Make a Choice

When he arrived at the Bride Chamber to get to his room, he saw the creature with a strange head. It looked straight at him, as much as Milan did. Instead of assuming an arrogant huff, the creature held its head and cried out: “Don’t kick my head! Don’t kick my head!”

“…why did you return here? I thought you said you were not after me…” Milan picked up the courage to speak to the thing. After all, this thing might have the answers he sought. “So why do you come to me?”

“I didn’t come for you the last few times. I came to see Lasair!” The creature didn’t lower its guard, but it did look up to find Milan walking closer. “I was supposed to tell him about Bainadum’s escape, but last night proved to me that he already knows. He’s also upset with me for not appearing sooner…”

Milan arrived at arm’s reach of the thing. He then got down to a knee. “Lasair is Lasair, Bainadum is Bainadum. Don’t you have a name I can call you?”