26: Ragnarok


~ The Realm of Asgard, 2017 ~


— Bryan's P.O.V —


"~Whistle~" I couldn't help but whistle, watching as Hela beat the shit out of Thor. I always found her to extremely hot in my previous life, only below Wanda, and would have definitely wanted her if I was an pokemon trainer.

"Hey, stop it" I told Wanda who caught me checking Hela out and have been pinching my side with telekinetic imbued hand.

"Why do you always do that, and only when I'm nearby" Wanda's question made me release a heartily laugh.

"Hahaha, because it's cute to see you jealous, and go all Yandare on any women who even partly earn my attention." I explained why I always do that. It's also a reminder for me to stay away from the 'Dark Side' ahmm…harem..ahmm.

"No!!! I do not!!!" Wanda's loud voice would have definitely disturbed the ongoing battle below us if I hadn't created a sound-nullification barrier around us.

"Ohh my dear, You think I don't remember what you did to Carol." I asked Wanda with a raised eyebrow which made a blush to crept on her face.

Carol visited me many times over the years, at first she hated me and came to fight, but after getting her ass kicked few more times, she awakened her 'M' side which I think are secretly present in every strong 'S' women. But I'm not sure, I ain't no Eidolon who solved the mystery of the women's mind.

Man I died before reading those side stories Evanscanon promised, but anyways back to the topic. Carol started to send slight singles that only increased after I totally ignored her, and turned in full blown flirting.

During her last visit, she met Wanda and well…you know how it probably went, but incase you don't. Carol like the strong independent women she is, confronted Wanda and me which triggered Wanda's Yandare tendencies.

I don't know what happened after that as Wanda warned me to not peek inside the barrier she formed to fight Carol, but a blushing and half-naked Carol running away nearly light speed leaves very little to imagination.

"Don't say things you know nothing about." That was her answer. Really? Are we going with this root? Fine.

"You know from what little I saw, leaves very little to imagine. You coming out of that barrier with a dark atmosphere surrounding you and Carol running away in that state…" I let my sentence hang and not finish it.

"Nothing happened we fought, and I showed her who's the boss, as for her costume it got ripped during our battle." Wanda said with a nonchalant shrug, if she was Wanda of past, she would have been blushing by now, she got a bit immune to my teasing and handsomeness.

"Didn't looked ripped to me, and what about that blush" I questioned again.

"Just forget it it was nothing." Was her reply, but I'm not letting this go so easily.

"As if you have forgotten about me leaving a room with a half-naked man, much less a women." I retorted, but wisely shut my mouth from the glint that passed in her crimson eyes.

"Okay-okay, let's not talk about such things." I said as I embraced her from behind, and with my hand around her hips, I continued. "But, if you want to do naughty things like that, we can both do it together, and we also have a very good candidate" I whispered near her ears teasingly, but got surprised by her thoughtful expression.

"…Why do you look like you seriously considering my word…" Wanda broke from her thought and finally blushed.

"I'm not and don't ever joke like that, or you might sleep on a couch for eternity" Wanda warned.

"…." and her warning made me completely speechless.

"…Fine, lets focus on the fight, it's reaching it's conclusion." I wisely changed the subject, and focused on the Rainbow bridge below as the Asgardians clashed with Hela's Butchers, while Valkyrie keeps raining down fire on Fenris, but it is doing no real damage. Just pissing the wolf off. Fenris shakes off the bullets and resumes charging.

Heimdall sees Fenris charging and steps out in front of the refugees with his sword, preparing for the worst.

In the orignal timeline Bruce turned the Hulk and fended off the giant beast for them, but only this time they, well they don't have him.

But that's not the only difference.

Firstly, there's vastly more Asgardian survived then the original timeline.

Frigga managed to cast an illusion on Hela for long enough to move most of the Asgardian away. Normally, Frigga is not nearly strong enough to perform such feats on someone like Hela who's drawing her powers from the Asgard itself, but with slight help from me. She managed pull it off, which Frigga naturally knows.

Secondly, Thor's faring much better against Hela. He's vastly more physically stronger than his counterpart, and also, his control over his the Thunder is miles ahead. And after his awakening against Hela, he's delivering Massively more powerful and destructive Lightning at Hela. His better control is visible from the Lightning clock surrounding him like the Raikage, which I think Thor took example from my bio-electric aura.

The muscle head god can somehow see my Bio-Electric Aura, and asked about it, in one of the Avengers party.

Too think he can replicate that, is astonishing, but from this, I can see how much he had trained for our duel which never happened.

Honestly if Hela didn't had Immortality and nearly infinite energy from the Asgard, I wouldn't have been able to guess the winner.

Even with all these advantages the Asgardian has no chance against Hela. They don't even have someone who can deal with the Wolf.

Just as the Wolf was going tho massacre the escaping Avengers, a huge lightning bolt fell on on it's head, making him whimper in pain.

Thor with his lightning cloak landed and instructed Loki something which I can hear and guess.

"I'm going to fight her" Wanda suddenly said while pointing her finger at Hela, who's currently healing from the massive Thunderbolt Thor delivered.

"Sure." I didn't neither stopped her nor worried about her as I know how strong she has become, specially her Reality warping abilities after I supplied her refined Reality-Stone energy. Watching her leave, I brought my attention back to Loki, who's running towards the castle, or more accurately towards Asgard's treasure vault.

I already planned to let Loki revive the Eternal Flame Surtur because I want to try a move, I made to deal with immortals.

The attack is only at it's beginning phase, can't be used on people like Hela who has phylactery like litches, but Surtur is different. He has his soul inside him.

I managed to make this attack only thanks to my [Existence Appraisal] skill.

The [Existence Appraisal] skill itself is very useful and was hard to create. The concept of this skill comes from one of my favourite novel: The journey of the fate destroying emperor.

Existence is the core of a soul. It's what makes a person unique and different from another. Two people can have the same quality and quantity of soul heck even same memories, but they can't be the same person. Existence is what makes the difference.

After dying and staying in Void for who knows how long, I comprehend my own existence and managed to make the skill [Existence Appraisal] which let's me peek in other people's Existence and shows their information as a status board.

And I thought, if I can see their Existence, then why can't I effect it, or attack it directly, but saying something and doing it, is completely different as I only managed to make this move recently, and even then it's far from what I desired.

I don't know if it even works because of it's incompleteness but when I complete it, which I think I will be able to after I get my hands on the Soul-Stone. This will become a major trump card for me as I think there are very few people in marvel who knew about the Existence, let alone defend an attack on it.

And even if my new attack failed, I still have few methods to handle Surtur without destroying Asgard.

As for handling Hela, it's even easier to do so. I can simply warp reality to remove her Immortality, same thing Wanda's doing currently agains Hela.

Loki rushes in and picks up Surtur's skull. As he walks towards the Eternal Flame, The Tesseract draws his attention. Tempting him.

Loki shakes his head and places Surtur's skull in the Eternal Flame.

"With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn." Loki chanted after placing the skull inside the Flame. As the fire crackles, Surtur's skull begins to grow. And before long the Fire Giant towering over the Asgard came in sight. It was mind boggling. The sheer size was so intimidating that it even made me watch in awe.

"Ahh man, wish I had a Megazord for this." I couldn't help but shake my head in disappointment.

Sue me, I was a power rangers fan, and always wanted a Megazord.

"Well I can always 'borrow' it if I ever end up in a Power Rangers world."

Shaking my head from the useless thoughts, I moved towards Surtur before he completely destroys the Asgard.

I suppressed my Bio-Electric Aura, and punched the Giant's chest without holding back, my fist sunks in his chest shattering his fiery armour and rib cage. The fire giant couldn't even process what happened before flying back at light speed, crashing and destroying many large asteroid along the way. The giant only stopped at an inhabitable planet and crashed with an extreme velocity which nearly destroyed the whole planet.

It didn't even took me a tenth of a second to reach Surtur's location. Seeing the situation of the planet, I used my time manipulation skill to revert back the planet's time and recovered all the damage done to it.

And even though I did not bolster my power to level 3-B: multiple galaxy level with my Aura and energy, the Fire Giant still suffered many major injuries, but with the help of the Eternal Flame he's already healing from his injuries.

I did not waste much time and used my newly created attack. Closing my eyes, I peer into his soul, going further and reaching the depths of his soul, I found his Existence in the form a weak ember which honestly surprised him, normally people existence doesn't have any shape just plane white essence, and only exception to this was me.

My existence was in a shape of pitch black coin, which I blamed/thanks the Void for.

Spreading my cosmic senses back towards Asgard I scanned every single being on it, even Wanda after she allowed me telepathically.

After scanning everyone, I came to a conclusion that one needs a certain level of personal strength for the white essence to change in a different shape.

Focusing back to Surtur, I raised my right hand towards him in extreme concentration.

I used my energy to create a spiritual hand connected to my right hand, and wrapped it around the weak amber. I used the palm of the spiritual arm to snuff the ember out, which I easily managed, but what I didn't expect was the powerful energy the Ember released.

"Ahh" I painful groan left my mouth as the released energy destroyed my spiritual arm and completely roasted my real one black. And the from the looks of it, the burning wound's gonna take at least two weeks to heal, which is unbelievable considering I can regenerate a lost limb in less than a second.

Shaking my head I flew back towards the Asgard where Wanda has chained a beaten Hela, quite kinky ahmm… and Thor's gathering the Asgardian inside the Royal palace.