—— Bryan's P.O.V ——
~ Few weeks later~
The rainbow coloured lights fades and reveals my beautiful home. It's been the longest I've ever been away from home. Walking slowly towards the house, wearing a comfortable Asgardian robe. I started to think about my time in Asgard, specially the feast, It was in Asgardian word: Magnificent.
During the Feast, Thor managed to get me drunk with those ancient liquor and started a hand wrestling competition.
And boy did Asgard never felt that many earthquakes since its creation. I easily annihilated all the my challengers without even breaking a sweat. The Thunder God wasn't happy with his defeat, and asked two maids to take me in a private room for some Intimacy, so he can gain his lost reputation back. The maids happily agreed and Brought me to private room excitedly. The drunk me, who didn't had S*x in nearly fifty years couldn't contain his lust. Of course the next day was very painful for the Thunder God, I only stopped beating him when he cried manly tears and begged to his Mother, who couldn't see her boy beaten any more and requested me to stop.
Truthfully, I was just being petty, I really enjoyed the S*x and felt really relaxed the day after. With some of my sexual tension gone, I felt great. It's not easy to find sexual partners with my kind of physical strength, if I loose even a bit of control over my strength during the inter-coarse, the result would not be pretty, even the Asgardian women are not durable enough, If I didn't subconsciously held back during that night, well I don't really to say, the result can be imagine.
Entering the house, I first went to take on a shower. After showering and changing to a different Asgardian robes, I entered the Kitchen to get some Coffee, and with coffee in hand I made my way to my favourite spot, and from there I just watched the rain fall till the evening.
"Status" I muttered lazily.
[~ Status~
- Name: Bryan Fury
- Race: Mutated Kryptonian
- Title: Reincarnated, The First and Last of His Kind, Void Touched, Eternal*
- Power Level: 4C-Small Star level(Base)
- True Power Level: 3C- Galaxy Level(Max)
- Assimilated Energy: Sunlight Radiation, Mana, Chi, Psionic, Cosmic, Temporal.
-Assimilating Energy: Spacial Energy(9 months)
- Racial Skills: Kryptonian Psychology, Void Core.
- Passive Skills: Void Touched, Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance, Psionic Resistance, Cosmic Resistance, Temporal Resistance.
- Active Skills: CQC, Stealth, Weapon Mastery, Marksmanship, Eldritch Magic Mastery, Astral Magic Mastery, Rune and Enchantment Mastery, Dark Arts Mastery, Energy Manipulation, Mana Manipulation, Psionic Energy Manipulation, Chi Manipulation, Cosmic Energy Manipulation, Temporal Manipulation.
- Self-made Moves: Existence Appraisal, Mind Rupture, Mind Collapse, Atom Splitter, Compressed death beam, Time Collapse, Time Reverse, Time Halt, Haste, Halt, Time End, Future Sight, Past Sight, Fate design,
Atomic Crush, Empowerment, Energy Blast.]
My Status Screen has changed quite a lot in these years, with me Absorbing and Assimilating six different energies and combining them in my now-named Void Core. After assimilating each energies , I get resistance and manipulation skills for said energy. My Resistance to the Adapted energy kept increasing passively as I Continue to absorb more energy, but I have to increase proficiency of each my Energy Manipulation skill by myself.
The best thing about my Void Core is that I can absorb any Assimilated energies to refill it. The Void Core can convert the energy into its own unique energy, I can simply sit and absorb the Sun's Radiation to grow my energy reserve.
During the years I never stopped training, as I become stronger my Dimension also grew, both in size and abilities.
My Psionic Manipulation proficiency is the highest with me using telekinesis and telepathy daily. I use telekinesis to do my house chores and train it in the training facility inside the my Dimension, and use telepathy on planetary level to get accustomed to it. And although listening to the whole planet's thoughts were painful, but I adapted quickly, and started pinpointing the specific thoughts and people's psychic signatures in few months. My experience with learning the control of super hearing did a major help in adapting to incoming mass information directly in my brain. Although I had developed my Kryptonian abilities very slow and had much longer time than the Average Kryptonian to learn and control my powers, but doesn't mean it was easy. I had really hard time with my super smell,
It was hard and disgusting to gain minimal control over it. From smelling the underground sewer to digested food inside a human's stomach, it was an horrifying experience, even though I learned to control my all senses and can easily suppress them now, it didn't mean I stopped hating the process, anyway lets get back to my Psionic training.
I trained every psychic abilities that I can remember, from telepathy to teleportation to pyro-kinesis and many other. With my Psychic abilities alone, I can easily give Saiki Kusuo run for his money.
I managed to even make some self made move with Psionic Manipulation, like-
-Mind Rupture: A ball of compressed Psionic energy that explodes inside the mindscape and released a shockwave that not only rattle the mindscape but also pulverises the physical body, especially the brain.
-Brain Collapse: A sound based psionic attack that target Atomic structures that bonds and hold the mindscape together.
-Atomic Crush: Using the Kryptonian's tactile telekinesis and the regular telekinesis, user can crush an object to Sub-Atomic level. The only weakness this attack has, that it needs a physical contact with the object.]
These are the only attacks that registered in the Status board. I made thousands Psionic attack but they were not considered self made as most them were just me using a kinesis in a different way.
The most powerful single target attack I made in these years, is the move called Time Collapse. The attack simply removes the concept of time around a small area, with time being such important concept, removal of it causes the collapse of the selected area completely, decimating everything inside the area.
Even though the Time Collapse is most powerful single target attack, but its not "The" most powerful attack in my arsenal. That title easily goes to the attack called the Energy Blast, a simple name. it's an AOE type attack, an attack I never used at it's full power. I know if I used the Energy blast at full power, the Milky way galaxy will not Survie.
The attack is not complicating like the Time Collapse. Its just massive amount of energy compressed in a small ball.
With my Energy Manipulation, Telekinesis, Tactile Telekinesis, I can compress a ball of energy as big as the Sun into the size of a golf ball, and I have enough energy to increase its size to one diameter from the golf ball size compressed energy. Imagine the destruction it will cause upon its explosion. Even I don't think I can survive the attack.
It's dragon ball type attack, completely illogical.
~Nine Months later, Sokovia, Hydra's hidden research facility~
——3rd Person P.O.V——
Bryan was inside the secret hydra research facility, absorbing the energy from the Mind-Stone. He can already feel slight improvement in his Psionic abilities even though he still isn't adapted and assimilated the Mind-Stone energy.
Bryan has been absorbing the Mind-Stone Energy for a month already, and the entire process was uneventful, as Bryan has given mental suggestions to all the Hydra worker to not approach the room for few months. He needed only a month to absorb the necessary amount of energy, but he didn't want any Cliche situation to occur, so he extended the time to few months, and also made sure that the twins weren't released from there cage.
Bryan stopped absorbing the energy and unfolded his legs from his mid-air lotus sitting position, and landing slowly to not cause an Earthquake from his month long non stretched legs. He slowly turned around, walked towards the exit, but something, or Someone caught his attention.
Bryan frozes for a second, when his purple eyes met with the most beautiful green eyes he'd ever seen. Bryan can see a hint of recognition in those beautiful orbs. And It didn't take long for Bryan to guess the reason behind the recognition. That reason made Bryan curse inwardly, even with all precautions he still fell in the most Cringe situation ever. He can already feel his simple life is going to get complicated very soon.
—— Wanda Maximoff's P.O.V ——
Ever since I was a child, I can tell feel people's presence. Everyone had unique presence to them, like my brother has a presence that feel like a lighting, fast and unpredictable. It was because of this I know I was special, and the scientists here confirmed the fact. I and my brother volunteered for being a Guinea for these people, so we can gain powers to deal with that Monster: Tony Stark.
The weapons made by that man killed our parents. We were caught in missile strike's range twice, and both time his weapons were used. The first time someone saved us, but the second time wasn't so lucky. And the person who saved us is the one currently standing in-front of me, how do I know this, simple. This man has the same presence as the one who saved us, his presence is so unique that I can detect it from miles away.
I have been feeling his presence since the beginning of this month, but I was trapped in the glass prison and unable to get out, the guards were extra careful in this month. I can easily see that someone has messed with their mind with my new powers, and that someone is the one who saved us. He kept providing us food and other supplies when we needed it, after our parents passed away. Although my brother believed that it's the work of God, but I know that's not true because I always felt his unique presence every time we prayed. And now that I see him, I'm really considering my brother's because someone like him can be called human, with his flawless face, sharpe eyes, a body of greek god, most unique his presence. If I have to describe his presence, it will be like the Sun warm and cozy, but its only the exterior. Interior of his presence, his core, there was nothing but an Empty Void.
My thoughts were interrupted by the man, as he stopped floating and opened his eyes. His sharp purple eyes meeting my green ones. I instantly felt a pull towards those power filled eyes. I fell so deep in those eyes that I almost didn't realise the man walking away.
"Wait" I hurriedly turned and called him.
He stops for a second but continued walking away. Seeing him not responding, I called him again but this time with a much louder voice.
"I said wait" hearing my voice second time he finally stopped and turned around.
"~Sigh, What is it?" The man questioned with his deep voice which enchanted me and nearly made me forget everything again.
"I know you're the person who saved our parents and kept providing us the food after they passed away" I stated with a confident voice.
"Yes I did" The man confessed and sighed again. I did not expected that he will accept it so easily, with how secretive he was while helping us.
"You are not going to ask, how I knew that" I questioned him with curiosity dipping from my tone.
"I can already guess" He replied back.
I guess someone so powerful can not be easily surprised, or he might have just read my mind.
"Why did you save us that day?" I questioned again. This question has been on my mind ever since that day. I have asked my self countless time why would someone give us so much help to unknown people, there many other people with worst condition than us, and after watching the Alien Invasion on the television, that confusion only become stronger.
"It was a coincidence, I was just passing by" he said, and I scoffed at his blatant lie
"You think I will believe that?" I questioned him but he just shrugged his shoulder and did not say anything.
"Suppose I believe it, but what about countless other time you helped us?" I questioned him again, as he brushed his hair back further showcasing his gorgeous face. God! how can someone so charming can exist—bad Wanda bad focus, do not fall for his devilish charm
"~Chuckle~" A chuckle sounded from him, his deep melodias voice sending shivers down my spine. He probably read my thoughts again, looking back at his eyes, I saw clear amusement in them which caused a blush to creep on my face.
"I think we have to cut this conversation short" He said and before I can understand the meaning behind his words. The Hydra Soldier entered the room rushing towards me, completely ignoring the giant man standing next to the door. I know he was the one to led them here, I don't know why but I feel, he wants to avoid me for some reason.
{ Thats it folks, here's the status of our MC and I hope you guys are not disappointed with his growth.
And a little interaction between him and Wanda.
I want to clarify one thing: Wanda's personality will have a bit of yandereness of Scarlett witch and childishness of Elizabeth Olsen.}