27: Another Invasion?!!


~ The Realm of Asgard, 2019


— Agardian's P.O.V —


The is the second time, the Realm of Asgard been destroyed…and in the same decade too, which has made the inhabitants of the Asgard quite unsure of their future, but their new King: The self proclaimed Seductive lor- God of Thunder gave them hope.

He not only managed to rebuilt the Realm of Asgard, but also quell the rebellion through out the Nine Realms in just one year.

The preferred Seductive God of Thunder's might made them believe that no other force will try to invade them ever again, but one year into the future…

They already are getting invaded by the Army of the Mad Titan.

The Purple Giant took the advantage of their king's absence from Asgard and attacked them.

But the Mad Titan forgot to take one thing in consideration, and that was, the battle hungriness of the Asgardian. And because of the two recent invasion, the security of the Asgard was all time high.

They reacted to the Mad Titan's invasion quickly and and counterattacked his army with fervour of the Viking rushing toward a battle to reach Vallhalla. With the former Queen Frigga, Prince Loki and Gatekeeper Hiemdal, Alongside the former warrior three, Sif and the Valkyrie, they easily suppressed the children of Thanos.

The only problem they faced was the Thanos himself, there was no one to stop his mad march towards the Asgardian Treasury, if only their King: The Seductive God of Thunder was here, everything would have been fine.

The Mad Titan easily managed to get the Tesseract which he came to get, and was about to leave when a spear with lightning surrounding struck the Purple Giant.

The Mad Titan tried avoid the spear but it was to fast for his bulky body. The spear ripped a big chunk of his shoulder and lunged itself on a golden wall nearby.

The Giant touched his bloodied shoulder and looked up only to see a fist covered in lightning inches away from his weird chin.


with a huge explosion the purple giant launched like a rag doll across the Royal Palace.


— Thor's P.O.V —


I felt rage as I saw the Mad Titan Thanos stood up after taking my attack. He looked quite battered from my attack. But I can't really blame him because after I became the King of Asgard, I took my training very seriously.

I even begged Bryan to train me, which he flatly refused, but after some blackmailing and haggling, I managed to 'convince' him to train me.

To this date I still don't know if it was a good decision or not.

He threw me inside what he called a gravity chamber, and started beating the shit out of me with a thin stick. And for Allfather's sake, I still can't manage to wrap my mighty head around the fact that, a normal looking stick didn't break against my thick skin, let alone made me scream like a bitch.

He only attacked me with the stick, or with lightning, trying to build my immunity against it.

He said it's shameful for a Thunder God to knocked off from an electric shock device, and I can't help but admit with him.

But who the hell told him such embarrassing thing!!! I was planning to take that embarrassment to my grave.

Shaking my head to remove the useless thoughts I looked at the the guy and spoke with barely hidden anger in my voice.

"You are that cowardly bastard that exterminated the Dwarves and cut off Eitri's hands." I asked him, but I don't need his answer.

Today this coward has to die for the sins he committed against the Asgard and the Nine Realms.

"I didn't want to, but I had no choice. There sacrifices were needed to save the universe." Thanos said while wiping the blood from his lips.

His word made me even more angrier, the coward has audacity to attack Nidavellir while the Asgard was busy, and now attack Asgard when I'm away from it.

"You didn't had a choice? You think I don't know all the atrocities you've done for your own pursuit of greater good? They call you Mad Titan for a reason." I questioned him, knowing just how many people he has massacred.

"The hardest choices require the strongest wills." His reply caused me scoff at him, what will? It's just a delusion of a crazy person.

"Whatever, today's the day you will face the consequences of your sins, and I:Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder and King of Asgard will be the one to deliver the judgement." I announced as I caught the Gugnir thrown by Sif.

"You flatter yourself young King of Asgard, you merely caught me off guard, and now that I'm ready, the results will be different." The Mad Titan said as he crushed the Tesseract, and placed the Space-Stone inside the socket of his gauntlet.

I can see another stone placed on a different Socket, and from the records I have seen in Asgard's Library, that stone should be the Power-Stone.

Seeing two infinity stones in his hand, I became serious as I knew the fight will not be easy.

"The result would be the same, do you think I will loose to a coward like you. You didn't even had the guts to attack Asgard when Allfather was here." Even then, I retorted tonhis previous statement and mocked him.

"But you are not Odin, you are too young and inexperienced, but you have potential and with given time you can definitely reach a greater height than the Odin himself did." Thanos calmly said and rushed at me, I scoffed at his slow speed and moved too, but I felt surrounding space restricting my movement and slowing down my speed quite a lot.


—— 3rd Person's P.O.V ——


Thor and Thanos rushed at each other, and with Thanos using Space-Stone to restrain Thor's speed, he easily managed to block Thor's barrage of spear attacks. Thanos was still slower than Thor, but he easily covered that weakness with his thousands of years of battle experience. And Even though Thor himself had quite a lot experience in battle and war, but it was no where near the Mad Titan's level.

Thanos used many tricks and tactics to disturb Thor's flow of battle like, from time to time he removes the space restriction which increases Thor's speed abruptly and disturbs his balance mid attack. Thanos take advantage of these moment of misbalance to deliver devastating Power-Stone imbued punches.

Although Thor's lightning cloak is really good for both defence and speed, Thanos's Power punches easily ripped through his cloak's defence and gave him minor injuries.

Thor seeing himself getting pushed back and slowly loosing, made a bold of dropping Gungnir after seeing his skills with the spear being nearly not enough to effectively fight Thanos.

Thor abandoned the spear the moment Thanos released the space restriction, and violently crashed into Thanos, making him stumble back.

And before Thanos could regain his balance and Use the Space-Stone again, Thor appeared before him and punched him in the face.

Thor quickly followed after Thanos, but the moment he reached the Mad Titan, the restriction came back again with even stronger effect and halted him for second.

Thanos didn't let the chance go, and delivered his strongest uppercut till this day and nearly knocked down the Thunder God.

Thanos eyes widen slightly, seeing even that attack not managing to take out the King of Asgard. He quickly used the Space-Stone to open a portal and retreat back as his goal already been achieved, his army also retreated while he was fighting Thor.

Thor saw the Thanos running away like rat and yelled out.

"Thanos, you Fuc**ng coward!!! If you have guts, come to the Earth, it has tree Infinity stone, but remember!!! that will also be your grave as the stones are protected by the Earth's mightiest heroes: The Avengers!!!." Thor's voice accompanied by the roars of lightning sounded throughout the Asgard, Naturally Thanos also heard Thor before his Portal closed.

Thor's proclamation might sounded stupid but he has enough confidence and trust on his comrades. And even if they loose the Reality-Stone is with Bryan whom Thor already considers unbeatable.

But one thing Thor forgot.

"Ahh shit!!! I forgot the Avengers split." Thor finally remembered the current situation of the Avengers.


—— Steve Rodger's P.O.V ——


"So you're saying that a delusional and crazy guy is coming to Earth to get the Infinity-Stones,

who by the way also gave the Chitauri Army to Loki?" I asked in a skeptical tone.

"Yes, he invaded Asgard while I was no Earth." Thor said and I raised an eyebrow at that.

"You were on Earth? I didn't know that." I questioned Thor.

"Ahh Yeah, I was busy training with Bryan." Thor said while scratching his cheeks and avoiding eye contact with me.

Don't worry big guy, I don't blame you.

"And how do you know Earth has three Infinity-Stones, as far as I know there's only one stone on Earth." I didn't further inquire his visit on Earth after seeing him look so uncomfortable with the topic.

"Vision has the Mind-Stone, Time-Stone is protected by the Sorcerers of Earth, and my Father gave the Reality-Stone to Bryan." Thor said which made me a bit relieved knowing Bryan has one of them.

"Then, there's no problem. I don't think this Thanos guy can get the stone from Bryan." I said to Thor.

"Yes, I know that but Thanos doesn't, and he will definitely attack the Earth to get his hands on them. And if by any chance he got his hands on all of them, then I'm afraid even Bryan would be helpless against him." Thor's serious voice caused me to halt and consider his word.

"Okay, let's believe what you said is possible, but all we have to do, to stop Thanos is to inform Bryan beforehand, and I don't believe he can get the stone from a prepared Bryan." I offered a solution as I don't want to fight a useless war.

"Yeah that's the thing, before coming here I went to Bryan's house, but he wasn't there, apparently he went off planet on a date with his lover." Thor's word caused me to nearly cuss at the timing of this Thanos guy's invasion. Why do these things always have to be so difficult.

Just as I was going to continue, Bucky barged into the room, looking a bit haggard.

"What?" I asked, seeing him hesitant to talk.

"The Avengers-haa-haa The Avengers Headquarters were attacked, and-haa-haa the attackers killed Vision and took the gem away." Buck said completely out of breath from all sprinting he did to reach here, but I didn't comment on it instead I focused my attention back to Thor.

"We need to find way to contact Bryan, and protect the other stone on Earth. You said it was in the hands of the sorcerers, are they the same one Bryan mentioned in his interview?" I quickly instructed and then questioned Thor, but he look confused at my question.

"What interview? When did Bryan did an interview, was it like the ones you watch on television, why didn't he invite me too." Thor's rapid question nearly made me fall from the chair. But I quickly cut down his question spree. "Thor back to the point, we don't have time for these things."

" uhh yeah, you're right my friend, but still how can they not invite me th-" I cut him off again. "Thor." My slightly raised voice finally snapped the Thunder God back.

"Sorry, I don't know what Bryan talked on the show, but from what I read in Asgardian records, the Mystic Art practitioner has been protecting the humans and the Time-Stone even before the Allfather conquered the Nine Realms." Thor's word confirmed that they are same group Bryan talked about.

"Good then, we just need to find out where they live." Thor stood up and tried to say something but he got interrupted again, this time by Sam's entering the room, surpassingly he wasn't out of breath.

Sam gave a smirk to the haggard Bucky and spoke. "it's Tony, he's on the line." Sam said and handed me a Nokia phone.


{AN: For extra six chapter and two extra weakly update visit my patr*n/41_Claws.}
