“There’s some things that you need to know about Chris,” Sebastian warned Felicia as they walked into one of the police station’s interrogation rooms.
“What kinds of things?”
“He’s…eccentric. I’m talking ‘thinks that aliens roam the earth disguised as humans’ eccentric.”
“You’ll be singing a different tune when they kidnap you and probe you,” Chris said as he entered the room. Chris was a small man, not even five feet tall in stature. He had brown hair that was cut short, and glasses that made his eyes seem larger than they actually were.
“Chris, you’ve been telling me that for years,” Sebastian said with a roll of his eyes.
“It’ll happen one day, you mark my words.” Chris glanced at Felicia, looking her up and down. “Shocking.”
“I’m sorry?” Felicia asked in a puzzled tone.
“It’s shocking that you’ve been able to put up with Reynolds here for so long.”
Felicia looked at Sebastian, biting her lip in an attempt to keep herself from laughing.