
Jeanne decided to scan the area before going anywhere to be able to not run into a dangerous situation. This was the last thing she wanted, after all they had no connection there, they couldn't gain help from anyone.

They could scan the vicinity of about 50 light years.

"Did we find anything?" asked Jeanne.

"General in chief, there are energy signal which indicates that there is a battle 3 light years from us." Replied one of her officers.

"We found a sign of life pretty quickly." said Leo.

'What should we do? Asked them? Ignore them?' wondered Jeanne.

"We should first go there stealthy and see their level of civilization before taking any decision." proposed Arthur.

"I don't see any issue in this plan, let's do that."

"Everyone, we will be going there while hiding from them." she ordered.

Then, all spaceships disappeared, after becoming a level 3 civilization, Earthling had been able to make their ships invincible in the eye and for any radar who is not made with a technology of a level 3 civilization.

After travelling for several weeks, they arrived at a billion km from the battlefield.

"Display the battle!" said Jeanne.

A hologram of the battlefield appeared, they saw 800 000 ships slaughtering 500 000 battleships.

They saw that the one with the most spaceships had a technology from a new level 2 civilization, while the one who were losing were from a peak level 1 civilization.

"They are no match for us, what should we do?" asked Arthur.

"We should try to get the most information possible from them." replied Leo.

"It's better to ask the level 1 civilization, they will be more willing to help us than the other one." continued Jeanne.

"We will help the low civilization, and we will just keep the mother ship of the other one to get more information."

"Yes!" everyone nodded.

Jeanne sent a fleet of 200 000 million warships to destroy these spaceships.

They detached themselves from the main fleet and deactivated their stealth mode.

Suddenly both civilizations saw a huge army with advanced technology appearing who was approaching them.

The level 2 civilization was shocked and terrified by the sudden appearance of the unknown fleet. They tried to communicate with them, but received no response. They realized that they were facing a superior enemy that had no intention of negotiating. They quickly ordered their ships to retreat and regroup, hoping to escape from the trap.

But they discovered that the level 2 void paths were disabled and started to panic.

The level 1 civilization was also stunned and confused by the new arrivals. They did not know who they were or why they were helping them. They wondered if they were allies or enemies in disguise. They decided to stay on guard and observe their actions. They couldn't escape from the level 2 civilization, much less from the one who appeared right now.

The Earthling fleet did not waste any time and launched a devastating attack on the level 2 civilization's ships. Their weapons were far more powerful and accurate than theirs, and their shields were impenetrable. They easily destroyed thousands of ships in a matter of minutes, leaving behind a trail of debris and corpses.

The level 2 civilizations' mother ship was the only one that managed to evade the Earthling's fire. It was heavily guarded by several smaller ships and had a strong defense system. It tried to flee from the battlefield, but the Earthling fleet pursued it relentlessly.

Jeanne watched the hologram with a cold expression. She knew that they had to capture the mother ship alive if they wanted to get any useful information from it. She ordered her officers to use a special device that could disable the enemy's engines and communications.

The device was a small spherical drone that could fly at incredible speeds and attach itself to any surface. It emitted a powerful electromagnetic pulse that could disrupt any electronic device within a certain radius. The Earthling fleet deployed hundreds of these drones and sent them towards the mother ship.

The mother ship detected the incoming drones and tried to shoot them down with its lasers, but it was too late. The drones reached their target and attached themselves to various parts of the ship. The mother ship's systems went haywire, and it lost control of its movement and communication. It was now a sitting duck for the Earthling fleet.

Jeanne smiled triumphantly and ordered her officers to board the mother ship and take over its control room. She also instructed them to be careful and not harm any of the crew members if possible. She wanted to interrogate them personally and find out more about their civilization, their motives, their enemies, and their technology.

After a little while, she received a message from her subordinates that it was done, she ordered them to send her the general of this ship.

While waiting, she decided to contact the level 1 civilization.

Then a face appears, Jeanne was speechless for a second.

After all, it was the typical alien humans imagined more than one millennium and a half ago. It was a little gray man with two big eyes and a big head, it doesn't have ears, but it could hear with something which looked like bronchi.

She recomposed herself and introduced herself.

"Hello, I am the General in chief and Director General of the level 3 civilization, Earthling." she said.

"Hello, your excellency, I am Rai Punkos, a general of the level 1 civilization Rikos. I wonder why would you call and help us?" he asked.

He was shocked to know that they were a level 3 civilization, they had never encountered one.

"Yes, you just have to know that we come from very far away, and we have decided that we would rule this part of this galaxy. We just lack a good deal of information, so we need your help."

"We can say that you are lucky, we've saved you." she smiled.

"Yes, what do you want to know."

He was shocked, he didn't think that their goal would be this huge.

"Everything you know."

"Here, this is the star map we have." he said while sending the universe coordinates.

"We are in the Andromeda Galaxy, in the Ryus minor arm, the strongest civilization is the one who were destroying us, the Liam civilization, since we became a peak level 1 civilization not long ago, they decide to destroy us."

"They did this to every civilization who reach that mark."

"I see, thank you, we will go visit your planet after our discussion with the Ryus general. Wait for us."

"Yes" he replied and Jeanne cut off the communication.

2 minutes later, a handcuffed man enters the control room escorted by two soldiers, he was the enemy general.

The enemy general was a tall and muscular humanoid with blue skin and red eyes. He had a scar on his left cheek and a metal implant on his right arm. He wore a black uniform with a red insignia on his chest. He looked at Jeanne with hatred and defiance.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" he demanded.

Jeanne stood up from her seat and walked towards him. She looked at him with a cold and contemptuous gaze.

"I am Jeanne, the General in chief and Director General of the Earthling civilization. We have come to this galaxy to conquer it. You are Lios, the General of the Liam civilization, we will aske you some question, and you will have to answer it, you don't want your civilization to be destroyed right?"

His faced turned pale after hearing this.

A civilization from another galaxy? Just what level have they achieved to be able to travel to a different galaxy.

"Fine." He sighed with a heavy voice.

"We have already hacked your spaceship to get your star map, we want some information about civilization, you must have a bigger network than a level 1 civilization, right?" she asked.

"In the Andromeda Galaxy, there is one sole ruler, a peak level 2 civilization, they control everything."

"Anything else?"

He continued with explaining that every level 2 civilization has to give them a tribute and if they don't, they will be destroyed, this is the main reason for every level civilization to become the ruler of the arm they are in.

"I see, well you can't return to your home, but at least you will have a quick death." She said while shooting him with her laser weapon.

The enemy general's body fell to the ground with a thud. Jeanne turned to her officers and gave them new orders.

They decided to follow their home to begin the installation in the Andromeda Galaxy.

After a few months, they arrived at a planet which resemble greatly Mars, their source of water and food was underground.

"We have arrived in our mother planet, the Rikos planet." explained Rai.

Jeanne smiled, they will finally able to begin their plan.