As the days passed, and nothing was found that could be used against Nickleby, Felicia had decided that desperate times called for desperate measures, and a meeting was called.
Felicia had talked to her mother in the meantime, but she didn’t tell her the truth about what was going on, she had told her mother that she was going to be traveling abroad for a while for work.
They held the meeting at Kirk and Eddie’s, where Felicia was still residing. She had offered to go to a motel, but the two men wouldn’t hear of it.
Everyone was gathered in the living room, with Felicia standing in the middle of it.
“I think that everyone knows why we’re here,” Felicia said as she looked around the room. Luna was sitting at Felicia’s feet, the feline had barely left the woman’s side except to use the litter box and to eat and drink. “We haven’t gotten anywhere concerning Nickleby.”