Autumn felt a little bit preoccupied at work that night. She had her own ideas swirling through her head, and now she was all excited about Steven’s book as well. He might have some real potential. And, knowing his father, he wouldn’t have any problem getting it in front of an agent or publisher. As long as it was halfway decent, he would probably even get it published. That was great. For him, anyway.
She gave another beer to the guy at the bar. If she remembered correctly, his name was Montana or something like that. It might not be his real name, but he always made sure to sit at the end of the bar where she worked. And, more importantly, he tipped well.
“How are things going?” She asked him. She didn’t want to use his name, just in case it wasn’t the right one. He looked up at her and blushed anyway.
He was kind of cute. Not perfect, not drop dead gorgeous, and not weak in the knees, but cute. “I’m okay,” he said. “Autumn, right?”