Chapter 29: The PR Department

Yang Chen greeted his enthusiastic new colleagues as he made his way to his seat. Upon sitting down, he found himself surrounded by a group of attractive women in uniforms, all staring at him intently.

"Hey handsome, nice to meet you. I'm Zhao Hongyan," said a woman with waves of chestnut hair and captivating almond-shaped eyes, extending her fair and warm hand for an introduction.

"Hongyan, you shouldn't scare the poor guy by reaching out as soon as he arrives," giggled another woman in a light blue suit. Her face was slightly round, and her curvaceous figure made her more prominent. She continued with a smile, "You must be Yang Chen, right? Well, be careful of Hongyan here, she devours men without leaving a bone!"

Zhao Hongyan blushed but retorted playfully, reaching out to pinch the voluptuous woman's shapely rear. "Zhang Cai, don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows your desires are insatiable. You can't sleep at night without a man."

"Humph! That's not true. Hongyan, look, Mingyu hasn't married yet, and we can't compete with her," replied Zhang Cai, gesturing towards the silent woman. She was tall and wore a pink suit, with short shoulder-length hair dyed with hints of intoxicating purple. Her delicate features exuded a mature woman's allure.

Liu Mingyu smiled gracefully. "Why are you all arguing? I welcome our new colleague without any hidden motives. It's not as dirty as you think." With that, she extended her slender jade-like hand and said, "Yang Chen, would you mind shaking hands?"

"Of course not," Yang Chen replied, not minding the opportunity for intimate contact with such an alluring woman. If only he could pinch Zhang Cai's plump and shapely behind, just like Zhao Hongyan did.

As soon as Yang Chen's hand touched Liu Mingyu's delicate hand, he felt her mischievous little finger lightly scratching the palm of his hand. He looked up and caught Liu Mingyu winking at him playfully.

With such a simple ambiguous gesture, Yang Chen couldn't help but feel ecstatic. No wonder so many men were eager to join Yulei International. The average quality of women here was so high, and to make matters worse, they were incredibly "enthusiastic."

Following the warm welcome from the three women, many female employees in the office approached Yang Chen with cheerful smiles, offering words of welcome accompanied by some suggestive jokes.

It took more than ten minutes for Yang Chen to spot a male figure among his surrounding colleagues. He was a fair-skinned, slightly short man in a white shirt, with a somewhat youthful face that carried a hint of shyness.

Seeing the only male colleague hesitating to greet him and appearing as if he had something to say, Yang Chen found it amusing. How could a man be less open than these women? He decided to take the initiative and approached him, extending his hand. "I'm Yang Chen. It seems you're the only male colleague in this department. Let's get along well in the future."

The fair-skinned man immediately shook Yang Chen's hand gently, his face turning slightly red as he lowered his head and said softly, "Um... I'm Chen Bo. Wel... welcome to our department."

Unable to hold back his amusement, Yang Chen commented, "Your name has quite a meaning. Very manly."

Chen Bo blushed even more and lowered his head in shyness, whispering softly, "Thank you."

Yes, he was shy.

A few female colleagues gathered around, and Zhang Cai, the voluptuous woman, giggled and said, "Yang Chen, you don't know, our little Bo here is a brilliant student from Peking University. Before you arrived, he was the only one in our PR department."

"Now things are different. With Yang Ge's arrival, our office finally has a balanced Yin and Yang," a younger female PR staff member chimed in, already calling Yang Chen "brother".

After chatting and joking with the women for a while without wasting too much office time, Yang Chen returned to his seat and began organizing the various documents and office supplies on his desk.

The closest desk to Yang Chen's was the one where Zhao Hongyan had approached him for a handshake earlier. With a smile, she asked, "Do you need any help, handsome? If there's anything you don't understand, just let me know."

Yang Chen pondered for a moment and asked, "How can someone as shy as little Chen work in PR? Doesn't PR involve interacting with clients, discussing business, and hosting them? Can he handle that?"

Zhao Hongyan was taken aback by the question and whispered, covering her mouth, "Little Chen is said to have gotten in through connections. Everyone sees that he's quite shy, so we usually assign him some clerical tasks. He doesn't usually handle business negotiations."

Yang Chen nodded, finding the explanation reasonable.

Yang Chen suddenly had a mischievous smile and said, "Actually, I'm not good at talking either, and I don't know how to negotiate business deals. I think in the future, you guys can give me some odd jobs to do. Like making coffee, serving tea, and running errands. I'm more suited for physical work. What do you think?"

Zhao Hongyan hesitated for a moment but couldn't help bursting into laughter, causing her ample bosom to tremble along with her laughter. "Yang, the handsome guy, you really know how to joke. I heard you're a brilliant graduate from Harvard, and there aren't many people in our company with that level of education. Who would believe that you want to be a tea-serving errand boy?"

"I'm serious, don't you believe me?" Yang Chen frowned in frustration. Why is it that no one believes him when he speaks the truth these days?

Seeing Yang Chen's seemingly honest expression, Zhao Hongyan waved her hand and said, "Okay, okay, I'll believe you. Actually, you're still in the probation period, and there isn't much work to do anyway. Let me talk to the girls, and from now on, you'll be responsible for buying breakfast, making coffee, and moving things around. We used to take turns doing those tasks, but now it'll be your job alone. How about that?"

"Really? That's great!" Yang Chen was delighted. Buying breakfast, making coffee, and moving things—what a perfect job for him!

Seeing Yang Chen's excited face, Zhao Hongyan didn't know how to continue joking and muttered, "What a strange person," before nodding.

"Okay, it's settled then. Remember to let everyone know. I'll buy breakfast for you all tomorrow, and I'll cover the expenses." Yang Chen turned around satisfied and continued organizing the items on his desk, ignoring Zhao Hongyan's dumbfounded expression.

Five minutes later, when Zhao Hongyan wanted to see what Yang Chen was up to, she was dumbfounded...

Yang Chen had already placed all the files on the desk into a cardboard box under the desk. There was only one computer left on the desk, and on the computer screen was a familiar and well-known scene—the Pokémon version of Connect Match!

This guy! He really intended to be a tea-serving errand boy and started playing games on his first day of work! Zhao Hongyan felt a bit dizzy.

At that moment, a woman dressed in a black tight-fitting dress and white knee-high stockings, with a plain and conservative appearance, suddenly walked into the PR department office. She calmly asked, "Is Yang Chen, the newly hired employee, here today?"

Upon seeing this woman, many employees present showed surprise, and then they all looked at Yang Chen with strange gazes.

Yang Chen reluctantly closed the half-finished "Connect Match" game and looked up, asking, "Here I am. What's the matter?

The female employees present had a hard time holding back their laughter.

The woman in black frowned, her tone becoming even more unfriendly as she said, "I am Wu Yue, the secretary and assistant to the CEO. The CEO wants to see you now. Come with me immediately."

The CEO? Why would the CEO want to see me on my first day of work? Yang Chen wondered. He stood up and followed Wu Yue's flat figure without asking any further questions.

As soon as Yang Chen left, the entire PR department office buzzed with excitement. It was evident that everyone considered this to be a significant matter. In the office of the department head, Mo Qianyi witnessed the scene outside and showed a puzzled expression.