
The whole group entered the gigantic secret lift. Jeanne pushed the button to go to the surface. After 20 minutes, the elevator stopped and they get out of it.

They were in a large corridor, they decided to follow this path since they have no other way to go.

After 10 minutes they found a group of Shik soldiers coming over, Jeanne and Leo hacked their communication before meeting with them so that they can't contact anyone.

The soldier who was leading them was surprised to see some unknown soldiers here.

Jeanne and her group were still disguising themselves, they look like people from the Shik race.

"Who are you? Where did you come from? This area is strictly prohibited, only a few people can come here, why are you here?" he asked while being vigilant.

Jeanne approached and starting to speak with him.

"In fact, we were ordered to come here, we have an important mission."

"What mission? Right now, the only thing we have to do is to search for those intruders."

"Well, it's simple, our mission is different."

"What?" the soldiers didn't understand.

"Our mission is to kill you." she smiled.

At this moment, Arthur pulls out his laser gun and shoot at him.

The soldiers saw a blue light, but before he could react, his head was gone and his body fell to the floor.

His subordinates were shocked by the situation, and before they could calm themselves, Earthlings began to attack them.

After 10 minutes, the battle was finished and Jeanne ordered to change their uniform with the one in front of her, they seem to be more important.

After everyone did it, they continued to walk the way they were going.

They walked for another 15 minutes until they reached a large metal door with a sign that read "Restricted Area". Jeanne scanned the ID card of one of the dead soldiers and the door opened. They entered the room and saw a huge glass window that showed a panoramic of the spaceships of the Shik civilization.

She saw many scientists here, before doing anything, she locked the door they had come from and nodded toward Leo.

Then they started killing them one by one while asking some questions to know the best way to escape from here.

They had learned that the soldiers they had killed were all important people, descendant of high-ranking people. There was a hangar below, they could access it with a hatch, this was where the spaceships of the dead soldiers were.

Jeanne and her group quickly found the hatch and opened it. They saw a ladder going toward the dark, they could not see the end.

They decided to take it, after 15 minutes, they arrived at a floor, but they could not see anything, they saw a button next to where they were.

Jeanne decided to tap on it and the hangar lighted up.

There was a row of sleek and shiny spaceships that looked like they could fly faster than light. They decided to split up and take one each.

Then, they took off from the ground and were going toward the end of the hangar, where they could see the night sky.

After that, they saw many spaceships still shooting at each other. Jeanne contacted the army to retreat.

"General in chief, you are alive!" shouted all the commanders with happy voice.

"Of course, I am." She said with a smile.

"This weapon planet would not take long before it explodes, we are escaping with Shik's spaceships, here is the identification number of each spaceship."

She sends them these numbers, she didn't want to die because of a mistake, after all.

"Yes!" they all replied.

Inside a huge tower of the planet, a Shik man was looking at his screen with a questioning face.

"What happened?" he asked.

"It seems that the Earthling are retreating" one of his closest soldiers said.

"It seemed that they were informed of the situation of the core. We have lost this war." He said with a sad voice.

After Jeanne and the other regroups with their fleet, they departed from here at maximum speed.

10 minutes later, the whole planet exploded, the explosion was as large as a star system.

Inside her ship, Jeanne smiled while talking with everyone.

"We succeeded."

"Yes, now that their ultimate had been destroyed, they would definitely lose, but I think we would need several years, there is no way they will admit defeat." said Leo.

"Right, after 5 to 10 years, we would annihilate them, at that time, our mission will be finished." concluded Arthur.

"Right, first give a message to the other fleet to retreat, we would prepare thoroughly before attacking, we don't want any unnecessary death." explained Jeanne.

Everyone accepted this command and get up from their seat.

After a few months, they arrived at their base in the Andromeda Galaxy, they get out of their spaceships to rest before the other fleet and their allies arrived.

Waiting for a few months, Jeanne and the other talks about the plan they should prepare for the final struggle of the Shik civilization.

When they all arrived, they explained how they destroyed the strongest weapon of the enemy, and they all cheered, since with this gone, they will surely win.

After deciding of the plan of action, they all departed.

In the main planet of the Shik race, the leader was gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He couldn't believe that their ultimate weapon was gone just like that.

"What should we do now? With this gone, we could never have won, and I will never surrender." He roared.

Everyone nodded, even if they were not in favor of all his decision, no one will betray their civilization.

"The only thing we could do is to be at war with them till our deaths, no Shik will surrender." said his prime minister.

"Sigh, is this how our great civilization will be finished."

Everyone had a sad face, but also a resolute one to sacrifice themselves.

"Fine, let's do this." he said.

The Shik leader knew that they were in for a tough fight, but he was determined to continue the war. He began to gather all the remaining forces of his civilization and called upon his allies in the galaxy to join forces and fight against the Earthlings.

Meanwhile, Jeanne and her army were preparing for the final battle. They knew that it was going to be the toughest fight they had ever faced. They trained their troops, equipped their spaceships with the latest technology, and strategized on how to attack the Shik.

The battle began with both sides firing at each other with all their might.

The Shik side was losing more ships, but they outnumbered the Earthling alliance.

Like this, nearly 10 years passed and by now, the Shik civilization was reduced with only their main star system