I: Beautiful Fox

The morning wakes me with her harsh rays of light.

I sit up in bed and sigh. I dread days like this-- days when all the immortals must gather together in order to discuss matters as a council. I have never understood why this must be done. In my mind, we should only handle matters associated with our specialties. I am nothing more than the beautiful fox god of love and marriage, so why must I attend such events? I find them quite bothersome.

The screen door slides open and my most trusted servant bows. “My lord, you must hurry. The council will begin soon and you must arrive on time. I have received word that they will be discussing a very important matter.”

I nod. “I shall be ready to leave shortly. Go and prepare my carriage, Jingyi,” I order. A moan escapes my lips as I force myself to take leave of the bed. I admire myself in the glassy surface of an ornate mirror with a smile. My fair skin remains soft and perfect while my lips bear the same pinkish-red color as the markings around my eyes and the matching two in the center of my forehead. These markings may seem trivial to others, but they identify me as the most exotic fox in the Heavenly Realm. I turn away from my spellbinding reflection and wave a hand at the nearest fox servants, bidding them to assist me.

The two girls draw me a bath and pour in the proper cherry blossom bath oils. They finish it off with flower petals.

One of them hurries out to return with a fresh set of robes.

I glide over to the jade basin as the shoulders of my night robe slip down to my elbows. I take careful note of the servants gazing at my exposed chest. I frown to myself as I finish stripping off the clothing and step lower myself into the warm water. I surprisingly manage to keep my mouth shut even though I wish to remind them of my lack of interest in my own romantic relationships. I swore I would never fall in love again and nothing can change that. I was born to match others with their destined partner, not to find such things for myself. I accepted it all the very moment I first opened my eyes—and especially since the incident.

The clueless servants eventually tire of ogling me and begin their assigned duties. They tend to the washing of my hair and arms whilst I relax. They know nothing of me other than what I make them see.

The foxes of this realm are my people and I cannot show any signs of weakness in front of them. Our relationship is merely that of servant and lord, but I will never bring myself to let them down.

We are all foxes in the end who must stick together—not even the smallest kit should be left behind.

I change to fox form after getting my hair rinsed and use my back legs to launch myself out of the basin. I shake all the water out of my silver and red fur before frowning at my annoyingly poofy self in the mirror. I hate bad fur days more than anyone, I sigh inwardly, I suppose such is my life as a fox. I quickly return to my preferred form of a man beyond beautiful as I go behind the changing screen. I slip on the white under robe with golden leaf patterns. I then pull on a sheer white outer robe with gold lining. I strut out from behind the silk wall and make haste to my vanity. I keep a watchful eye on the servant’s hands.

She pulls a portion of my dark hair back with a practiced hand clasping the strands with gold. “Shall I use the gold hairpins?” she asks knowingly.

I lock eyes with her reflection. “Of course. I will not tolerate anything less, regardless of the situation,” I reply with my nose in the air.

The servant bows and retrieves my favorite hair accessories. She starts by pushing the hairpin with a large golden flower into the matching band. The fox puts both of the simple ones that mimic gold leaves in my hair next.

The last hair ornament is my personal favorite.

I remove it from its snug home myself. I slide the hairpin in my hair towards the front with a practiced hand, the gold beads and pearls gently tapping my left cheek.

“Would you prefer your fan or parasol, My Lord?” she asks as she puts away the now empty box.

I stand without saying a word and take the hand fan as I slip my feet into my shoes. I don’t care if people claim I’m feminine or if they hate that I tend to dress more like a woman. I must do everything I can to present my beauty to the fullest. I meet with Jingyi in the courtyard once I’m satisfied. I look back at my palace.

It may not be the largest, but it’s the most beautiful. Its tall walls shine pristine like fresh snow. The fixtures depict foxes in nature painted in red and embellished in gold.

“Has everything been prepared?” I return my attention to Jingyi.

“Exactly as you have bidden, My Lord. Everything has been prepared. We only await you, Lord Xiao Meng.” My ever loyal attendant leads me to the door of my gold and red carriage whose surface depicts the same images as the walls of my palace. He gracefully opens the door while gesturing for me to get inside.

I clutch my folded fan and pick up the hem of my robes as I climb inside. I sit on the plush seat as delicately as possible in a decent sized space.

The fan is immediately unfolded before the carriage jerks into motion.

I sigh as I begin fanning myself.

Is it just me or is it much warmer than usual today?

“Jingyi. Accompany and brief me on what is to be discussed at this council,” I command.

The diligent fox hops in the seat across from me, using the window before closing the curtains. He pulls out a scroll from his inner robe. “I believe they will be discussing the usual issues while trying to improve the lives of mortals as always; however, the Emperor asks that he discuss something with you privately. It seems as if the Flower Immortal has offered a proposal and she wishes you to accept,” Jingyi frowns, “I believe this is tied to the Emperor’s plans to find a proper wife for you. It’s been going around the realm that the Flower Immortal wishes for a happy marriage for her daughter. I have a feeling she has asked the Emperor to ensure that you accept.”

When will he learn to stay out of my business? I close my fan as calmly as possible and force a smile. “I do believe I shall not. My brother ought to be quite aware of my feelings as well as the situation when it comes to such things. He already knows what my answer shall be when the time comes for me to announce it. I will make my stance known to all the realms. I will not allow anyone to arrange something so personal without my permission,” I smirk, “Is that clear?”

Jingyi bows his head respectfully. “Perfectly, my lord.”

The ride fully begins with the rapid pattering of exactly twenty-four fox feet. The fairest and most mischievous animals in all realms pull us along with ease. No other sound can be heard.

I turn my attention to the curtains made of golden silk. I always have Jingyi close them due to my desire to not be seen. I have a strong dislike of being ogled every breath I take—that and it causes quite an uproar every time I go out.

An urge to see my people takes over like a desperate need.

I hesitantly reach up with a pale hand and move the corner of a curtain away slightly. I must be careful not to reveal myself as I stare out at the landscape we pass.

Fox Haven consists of many lush bamboo forests with crystal rivers winding between and villages hidden inside.

The people are foxes that live within clans just like mortals do.

I only have to strain a slight bit to hear the many bamboo fountains as we pass one of the main rivers, the water trickling through the dried-out plants and to the many ponds. I observe the many families as they go about their daily lives. I would be lying if I claimed I was not in the least bit pleased with how I govern my land. I ensure my people can live in peace far away from the suffering that befalls others.

Rumors have spread amongst them that I dislike bustling places, courtesy of my wish for privacy. They began as a way to combat those who wish to see my beauty up close and for themselves.

Jingyi came up with the rumor that I’d rather stay within the confines of my palace.

I unintentionally meet the eyes of a small child.

They have orange fox ears and a matching tail. The child wears the clothes of a young boy. He smiles at me as he offers a wave.

I return the gesture to the best of my ability before letting the silk fall. I don’t even have to listen to know the young boy is shouting joyously to the world.

He is one of the lucky few blessed with seeing their lord.

I’m thankful for not being in my birth form.

People begin gossiping openly about what reason could’ve possibly driven me out of the palace. Some choose to declare their admiration for me.

I take a deep breath as I lean back against my seat. I should’ve been more careful.

A small smile tugs at Jingyi’s lips.

“Do not tell me you are enjoying this,” I groan, “You know how much I dislike loud noises and large crowds. That is precisely why I chose this island as my land. I wanted a peaceful place to spend my immortal life.”

Jingyi leans towards me slyly. “My Lord, your people admire you. They are grateful for all you do. How is something like that so wrong? They cherish you and your deeds. If not for you, many mortals and immortals would be forced to endure tragedy alone instead of beside the one they love most,” he explains once again. Jingyi, of all immortals, knows full well that my powers and skills are nothing special.

I have heard that even humans are capable of arranging such relationships for themselves and others. So then, where do I stand? I am merely the Love and Marriage Immortal—a fox god and that is all. I shake my head. “My talents are not so rare, Jingyi. You are aware of this.” Well, I suppose there is one exception…

“My Lord, you can’t possibly intend to continue living in the darkest depths of despair. You are the most beautiful, caring, and the kindest of all the gods. It’s said that your beauty rivals that of the Heavenly Empress. Your kindness goes beyond the Emperor’s. I beg of you, do not even begin to think lowly of yourself or status in the world,” Jingyi sighs, “You are the most powerful of the immortals. Trust in my words as I have served you for many lifetimes,” he pleads as he furiously bows. He has always put more faith in me than anyone else I know.

I sigh inwardly. I know I should listen to him, but ever since the incident, I can’t trust my closest confidants with my fragile heart. I may be the most famous god in the entirety of the Heavenly Realm, but I am not all that everyone thinks I am. I have personally learned that some tragedies in life, no matter how trivial, can change everything about a being. I am most certainly not depressed; it’s just that I have come to accept my lot in life along with the benefits and costs.

On that fateful day I was given life, my brother was born first.

Everyone in the far reaches of the Mortal and Heavenly Realms soon became completely enthralled with the little royal. They were aware that he would be next in line for Heaven’s throne from the moment he opened his eyes.

Our mother soon gave out a piercing cry, for her work was not yet done.

Father felt summoned and rushed back to her quarters. “Huan, what ails my wife?”

My caring uncle did not speak immediately. For, he had his hands full trying to safely remove my tails from blocking the womb without hurting me.

“I asked you what is wrong!”

“I do believe it is a miracle, brother.” Uncle Huan, with careful hands, delivered me from nine months of darkness.

I was a hybrid then. Silver fox ears adorned my head whilst nine matching tails cushioned my back. I felt safe in my uncle’s arms.

He traced the red markings on my face with a gentle finger.

I looked up at the man cloaked all in white with what then was curiosity. I realized, in that moment, that I was unlike any of the immortals alive.

“Brother, what is the meaning of this?”

Huan placed a finger to his lips as he rocked me. “The child sleeps. And I do believe his hearing is far greater than our own. The slightest noise could wake him.” He cautiously presented me to my father.

“How is this possible? There has not been a single nine-tailed in the last thousand years!”

I was terrified of the booming voice and jumped down, fully a fox. I ran as fast as my little newborn legs could take me. I was soon cornered by my brother’s admirers. I was backed into a corner just outside my mother’s room.

A cacophony of screeching bombarded my sensitive ears. The sounds were too horrid and pinning my ears back did nothing.

I wrapped my large tails around my delicate body. If this was life, I did not want it.

“Step back,” my uncle ordered as he pushed through the wretched dogs. He reached out and picked me up. “We must be quiet around Xiao Meng. He is the twin of your future ruler and is to be respected,” Huan smiled down at me fondly like one seeing their younger self in another, “He is destined to be the next Love and Marriage Immortal. All future relationships rest in his paws.”

The words were heeded at first.

But in the end all things must come crashing down.

I’ve had my tails pulled, been demoted across the world to the Emperor’s younger brother, and thrown upon a pedestal.

I am nothing more than a mere artifact to be praised. I decided and vowed to never allow myself to be physically or emotionally hurt ever again.

It doesn’t matter how many times I bite; my brother will always find a way out.

I chuckle at the far distant memories.

Things are truly different now. Nothing is as it was.

The reconciliation of my brother and myself has placed me as the second most respected of the God Council. I have high standing in the world; I should like to keep it that way. I promised myself I would never allow anyone to even think I’m weak like I was when I was an innocent kit. I will prove to them just how far I have come since those days. I lean forward to avoid getting flung out of my seat as the carriage jerks to a stop. My eyes stray to the blade hidden amongst the folds of Jingyi’s robes.

He slowly opens the door and slips out. Jingyi surveys the area like a proper guard. “My Lord, we have arrived safely,” the fox returns, “Do you further require my assistance?”

I take his hand as I step out of the personal space. I scrunch up my nose at the annoyingly giant palace of gold and white. I sneer at the supposedly subtle hints of jade.

A man like the Emperor does not deserve such luxury.

I finally set my feet upon the marble ground. I ignore the eyes on us as I lean closer to Jingyi. “I praise you for always being prepared. You cannot hide your knife from me.”

“What do you wish for me to do?”

I unfold my fan to hide my face from those watching. “I require you to stand by. If anything happens, you know what to do,” I whisper. I approach the first of many steps, stopping to look up at the present figures.

Both are cloaked in black and gold. They are merely the shadows of rightful rulers.

I force a gentle smile as I begin climbing up the steep marble path. “Dear Brother. Empress of the Heavens. I am beyond honored that you have come to greet my arrival personally.” I allow elegance and grace to naturally sink into my posture. I don’t bow until I reach the top of the steps. “I cannot say I’m not surprised. Why have you come out personally?”

My brother chuckles. “I am much more honored by your presence, especially as you have arrived earlier than usual. Why?” he replies.

I shake off the Emperor’s false praise.

His sick game needs to end. The Emperor can fool everyone else, but he cannot trick me.

Two can play a game of truths and lies.

I muster a pleasing air about myself like a cloak of my own. “Can’t I not visit my brother? I doubt you get many guests in this bland home.”

The Empress makes a move to go against me.

But her husband glares at her. “Do not forget who brought us together,” the Emperor whispers.

I roll my eyes behind my fan. And it’s one of the worst mistakes I have ever made. Royal life is nothing like what one expects. I clear my throat to get their attention. And I feign ignorance once they turn to me. “I do hate to interrupt, but I truly am here to discuss a personal matter with my brother.”

The Empress begrudgingly returns to her quarters with a huff.

“Xiao Meng, that was not necessary,” the Emperor sighs.

I strut up to him, slightly swinging my hips with each step. “You know exactly why it is. Stop acting like you don’t know,” I smile, “You called me here to discuss an important matter. You wish for me to accept a proposal. You never intended to speak later.”

My brother frowns at his plan being revealed before he can even enact it. “Observant as always.”

I giggle behind red and gold silk. “It is not all that difficult. You desire me to take care of the matter while we wait for the others. We both know they follow Li Jie, the Dream Immortal. And he is always late because of his responsibilities.”

The Emperor hesitates before painting a false smile on his rough face. “Indeed, brother. Come, you must be tired from your journey.” He leads me into what he doesn’t understand is a gilded cage of his own.