

- Third's P.O.V -


Professor McGonagall leads everyone through two large doors which go to the Great Hall, where there are four long tables with thousands of students, as well as floating candles. The roof appears to be the sky itself with stars blinking on it.

"It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." A bushy brown-haired girl commented in a haughty tone, making many nervous students glance at her before looking back.

McGonagall leads the first years to the front where the Sorting Hat lies on the stool and spoke. "All right, will you wait along here, please? Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

Dumbledore rises from the main table after hearing McGonagall and starts speaking.

"I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch." Dumbledore paused and pointed towards the hall's entrance where a ragged old man, called Mr Argus Filch, with his cat with red eyes, called Mrs Norris stood.

After the students took a proper look at the unkempt man, Dumbledore started speaking again. "Mr Filch has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." Dumbledore finished and sits back down.

Seeing the headmaster done talking, McGonagall continues with the sorting ceremony. "When I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger."

The bushy brown-haired girl who heard her name being called encouraged herself and walked up to the Sorting Hat.

"Mental, that one, I'm telling you," Ron whispered in Harry's ears while watching Hermione talk to herself.

Harry nods in agreement and watches Hermione sits on the stool and McGonagall places the Sorting Hat on her head.

"Ah, right then... hmm... right. Okay. Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hate contemplated for a few seconds before announcing Hermione's house, causing the students, especially Gryffindor's cheer. Hermione jumps off with a smile and slowly walked towards the Gryffindor's table.

Next came Draco Malfoy, whose house the hat announced without even touching his greasy hair.

Ron whispered into Harry's ears again, telling him how every bad wizard came from Slytherin.

Ron's words caused Harry to swear inwardly to not join the house of Slytherin.

After Draco's, the sorting ceremony continued without any changes from the original timeline until Bryan's turn.

"Bryan Fury," McGonagall called, her glasses resting on her nose's bridge.

Immediately an abrupt silence formed across the excitedly discussing students, but it didn't last long as they broke into an even bigger commotion.

But Bryan didn't even register their comments as he was too busy in his own thoughts.

Walking towards the Hat, he can't help but think about which house the Hat will put him in.

After all, he's not a bookworm, nor is he stupidly brave, or even naively loyal, and as for ambition he never thought much about it as he had everything one needs to reach the top.

"Uhmm what do we have here…a blank mind? Occlumency? No! It's something else."

"So you use mind magic to sort students?" Bryan questioned the hat, even if he can easily know all this with Omniscience, he did not because if he knew everything why would he even bother to travel to other Universes?

"A mixture of mind, divination, and soul magic." The Hat corrected.

"Ohh!" Bryan said, quite surprised at the mention of soul magic.

"Yes, I use soul magic to glimpse at the true nature of the students, mind to see their thought process, and then I use divination magic to see how the students will develop in each of the houses, the house that helps them to realise most of their potential is the one I use chose for them." The hat explained, seeing Bryan's shocked expression, but in its head, the Sorting Hat was thinking why it was telling all this to a student.

Bryan saw the confusion of the hat and shook his head. He had to compel the sentient Hat to tell him all this, as its creators foreboded him to ever talk about the sorting ceremony to anyone, not even the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

And as for someone forcefully getting the information out of the Hat, that's even harder after all the hat was created by the founders of Hogwarts, and over the years it has become even better, like Hogwarts itself which developed a semi-sentience.

"So all that talk about ambition, bravery, wisdom, and loyalty are all bogus?"

"Of course not!" The sorting hat said, before explaining further. "Those traits are important, but the student's development is even more so. Imagine placing an ambitious muggle born into Slytherin, he will never be able to develop to his best in that house. The same could be said about the brave son of a death eater being placed in Gryffindor, not only will be shunned by his own house, but the Slytherin will also not leave him alone for being a traitor." The Hat paused again for a moment before quickly announcing. "Slytherin!!!" The hat realised that it is saying things that it shouldn't, so it announced Bryan's before he can further question.

Bryan of course saw through the hat's thoughts and chuckle before walking towards his table amidst the loud cheers of Slytherin students.

He avoided the different kinds of emotional gazes he got from the teacher's table and sat down beside a blonde blue-eyed girl who stiffens seeing him sitting beside her and avoiding many seniors who made spaces beside them for Bryan to sit.


- Bryan's P.O.V -


I sighed after rejecting another young master who came here to curry favour.

Thinking how I wanted to enter Hogwarts as an Orphan, but that all changed when Wanda said that they should enter the world as noble pure-blood wizards.

The Royal Family thingy was all thought by Wanda, her reason being it will be easier dealing with pure-blood supremacists without using their powers.

Even then I was going for a small family that will blend perfectly with the background characters, and enjoy the drama, but again when I was warping the reality Wanda interrupted and proposed this whole most ancient and powerful family idea. At that time I didn't think much about it, but sitting here for 10 minutes I'm already thinking about changing the reality again. In just 10 minutes dozens of young masters came to curry favour with me, and apparently, these young lords are not good at talking hints, since they seem to not notice the unapproachable aura surrounding me.

Shaking my head I waved at Wanda who was sitting at the Gryffindor's table, her sitting there made me release another sigh.

All this Royal Family thing wasn't enough for Wanda, now she wants to make our stay here even more dramatic.

After she made the Hat sort her into Gryffindor, she telepathically told me that she wants to show everyone how much we love each other. Even being sorted in enemy houses couldn't make us fall apart.

BUT COME ON! Wanda!!! Which 11 years old in this world even knows the meaning of love, and not to mention the family we "belong" to is too strong to give a shit about petty grudges of Slytherin and Gryffindor.

You even made the baldemort attack our castle and beg for mercy after being subdued by my newly created father.

That also brings me back to the glare that Quirell/baldemort is sending towards me since my name was announced. I don't even need to read his mind to know how he's planning to kill me for the humiliation that my supposed father has caused him.

All in all our stay in this world is going to be quite…eventful.