How Can You Trust Each Other?

Rubbing her temples, Aegri leaned forward. "You mean to tell me that you did all of that in two days?"

"No," LaRee stated, "it was two and a half days, including the night we landed on Ludok. If you include the night we left, it took three days." 

Shocked further, Aegri questioned, "You landed and left Ludok within three days? You didn't even know what was going on in the world! What did you do, kidnap a prince because you were bored?!"

"No. We kidnapped the ugly prince to exchange for Little Loo."

"You– WHAAAT?!!" 

Aegri leaned so far forward that she fell back onto her feet. Standing, she started pacing while massaging the sides of her forehead.

Taken aback, LaRee blinked. "Is there a wrong in what I said, Miss Aegri?" 

"Explain!" Aegri blurted. But her pacing helped calm her down, as did LaRee's consistent show of respect. "Please… explain the situation in more detail."