15: Avengers Assembled Again


~ Hydra Research Facility, Sokovia ~


——— 3rd person P.O.V ———


An announcement sounded on the speaker, set over Wanda and Pietro holding hands.

"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack."

The Avengers are in the process of infiltrating a HYDRA base in Sokovia, making their way through the woods and fighting soldiers, easily dismantling their defences. Flying in his Mark XLIII Armour, Iron Man moved directly towards the Castle.

"Shit!" Tony cursed after hitting a forcefield.

"Language! JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Reprimanded the ever righteous Captain America.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." Jarvis voice sounded through the coms.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor said while repelling the hordes of Hydra Soldiers. He already know about the infinity inside the sceptre, Odin told him everything about Stones and how Bryan is searching for them. He plans to give the sceptre to Bryan for both saving his mother and apologising for his blunder. He might not admit it but Bryan gave him a bit Trauma.

Natasha knocks out some soldiers, and joined the conversation.

"At long last" is lasting a little long, boys." Natasha Jokingly said

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint replied as some soldiers shoot at him, while he's talking cover behind the tree.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said: language?" Tony questioned, not letting the old fashioned Man's comment go.

"I know. It just slipped out." Cap admitted his old views and throws his bike at some soldiers driving up in their truck.


~ Inside the HYDRA Research Facility~


"Who gave the order to attack?" Strucker angrily asked the Fortress Soldiers.

"Sir, it's the Avengers." One soldier replied.

"They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked." Another soldier followed.

"They have to be after the scepter." Strucker said to the Dr. list, who nodded.

"Can we hold them?" Strucker questioned the Fortress Soldier.

"They're the Avengers!." The Fortress Soldier simply stated, and he doesn't need explain his meaning, as Strucker is smart enough to guess

"Deploy the rest of the tanks." Strucker Orders the Fortress Soldier.

"Yes, sir."

"Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks." Strucker ordered again before the Fortress Soldier could leave.

"Everything we've accomplished... But we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough." Strucker said to Dr. list

"Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the twins." Dr. List said, quite proud of his creation.

"It's too soon.They can't take on the Avengers." Strucker stated. Which silence the mad scientist, but that silence was broken by the announcement on the speaker.

"Attention! Attention all units, Iron Man has breached the Energy shield and currently making his way to the Core of the Castle.

"We will not yield. The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back in bags. No surrender!" Strucker gave a small speech and shouted loudly to Motivate the Nearby Soldier.

"No surrender!" The soldiers shouted back.

"I am going to surrender. You will delete everything. If we give the Avengers the weapons, they may not look too far into what we've been--" Strucker whispered to Dr.List, but List interrupted him.

"The twins." Dr.List said.

"They are not ready to take on--" Strucker replied with annoyed expression, but Dr. List interrupts him again.

"No, no. I mean... the Twins." List Clarified, as he points to where Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were standing, but are now gone.


~ The Forest outside the Research Facility ~


Pietro speeds through the forest, as he catches Barton's arrow, which Barton has shot at a bunker, Pietro then circles back around and punched Barton, that almost knocked out the super spy.

"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro said to Barton, while shrugging his shoulders mockingly.

Pietro then zooms off before Clint can shoot him with an arrow, then Barton got shot by the Hydra agent, and released small grunt from the pain.

"Clint!" Natasha called out in a worried tone.

While Natasha is checking on Hawkeye .

Pietro runs down to Cap and knocks him down, as he speed past him

"We have an enhanced in the field." Steve Immediately informed the team through the communication coms

"Clint's hit!" Natasha voice sounded after Steve's, as she reached Clint's location.

"Thank you." Natasha thanked the hulk who destroyed the bunker, where the soldiers were firing from.

"Stark, we really need to get inside." Steve said while fighting with the soldiers.

"I'm closing in. 'JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?' Tony replied to Steve before asking the same question to Jarvis.

'There's a particle wave below the north tower.' Jarvis voice sounded inside Tony's armour.

"The enhanced?" Thor questioned Steve through the coms.

"He's Fast, like Bryan but nearly not as fast, or strong. All I can see is a blur, the new player's we've faced, I've never seen someone this fast. In fact, I still haven't." Steve gave a short explanation to Thor.


——— Wanda Maximoff's P.O.V ———


I was hesitant when Pietro suggested to fight the Avengers, and even if Tony Stark is an Avengers. That man called Bryan is also part of the Avengers, but seeing him not coming with his team, and Tony Stark flying in his metal armour. I changed my mind.

I will destroy Avengers and at same time, attract his attention, I know he's avoiding me but not for long.

A smile formed on my lips thinking about meeting him again. Shaking my head I brought back my attention to the Captain America who is currently interrogating my jailer.

"Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug." Captain America said, slowly approaching the defeated Strucker

"Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD." Strucker clarified. I had a urge to laugh at this display, never in my life I thought this arrogant man will fall this low.

"Well then technically you're unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter?" Captain said retorted at his reply.

"Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."

"I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation." Captain said but I couldn't careless anymore, Slowly creeped behind him and released a strong Telekinesis blast, sending Captain America flying. He used his shield to tank the fall damage, but the damage from telekinesis itself stunt the super soldier.

Turning my head towards the head of this research facility, I released another Telekinesis blast, and unlike Captain America he instantly lost his consciousness after hitting his head on the ground.

I raised my right hand backwards without turning my head and caught the shield that came flying at me with my telekinesis. rotating my body I threw the shield back to its wielder with twice the speed. Captain America manages to stop the flying shield with his both palms, but the force behind the shield pushed him back, all the way to the edge of the room, his back colliding against the wall violently. If the Captain didn't stopped the Shield with the his hands, that Shield would have definitely spliced him in half.

I have to knock the Avengers out, not kill them. I want to attract his attention, not his anger. Realising that, I changed my fighting approach. I released an energy blast at the Captain, which he blocked with his shield. The energy blast threw the shield out of his hands as he could not position the shield properly in time because my previous attack. I creeped behind him using my illusion and trapped him inside his mind.

With One of the Avengers out of the way, I moved towards my next target: Tony stark.

Honestly I really really want to kill this evil man, but I also don't want to give him the easy way out, I want him to understand what his weapons did to people's life, I want him to understand all the pain he has caused, suffer from that.

Reaching inside the room, where I saw him holding sceptre, and the sceptre already messing with his mind.

I used my mind power again to send him to the dream world, but instead of good dreams I gave him nightmares.

I wanted to silently destroy the Avengers team but the AI ruined the idea and informed everyone about me. It made my task much harder, and I can't help but feel slight frustration on the AI.

I moved towards my third target and trapped him inside his too, which was much easier than I expected, with him being a god I doubted whether my mind powers will work on him or not, but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

I contemplated on who to target next and decided that messing with the green monster will not be a wise move, as I can nothing feel immense rage inside his mind, other than enraging him further it will not do anything else, so I decided my next target will be the spy duo, which will be the easiest to deal with amongst all the Avengers in my opinion. But I was only half right about that, reaching there it didn't even take that long to deal with the black Widow 'Horrible name in my opinion', but Hawkeye was different. His mind's passive defence was very strong and he easily recognised someone is trying to mess with his mind.

Hawkeye turns his body and attached an arrow on my forehead. I felt horrible electric shock and then everything went dark.


——— Bryan's P.O.V ———


I watched as Wanda lost her conscious, making the same mistake her counter part did in the original movie. Her painful face was hard to see, I nearly used my telekinesis to deal with the arrow, but I stopped myself at the last moment.

Clint tied Wanda and went to check on others but he forgot about the other twin, who saved his sister and ran away from research facility.

Watching the the Maximoff twins leaving, I also left the area and returned to my home.

I enter my Personal Dimension after reaching home, to train my Spatial Manipulation. I have already got the Spatial resistance and Manipulation after assimilated the Space-Stone's Energy, but didn't had time use and improve them, as I was too busy absorbing the energy from the Mind-Stone.

The first thing I tried was blink or the short distance teleportation, and obviously it didn't worked as I didn't have enough control over it. I didn't get discouraged with the failure, but I also didn't tried to blink again instead I tried to condense the Space surrounding my right palm, trying to make it heavier and denser. It's one of the best way to restrict someone from moving and prevent teleportation. After training and trying the same thing for 7 hours straight, I managed to condense the space surrounded my palm, although only noticeable to my super senses, as the restriction is so low that even a small bee won't feel the difference flying in it. But its a progress, showing that I'm on the right path.


{AN: I know some people will say that I'm just plagiarising the movie, but in my defence its a fan-fic, and with an OP mc who can one shot literally every character till now. So, I have to write about other characters and scene without including him. If I don't do that, the story will end provably less than 60 chapters.}
