Speak Up or Shut Up

A hand grabbed onto Baloo's lowered shoulder, hooking him by the armpit. Baloo was suddenly pulled up to meet Ayse's gaze, face to face. 

"B-but I am sorry–"

SMACK! Thud, thump, crack…

"No. I'm the one who's sorry," Ayse promptly stated. 

In disbelief, Baloo blinked. His gaze lingered on the cracked tree trunk he had been propelled into. Then, Baloo looked at the red handprint on his chest. The stinging was incredible, but it wasn't unbearable. It was just shocking to feel in general. 

"Y-you're so strong… I'm sorry for offending–"

"Wrong reply!" Ayse begrudgingly laughed as he leaped toward Baloo. 

Baloo didn't defend himself. Whatsoever. He saw the kick heading straight for his side, yet Baloo didn't even try to block or stop anything. 

"Really? You're just gonna let me beat you?" 

Blinking again, Baloo realized that the swinging heel had stopped millimeters away from Baloo's ribs.