

- Third P.O.V -


It is morning at Hogwarts, and Harry and Ron are running in the corridors because they're late for Transfiguration class. In the class, a tabby cat is sitting on a desk. Harry and Ron rush in; Hermione rolls her eyes in annoyance because they're late for class, Wanda who was sitting beside her giggles knowing what was about to happen.

"Whew! Made it! Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ronald said while huffing.

The cat sitting on the desk jumps off at his words and transforms into Professor McGonagall, startling both him and Harry.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron shouted coming out of his shock.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps, it'd be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way, one of you might be on time." McGonagall said with a serious face, making the two boys gulp nervously.

"We got lost," Harry explained.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats" McGonagall said with a serious face and pointed towards the empty seat. The boys took the clue and quickly sat on their seats.

McGonagall's eyes then landed on another empty seat, already knowing who the missing person is, she turns her head towards the redhead who was whispering something to the bushy Brown haired girl.

"Ms Fury, care to explain where Mr Fury is?" McGonagall questions in a sharp tone making Wanda stop whispering and turn towards her.

"Ahh, he said he wasn't interested in this class," Wanda answered McGonagall's question, even though she herself doesn't know why Bryan didn't attend class, but she can guess.

"So you mean he bunked his first class?" McGonagall questioned again, her tone having slight anger in it.

"I know right he's such a bad boy ahh~" Wanda replied with her cheeks between her palms.

McGonagall angry gaze turned weird at the sight of an 11-year-old gushing like a teenager seeing her favourite idol.

"Ahem!" McGonagall cleared her throat loudly, bringing the girl back.

Then she continued. "Ms Fury, do tell Mr Fury that 20 points will be deducted from Slytherin because of his…misbehaviour."

McGonagall's word caused the Slytherin student gasps and the Gryffindor student to laugh in delight.

"Sure," Wanda replied nonchalantly, knowing fully how much shit Bryan gives about the house cup. She can't really blame him because even she thinks it was completely pointless, and not to forget how much Dumbledore was biased towards his boy toy.

McGonagall turned her focus back to the class after Wanda's words.

She then taught the first-year Transfiguration which she believed to be more elegant and superior to other types of magic, of course, she didn't tell them that because she wanted to let the young students explore witchcraft and wizardry without any bias.

Regardless of McGonagall's thoughts, the class continued without any other hitch and ended with every student learning something.


- Scene Change -


Bryan was napping beside a small pond in the clearing of the Forbidden forest when a ray of green light struck him, disturbing his sleep.

Opening his eyes annoyedly, he saw a cloaked man running away.

Bryan's left eyebrow twitched seeing the coward running after his Avada Kedavra not working. Deciding to not let the man go scot-free, Bryan flicked his finger, making all the running man's clothes except his turban disappeared.

"Easy there boy…" Bryan calmed the Unicorn, whose body he was resting his head on.

The Unicorn calmed down after feeling the malicious magic not harming his friend.

After the Unicorn calmed down went back to his napping, completely unaware of the commotion he has caused in the Hogwarts by sending one of its teachers back in his birth suit.

Bryan slept for around an hour before waking up, after stretching and sending back the Unicorn to its home, he walked back towards the school.

It took him 15 minutes of walking to reach the castle, and 5 more to find his batch mates who were outside the castle, the students, Gryffindor and Slytherin, are lined up in two rows with brooms by their sides. The teacher, Madam Hooch, observes the students carefully as they keep shouting "UP". She has short hair and hawk-yellow eyes.

"Yawn~ Sorry I'm late" Bryan lazily apologised and joined the class. The flying teacher wanted to reprimand the child but hesitated when she remembered who the child was.

"It's fine." Replied the short-haired woman after some time.

The students around whispered and commented how the teacher got scared of Bryan's family, especially the brats from pure-blooded families. Bryan and the teacher of course heard the students but ignored them and focus on the task.

"So I was teaching the kids how to lift their broom properly, I hope I don't have to repeat it again." Madam Hooch asked Bryan, who nodded his head and replied he already know how to do it.

Madam Hooch nodded her head and started explaining how to control brooms after everyone managed to lift their brooms.

"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. 3, 2..." The class mounted on their broomsticks and waited for the whistle which she immediately blew. However, Neville's broomstick somehow lifts him off the ground. Neville immediately flew off with a frightened look on his chubby face.

He flies uncontrollably in the air and hits a wall, conking along it and then swooping off. All the while, he is screaming. He begins to zoom back towards the group of students. Hooch quickly holds out her wand to stop him but moved away as Neville flew through where she was standing.

*SNAP* Suddenly a clear snap was heard, followed by Neville freezing mid-air.

"How there are no casualties in this school every year is beyond me…" Bryan muttered and brought the kid back to the ground.

Hooch approached the injured boy and took him to the infirmary, but not before giving Bryan a look.

*Snickers* "Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse." Draco mockingly spoke as he shook a ball in his hand.

He and his goons laugh as Harry approached them. "Give it here, Malfoy," Harry said in an authoritative voice.

"No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." Draco denied Harry as he hops on his broom and soared around the group, before smugly speaking again. "How about on the roof?"

Draco soars off and hovers several feet above the ground and mocks Harry, "What's the matter, Potter? A bit beyond your reach?" Finally having enough, Harry gets on his broom, Hermione tried to stop him, but he ignored her and chased after Draco.

"What an Idiot!" Hermione said annoyedly, making her new friend nod and replied with a "Yes"


- Scene Change -


After a long day of classes and getting used to the school after a long vacation, the students were happily chatting about their experiences during holidays while feasting on the marvellous delicacies of Hogwarts.

"Did you hear, Harry Potter has become the youngest seeker" A ghost spoke to another, attracting the attention of the nearby students.

"Yeah, but did you hear that Snape also made Fury a seeker after catching him flying around the forbidden forest."

"Really? Hehe, then the next Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor will be interesting." Said the intrigued first ghost.

"That it will! Hey, look! its Professor Quirell, let's ask him whether he was really running naked around the great lake." The second ghost admitted and then he spotted Quirell who was walking towards the teacher's sitting area amidst the laughter of the surrounding students.

The two ghosts flew towards the teacher section, leaving behind the listening students, but their casual release of information caused the nearby table to bust into intense gossip. It did not take long for the news to travel across the great hall. Many can't wait to see the confrontations between the two most popular people in the wizarding world. One is the saviour of Magical Britain, and the other is the Heir to the most Ancient and Noble Family of Fury.

Wanda who heard the news questioned Bryan telepathically.

'You're gonna compete with teenagers." Wanda questioned Bryan while simultaneously talking with Hermione.

'Yeah?' Bryan answered while eating his food beside the cute blonde Slytherin girl.

'Are you gonna cheat against them too?' Wanda questioned again, knowing fully how petty Bryan can be when competing in games. It also baffles her that someone so powerful is so bad at regular games.

Bryan paused eating before replying. '…No…'

Wanda squinted her eyes at Bryan's pause, who masterfully avoided it and focused on his food.