The End Of The Mission

With only one star system, the Shik civilization was finished, but they still refused to concede.

During the last ten years, all of their allies betrayed them and joined the Earthling alliance to take them down. Every year they lost a large part of their territory, in the end only their main star system is remaining.

The Earthling fleet is composed of only 500 million spaceships from the Earthling civilization, while all the others are from their allies in the Andromeda Galaxy.

In one of the Capital Ships from Earthling, Jeanne was discussing with other commandant from her civilization and their allies with a hologram.

"Let's take down all their planets, one by one, their mother planet would be the last one. We don't want to eradicate them, but if they want that, we will give them that." Jeanne explained her plan.

"Fine by me, we should also steal their technology." Interjected Leo.

"Which planet should we begin with?" asked Arthur.

Jeanne looked at the holographic map of the Shik star system. There were six planets orbiting the yellow star, each with its own defenses and population. She pointed at the fourth planet, a green and blue world with large oceans and continents.

"That one. It's their agricultural planet. They grow most of their food there. If we destroy it, we'll starve them out and force them to surrender." She said.

"Are you sure? That seems cruel." Said a commander who was from a pacifist civilization.

"It's war. We have to be ruthless, and I don't think they have given any choices when they were destroying civilization. We don't have to sympathize with them."

The other commanders nodded in agreement, except for the pacifist one. He looked uneasy, but he didn't say anything more. He knew that Jeanne was the leader of the Earthling alliance, and she had the final say in everything. She had come from with her fleet from another galaxy, and she also formed alliances with dozens of other civilizations, who shared her vision of a unified and peaceful galaxy under Earthling rule when she arrived here.

The only obstacle in her way was the Shik civilization, who had been the previous rulers of Andromeda. They had been oppressive and cruel, enslaving and exterminating many civilizations. They had also been the ones who had attacked Earth first, triggering the war that had lasted for more than a decade.

Jeanne hated them with a passion, and she wanted to see them suffer before they were wiped out.

"Alright then, it's settled. We'll attack their agricultural planet first. Prepare your fleets and follow my orders. We'll launch the attack in one hour." Jeanne said.

"Yes, ma'am." The commanders said in unison.

Jeanne ended the hologram call and looked at her own ship. It was a massive vessel, with a sleek and elegant design. It was equipped with the most advanced weapons and shields that Earthling technology could offer.

It was also her home and her pride.

She walked to the bridge of her ship, where her crew was waiting for her. They greeted her with respect and admiration. They trusted her to lead them to victory.

She sat on her captain's chair and looked at the main screen. It showed the Shik star system, with their agricultural planet highlighted in red.

"Are we ready?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. All systems are operational. We're ready to go." her second-in-command said.

"Good. Let's do this." Jeanne said.

She pressed a button and activated the intercom.

"Attention, all ships, prepare for the attack."

All ships were going toward this planet, before attacking, Jeanne sends a message to their leader which said:

"Surrender or die!"

He replied with another short message:

"We prefer dying than being under your control."

Jeanne understood that there was no way for them to be at peace with each other and ordered the attack.

This was a massacre, after all, this planet was mainly for supplying food, not for war. In less than a day, all Shiks's people died, and the planet went under them.

With this win, Jeanne decided to take all the other planets before surrounding them and just watching them starve.

After 2 weeks, many people were starving and only the wealthier could eat, it caused a revolution inside their civilization.

After a month, more than half of them died from starving or killing each other.

After two months, even the wealthier didn't have enough to eat, and they lost all hope and became crazy.

At this moment, Jeanne ordered her fleet to attack them, and kill everyone, only living the leader alone.

After one hour, it was already finished. The leader was kneeling in front of Jeanne with no emotion in his face, he knew that he was the last of his race and that with him, the entire civilization will disappear.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Before killing you, I just want to know where and how did you find and control your secret weapon?" Jeanne asked.

"Actually, not a long time ago, I found that it was not the weapon from a level 4 civilization a few millennials ago. It was many times older, just like us, they had found out this secret weapon and had become a level 4 civilization because of it." he replied.

"What do you mean?" asked Jeanne.

"We found two secret archives, one from the civilization which found this weapon and one from those who created this."

"At least, I hope you can discover in my place the secret of it." He said while giving with a device, the two archives to Jeanne's' watch.

And before everyone could act, he activates a hidden button and his head exploded.

They were all surprised while his body fell to the floor. With this, the overlord of the Andromeda Galaxy finally extinguishes.

"Clean that up, we will analyze what is this." Jeanne said.

After a week, they had come with extraordinary discover, the one who had created this weapon were the same who had made the Rudestone planet, the Builders.

They could not analyze completely their story, but once Earthling became a level 4 civilization, they will be able to do it.

For now, their mission has bee, a success, in less than 20 years, they had been able to take over the Andromeda Galaxy.

Jeanne decided that they will need to stayed here to be able to completely control the entire galaxy before returning to the Milky Way.

They still have time before they could do this.

She first decided to return with a little fleet to give them the blueprint of this weapon before returning here.

For now, they will just need to develop before they had to enter the war between the two main arms of the Milky Way.