the hallway were guards lining up every few steps, some unarmed obviously earth benders, and some holding spears or swords at their waist, even at the entrance and the streets outside there were a lot of guards roaming around.
"Call me crazy but isn't the security here....a little bit too much." said Sokka in bewilderment as he looked at all the guards.
"A little is an understatement, last time I was here it wasn't like this, plus there were lookouts on the walls, they never did that before." said Aang frowning his brows.
"It must be because of Levi." said Katara with a little hint of worry in her voice as they finally reached the throne room.
Levi was still sitting cross-legged in the room Bumi had left him in, his breathing was calm and steady, if somebody with seismic sense was around they'd also be able to hear his heart beating in rhythm with his breath, his mind was empty of all distractions.
He didn't know how long he had been like that, whenever he entered a state of deep meditation he would always lose track of time, but that didn't mean he wasn't aware of his surroundings, if anybody planned to sneak up on him they would surely regret it.
'Ha-ah, I guess I'm not as close as I thought to level up.' thought Levi sighing, but he wasn't discouraged he would keep trying, sooner or later he would get there.
Opening his eyes Levi was about to get up and explore the palace a little when his eyes went wide in shock. He was floating above the ground but he hadn't even noticed when that had happened.
Just as he looked down and was about to descend he received another shock, his entire body was transparent, looking at his hands he could see the ground through them.
'What is happening, did I die?' Levi couldn't help but think of the worst possibility.
Turning around his heart fell as he saw the scene in front of him, a handsome-looking young adult with a robust and strong body, a square running vertically over his left eyebrow ending beneath his eye donning Southern water tribe clothes, it was him, it was his body.
'How? How could this happen? What had happened?' thought Levi, his face turning dark, as he examined his body he didn't notice any injury or or something that indicated that he was attacked.
Just as his thoughts were starting to spiral down he noticed a thin almost invisible thread of light connected to the top of his physical body's head, tracking said thread he traced it back all the way to the top of his current body's head, connecting both bodies together.
'Wait a second, Don't tell me…' Levi couldn't help but remember something he had read in his previous world, and he was almost certain that was what he was experiencing now.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief rush over him as he understood what was going on, he was worried about what would happen to his family once he was gone but now it seemed he had worried for nothing, 'If…When I leave this world I need to make sure they are taken care of.' thought Levi remembering his siblings.
The moment the image of his brother and sister appeared in his mind his vision blurred and at the next moment he found himself floating inside of a big spacious throne room.
Levi was shocked and disoriented for a second before he regained his senses, in front of him were Aang, Sokka, and Katara surrounded by earth benders on all sides and in front of them on a big throne sat Bumi in green earth nation royal robes.
'It seems I can use some kind of teleportation power in this state.' thought Levi as he looked around him.
"AHHHHH WHAT IS THAT." screamed Bumi at the top of his lungs as he sat up and pointed behind the group of three, startling everyone in the throne room, although there was no hint of fear or panic in his voice.
The earth benders immediately surrounded Bumi in the center as the group of three turned behind them in panic taking fighting stances but nothing was there, everyone was confused.
"Your majesty?" asked an earthbender from the side as he turned his head towards Bumi.
"Ahem, it's nothing, I just saw the ghost of a friend." said Bumi as if it were the most normal thing in the world, since nobody could see him, not even the avatar, he saw no point in explaining.
"A ghost." Sokka couldn't help but have goosebumps as he started frantically looking around, Aang and Katara though were more bewildered than afraid.
As for the earth benders, after hearing Bumi's explanation they just nodded their heads in understanding and resumed their duties as if nothing just happened, they were used to their king's antics.
Levi on the other hand was surprised Bumi could see him, he knew Iroh could as he had seen Aang riding Ruko's dragon in the show but Bumi was a surprise for him.
'Can all members of the white lotus detect spirits.' he couldn't help but wonder.
"So you're that guy's friends heh? Levi was his name wasn't it?' asked Bumi in an enigmatic tone making the group of three frown.
"Yes that's right, where is my brother?" asked Sokka his tone not carrying any hint of respect one should show for a king making some of the guards frown.
"Oh, no need to worry about him, he is closer than you think, I am sure he is watching over us now, from a place high above." said Bumi, his smile spreading to his ears.
"You bastard, what did you do to my brother? I'll beat it out of you" shouted Sokka, but he didn't rush or try to attack the king, Levi had made sure to teach him more than basic combat and controlling his temper was one of the lessons, although when it came to his unrestrained mouth and rich vocabulary Levi was helpless on that front.
"Oh quit the feisty one aren't you hehehe." said Bumi laughing, not taking him seriously at all.
Hearing Bumi play around with them Levi could only shake his head helplessly, he had agreed to this after all, he couldn't go back on his word. He thought he liked to mess with people but Bumi took it to a whole other level.
Shaking his head, Levi waved Bumi goodbye and turned around to leave, he still had other things to try while in this state.
"Alright goodbye, see you later." said Bumi waving back, making everyone in the hall except the guards look at him weirdly.
"Who are you talking to?" asked Aang as he turned around, for a split second he thought he saw the silhouette of a person floating away from them before he blinked and the figure disappeared.
"Oh I am fine I was just waving goodbye to the ghost of your friend Levi. He just left the room hahaha." said Bumi before he burst out laughing. As if he told some kind of joke only he understood.
"You bastard." This time Sokka couldn't hold his anger any longer as he rushed at Bumi, sadly for him the ground turned into mud and stopped him in his tracks.
High above in the sky of Omashu.
Levi levitated there looking down at the city, his senses were still the same as that of his physical body.
'So no enhanced sensory perceptions, check.' thought Levi, completing another one of his tests before looking down at the almost invisible cord coming from the palace.
'There also doesn't seem to be a distance limit for now at least, also check.' thought Levi, he couldn't help but think of how good this ability would be for espionage, it was in fact perfect for it, he could just be in the same room as the enemy leader and like that he would know all their plans.
'I wonder though, how far can I go, is there really no distance limit.' thought Levi, deciding to try it.
Southern water tribe
It was a usual day with everybody going about their business, kids were running and playing around, the men were out fishing and the guards were on patrols, everybody was doing their jobs and living in harmony.
High in the sky Levi suddenly appeared out of nowhere, he looked around before a smile formed on his lips.
'Very convenient.' thought Levi, happy with his new ability.
Deciding to finish what he came here to do Levi floated down towards the tribe, but before he could get very far his expression twisted as he froze in place the moment he touched the ground, he couldn't move a single muscle on his body, he couldn't even turn his head around.
He felt that he could teleport back into his body but that was it.
'What the hell is going on?' Thought Levi with a slight hint of panic, his heart couldn't help but clench, his dad and master were still in the tribe, he couldn't help but worry that something might have happened to them.
Soon there were hurried footsteps as a man with white hair appeared in his line of sight as if teleporting, both men looked at each other in shock before speaking.
"Master Levi?"
"You can see me?." asked Levi in shock as he noticed this detail, he knew Tobirama was a prodigy but he didn't think that he would be able to spot spirits also.
"Yes, I mastered it a few years back." said Tobirama plainly.
'Of course you did.' Levi couldn't help but think, feeling a little bit annoyed inside, but he didn't voice it out loud.
"Sorry, let me undo the seals." said Tobirama, as if suddenly remembering something before he made quick hand signs and immediately after Levi felt the restraints on him disappear and he could move again.
"That was your doing?" asked Levi, clearly impressed.
"Yes, after I mastered the ability to interact with spirits years ago I developed seals that can bind and hold them in place and I thought it would be a good idea to put them around the tribe." replied Tobirama.
"I see." said Levi in a plain tone but deep down he was a little bit annoyed, 'Is this fucker perfect?' he couldn't help but wonder.
"Anyhow, I am here on some business, you can go back to what you were doing." said Levi waving his hand around dismissing Tobirama who nodded before he disappeared in a burst of speed.
Levi noticed some people around looking at Tobirama weirdly, some even threw a casual remark here and there, 'Note to self, never talk to spirits in public places or you'll be labeled as crazy.' thought Levi as he floated towards his objective.
Now that he knew what was holding him were seals he realized he could have gotten out of them anytime he wanted, his spirit body sub-abilities were still working just fine so he could have just purified the seals on him or even sealed the seals themselves.
Soon Levi spotted his objective, an old man sitting on a wooden chair facing the ocean with a fishing rod in his hand and an empty bucket filled only with water beside him. He seemed to be at peace as he relaxed and enjoyed the cool sea breeze.
It was his master, Tenzin, Levi's plane was betting on the fact that Tenzin would be able to spot and hear him like all other members of the white lotus he had met so far.
'Time to get my revenge.' thought Levi, smiling deviously as he approached him from behind, this time unlike when he tried to sneak up on Bumi Tenzin didn't feel anything as Levi reached right behind him.
Taking a deep "breath" in, Levi screamed at the top of his lungs, "BOOOO."
For an old man people would think Tenzin wasn't that agile, but they will soon come to regret it sourly, as Tenzin jumped forward in shock before he quickly regained his bearings when he fell into the cold ocean water, immediately after water tentacles leaped out of the water and struck the place Levi was at passing right through him.
This all happened in less than a second showing the old man was still strong despite his old age.
Seeing his attack pass right through his assailant and seeing the face of the one who had almost made his heart stop in fear Tenzin was shocked for words, he didn't know what to say.
"Hehe, still suck at fishing I see, this was nothing but an appetizer, next time think twice before scamming me of my tea." said Levi as his body disappeared leaving Tenzin shocked.
Back in Omashu
Levi appeared inside the room his physical body was meditating in.
As he did so he couldn't help but frown as he noticed a downside to this ability he hadn't before, while using it his physical body was basically defenseless.
'Well I still Have Acnologia and my other bond spirits to guard me.' thought Levi reassuring himself.
'Now, there is one final thing I need to test.'
'System? '
[Yes user?]
Hearing the mechanical voice of the system Levi couldn't help but smile, now that he knew the system was still accessible even while in this state his tests were done.
Willing to get back into his physical body Levi's vision blurred for a second and when he opened his eyes again he found himself sitting cross-legged, he was back in his physical body.
"That was certainly an experience." he said, taking a deep breath.
"Sir, Did you call?" came a voice from outside as an earthbender appeared at the door.
"Nothing, I was just talking to myself." said Levi waving his hand dismissing him.
"Of course, excuse me sir." said the earthbender before leaving.
Levi was lost for words for a second at how these earth benders seemed to accept anything you tell them, even when Bumi said he was talking to ghosts they didn't question it much.
Shaking his head, Levi decided to forget about it as he looked at his notifications, and just as he had expected meditation had reached level 20 and he had unlocked a new meditation sub-ability.
[Meditationed leveled up +1]
[Meditation reached level 20]
[Meditation sub ability -Astral projection- unlocked]
[Astral projection (Active) - Level MAX: the ability to project your astral form outside your body.]
'As expected.' thought Levi, he had figured it out halfway through his journey but it was nice to get a confirmation.
"Not bad, Not bad at all." he muttered smiling, he was in a good mood.
"Sir if you may, the king is asking to meet with you." came the voice of the earthbender at the door.
"Alright, lead the way." replied Levi as he followed right behind him.
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