13: Thor Not So Dark World


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


After my less than ideal conversation with Yao, I didn't expect to have another with someone for few months, but Odin decided to accept my invitation, not for a spar but for what he called peaceful conversation, and here we are sitting face to face with each other.

"So, why did you want to meet me?" I questioned the old man sitting parallel to me.

"Why asked the question you know the answer to." and talk why like Yoda you do.

"I honestly don't know, never met you or had any interaction with Asgard before meeting Thor." I voiced my joke and simply replied to Odin.

"I will talk straight Bryan fury, you are an anomaly, I know the future, although not as precise as Yao, but I know you are not the part this universe's timeline." Odin said getting straight to the point, maybe knowing my personality a bit, he didn't tried any diplomatic methods.

"I get that, but what can I do for you?" I questioned again.

"You already know about the Ragnarok, I want you help Thor prevent it" Odin requested, and I can feel his sincerity. I don't really blame him, knowing you and your people getting getting destroyed by some higher being, so they can gather energy and become stronger. They are using Asgard as cattle farm where they raise sheep to butcher.

"What will I get in return for helping Asguard from its demise" Although I plan to help Asguard and Thor, but I don't really have to admit that to Odin.

"What can I offer? Huh, I know you are interested in the Infinity-Stones, recently Thor arrived to Asgard with one, I can give you that" Odin offered, probably the Space-Stone

"I don't need the space stone anymore" I had already absorbed enough energy from Space-Stone during few weeks Thor was on Earth. And I'm already adapting to its energy.

"Its not the Space-Stone, it's Reality-Stone. Thor arrived with it few hours ago, since I knew you were interested in them, I came here to bargain" Odin said, showing his Ruler mindset.

"The reality-Stone huh, how did you know that I don't want the Space-Stone anymore?" I questioned, and if I have to guess, Yao should be the one to tell him

"Yao told me why you want the stones" Odin confessed, Yao probably told him to speak the truth as well.

"Fine, I'll save the Asguard from Ragnarok" I accepted Odin's offer.

"I sincerely thank you for that, not as a Sky-King but as a Father and the Ruler" Odin bowed his head a little, which honestly surprised me.

"Since it's already decided, let's go to Asguard" I suggested after Odin raised his head.

Odin nodded his head, and asked Hiemdal to open the Bifrost, but Hiemdal didn't respond or opened the bridge which caused Odin to frown. Odin called agian but still no reply came, and as Odin was going call for the third time, the Rainbow coloured beam of light fell on us. Bringing us to the Asguard.


~ Asguard, After Odin went to meet Bryan~


—— 3rd person P.O.V ——


As Heimdall is stood in his usual guarding post, he suddenly hears something turns and runs out onto the Bifrost Bridge, he jumps onto one of Malekith's ships cloaked in invisibility, making it visible and manages to send it crashing into the sea, but he soon finds that a giant ship is behind him releasing smaller ships to attack Asgard, Heimdall activates a shield to protect Asgard but Algrim manages to deactivate it sending a ship to crash into the palace] [after Malekith's ship has crashed into the palace the Dark Elves start attacking the Asgardian soldiers killing them all, Malekith leaves the ship and goes to look for Frigga and Jane.

Without Odin, there was no one who can make the Dark Elves retreat. Malekith left Algrim to deal with Thor and went to find Aether.

Thor kept fighting Algrim with all his might, but kept getting overwhelmed by Kurse. He can only watch as his Mother slowly die in front of his eyes, his mighty power completely useless.


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


After Odin and I landed on the Rainbow bridge. Hiemdal quickly approached Odin, and told him the current situation. Hearing Hiemdal, Odin quickly flew towards the Golden Castle, and I also followed him after I nodded at Hiemdal.

Easily catching up with Odin and leaving behind him, I quickly made my way to where I can hear Thor's desperate roars.


—— Thor's P.O.V ——


I have always considered myself the mightiest warrior across the Nine Realm after my Father, but this can't be further from the truth. With all my Powers and Strength, I never felt so powerless and weak, hearing as my Mother's breathing rhythm getting slower and her eyes leaving the gentle warmth, for the first time in my life, I felt the despair. I:The Mighty Thor can't even Defeat an enemy and bring my mother to Medics. Seeing my Mother's condition deteriorating more, I recklessly and desperately Charged at the monster again, only for the monster's left hand to easily block my hammer, and the right hand to capture me by my face, trying to crush it.

And as I was loosing my hope, I caught speeding figure of Bryan, which reignited the fire of hope inside me. With a Mighty roar I summoned the strongest lightning I could, and repelled the Monster back.

"Bryaaan!, bring my mother to the medic" I released a mighty scream, but I didn't have to, as I saw Bryan healed my mother with his purple energy.

The stab wound closed in less than 10, and I can hear Mother's breathing starting to stabilise again. I turned my head towards the monster again, and with my Mother out danger, I can completely focus on the fight.


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


Healing Frigga took more time than expected, her condition was quite severe. The wound inside was contaminated by a very viscous energy, that was stopping her natural regeneration from kicking in.

I would have absorbed the energy but my Core and Body are still adapting to the Space-Stone's energy, so I can only absorb the energy I already Assimilated to, and even If I wasn't adapting, I wouldn't have absorbed the energy as the Mind and Reality Stones are next in my Schedule.

Bringing my Focus back to the reality, I saw Thor fighting much better than before with his mind free of his Mother's eventual demise, but he's forgetting the Elves are after his girlfriend. Moving between the fighting duo, I blocked a punch from the Kurse, and look towards Thor.

"Thor stop fighting and go after the skinny Elf, he's after what inside the Jane is, you should go and protect her" I reminded Thor, While I gently pushed back the Kurse which was not so gentle for him, as he flew few dozen meters back.

"Ah yes, You are right my friend, Jane needs my help" Thor replied, and after checking his mother's condition, he quickly left towards , where Jane is hidden.

I moved my head back to the Kurse, who had already stood up from the previous blow. Slowly waking towards him while cracking my neck, I fired a heat vision which instantly severed his left hand, and caused it fall on the ground. The kurse released a painful grunt.

Reaching a hand distance from him I threw a normal punch at him. Feeling my hand tearing through his armour and sinking in his gut, I can feel the force behind my attack finally catching up, sending him flying across the Golden City, probably at the edges of the sea.

After handling the Kurse, I return my attention to Frigga, who's already woken up and looking me with astonishment filled eyes.

"Are you really a mortal, even Odin in his prime was not that physically strong" Frigga expressed her confusion.

"I see Thor got that from you, you call me mortal, but your species only lives for 5000 years" I questioned her

"Ahh I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it like that" Frigga hurriedly apologised and explained.

"It was a joke, Lady" Seeing the always calm lady flustered, I released a chuckle.


—— 3rd P.O.V ——


~ Inside the Throne Room~


Jane ran from his pursuer to all the way to the destroyed Throne Room, but after reaching the Throne Room, she met a dead end with Dark soldiers coming from the other side of the Room. Seeing there's no other way, Jane turns around and faced her pursue, Malekith.

Malekith slowly approached the woman, and caressed her cheek with his pale fingers, started extracting the Aether from Jane's body. The process was simple and wouldn't have taken much longer with Malekith's Dark Elves magic, but a lightning blast pushed him and Jane away from each other, leaving the Aether flowing in the air.

Malekith looked at the Thunder God and showed a surprised expression, as he thought that the Thunder God should be busy with Kurse and his dying Mother.

Slowly raising up and Rushing at Thor with his daggers drawn. Malekith threw one of dagger at Thor before he reached him, Thor parried the dagger with swing of his hammer, but Malekith predicted that and timed his second dagger attack while Thor was parrying the first dagger.

The second dagger stabbed Thor's shoulder and made him flinch, but the Thunder God also had his fair share of battle, Thor quickly removed the dagger, and threw it in a different direction from Malekith.

Thor raises his hammer and slams it down on Malekith's head, which Malekith easily dodged but what he didn't account for, was the lightning that followed the attack and fell on him from the sky, which instantly paralysed him.

Seeing the lightning paralysing the Dark Elf, Thor followed with his combo and raised his hammer back while simultaneously striking the Malekith on his chin. Thor delivered another devastating strike from Mjolnir which knocked out the Dark Elf. Taking deep breaths to calm down his adrenaline, Thor checked his bleeding wound before running towards unconscious Jane. Reaching Jane position, Thor crouched down and checked her breathing, after confirming her condition, Thor stood up again and faced the Floating Aerher. Summoning lightning to Mjolnir, Thor prepares to destroy the Dark Relic.

"Don't destroy it" but Odin's sudden voice halted Thor from destroying the Aether.

"Why" Thor questioned the approaching Allfather.

"Because I'll take care of it" Bryan replied Thor's question instead of Odin.

Thor turns around and saw Bryan with Frigga entering the Throne Room.

"Mother!" Thor runs towards his Mother and embraced her, muttering apologies for not protecting her. And Frigaa assuring him that it's not his fault.

Bryan silently watched Mother and Son duo before turning to Odin who was also seething in rage. Allfather never imagined Asgard getting attacked by someone he never considered a threat, and Nearly loosing his Wife and Queen.

Bryan seeing the Royal Family lost in their own thoughts walked towards the Aether. Reaching near it, he simply crushed the Aether where he felt the Infinity Stone located at. After observing the shining red gem, he threw it in his Dimension and faced Odin.

"Odin, I think it's time for me to leave Asgard" Bryan said and that brings back the Allfather from his rage full thoughts.

"Already? At least let us repay you for saving my mother" Thor spoke before Odin could say anything, and insisted Bryan to stay on Asgard for few more days

"My Son is right, at least let us throw a feast for you" Odin agreed with Thor, and invited Bryan for a Feast.

Seeing both Father and Son not backing down, Bryan accepted the invitation and decided to stay for few weeks in Asgard. He is also interested in Asgardian Feast.


{AN: next chapter will show the status screen, and Bryan will finally interact with Wanda for the first time}