Training Part 1 Chp 6


I fly over to where I sense Trunks's energy

I sigh at this

From Goku and Vegeta's memories he is hardly any stronger than he was when he killed Mecha Frieza and his father

But it is alright since by the time we leave the Hyperbolic Time Chamber we will be far stronger than before

I pat my pockets for multiple capsules

One of them is filled with modified Blutz pills so that Trunks can possibly achieve Super Saiyan 4 without having a tail

Trunks was born with a tail

However, Bulma knowing the danger had it surgically removed from Trunks and I can only guess that Chi-chi also had it removed from Goten

However, Vegeta is proof that once someone turns into a Super Saiyan 4 they don't need a tail to go back into that form

I hope

I fly down as soon as I get near Trunks and come closer to him

"Who are you?" He asks curiously with his guard up

"I am Vegito..." I begin to say and explain who I am

"This is confusing," he says as I finish and I let out a small laugh at that

I can feel the others approaching and I sigh a bit before I give him my offer

"Trunks there is a place up in Kami's lookout where we can get a year's worth of training in a day and we can stay there for 2 days which will equal 2 years and I want you to come with me to train. I can tell that you haven't been properly trained. Don't think it will be easy but by the time we are done, you will be able to deal with the androids although, if you want I can go back with you to your time and get rid of them myself," I tell him my offer

"Don't worry about the Androids here. I have already dealt with them myself in this timeline," I tell him as the others arrive

"You are here and I am sure he already told you about the androids," Says Tien who is the first to arrive as he was the closest to us

"Yes, he did," says Trunks looking at me weirdly as he processes that I am essentially Vegeta and Goku in one person

Soon the others arrive

I focus my senses and try to hone in on Vegeta's energy to see if he is coming back and resist the urge to frown

He is pretty much on the other side of the universe and he appears to be a Super Saiyan

I shake my head slightly as I feel Goku's energy

It fluctuates back and forth but he is hiding as best as he can

I walk towards him and he goes to ask me but I stop him and use instant transmission to take us back to his home

"Why did you..." I bonk the idiot in the head

"Take your medicine idiot," I say using instant transmission but moments before I go back, I hear him say he forgot

"Idiot," I say as I get back to the others

"He forgot to take his medicine," I briefly explain

"Oh, I knew I forgot something," Says Gohan

We talk for a bit and since the androids have been dealt with in this timeline there is no reason for Trunks to stay anymore However, he brings up the offer I made him which the others are shocked to learn about the Time Chamber but are otherwise ok with as I am going to train Trunks for 2 years

Trunks finally agrees but I can tell that he is nervous

I tell him to hold on to my shoulder as I use the instant transmission to take us over to the Lookout where I explain to Kami that Trunks and I are going to the Time Chamber

We enter it soon enough and although I have seen and experienced it before from Goku's memories it is still overwhelming as I look into the empty void in front of Trunks and I

"Trunks, I am going to teach you..."


"Now you know what you need to continue to grow even stronger," I tell Trunks as we are both in our Super Saiyan 2 forms 

3 months in order to teach Trunks many different abilities like Kai-Ken, the Spirit Bomb, and even how to properly mold KI techniques

I even taught him some Spirit Control, which obviously comes with instant transmission

He managed to reach Super Saiyan 2 a month ago and has been staying in the form constantly

The next thing for him to do is to turn into a Great Ape and master it until he skips Super Saiyan 3 and goes into 4 so that way I can try to reach my own Super Saiyan 4


"You did it Trunks," I tell him as he is in his Oozaru form which is a weird red-lavender color to it and he is now able to control it

"Now how do you feel?" I ask him


"Huh," I say taking that in as I think about it some more

"Makes sense," I tell Trunks to try out any moves and he suddenly opens his mouth and spits out fire


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I scream out as I finish turning into a Super Saiyan 3 for the first time

I barely dodoge an attack from Trunks who is currently in Golden Great Ape rampaging around the Time Chamber

"Trunks you have to fight it," I managed to say as I used the Solar Flare on him in an attempt to buy me a couple of seconds to cut off his tail

As I approach his tail, it quickly moves out of my sight and slams me into the ground

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH." I scream in pain as I can feel my back cracking in multiple places

My immortality is struggling to keep up with this onslaught

I put my fingers on my forehead as I feel Trunk's hand clamp around me

I scream in pain as he begins to squish me

Using instant transmission to teleport behind him, I quickly attempt a Destructo Disk to cut off his tail

I launch it at his tail but he simply moves it once it gets near it

Soon a weight slams into me and it takes me a moment to realize that Trunks just punched me as I am sent flying deeper inside the Time Chamber a trail of blood pouring from my mouth

Slamming into the ground as the gravity gets heavier and heavier as I feel the air getting hot and the ground feeling colder

Painfully standing up and using all of my willpower to remain in Super Saiyan 3 just so I can survive a bit more

"TRUNKS REMEMBER WHAT YOU ARE DOING THIS FOR," I scream out as I see a Golden Blur in front of me and kick me like a soccer ball but I don't go far away as he grabs me

This time with both hands as he begins to squeeze me

Screaming in pain, I yell out my last resort

"KAIO-KEN TIMES-AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" I scream stopping myself as I feel my bones breaking

"Trunks," I say as my head tilts back and I am forced to stare up into the void as he breaks my spine and soon the rest of my body

"Don't let it control you," I say and I can feel his painful grip on me loosening

My golden aura fades away as I fall down and I catch glimpses of Trunks Golden Great Ape form beginning to shrink down

I catch a glimpse of a reddish lavender fur-covered arm catching me in the air before I hit the ground


I gasp in pain as I wake up my entire body hurts

I try to stand up but a voice stops

"Don't move too much," Says Trunks

"What..." I begin to cough as my chest hurts


"Give me a yellow Blutz pill, they help heal faster," I manage to croak out and suddenly Trunks is holding one in his hand

I grunt as I can feel it slowly helping my body recover

"You did it," I say chuckling a bit and wincing in pain as I do

6 months for Trunks to achieve Super Saiyan 4

Total fucking bullshit

Then again, we already know how to go Super Saiyan and I taught him how to reach Super Saiyan 2, and he managed to skip 3 and reach 4 

I reached 3 in order to survive against him as Golden Great Ape but I am sure that I would have died if I hadn't reached 3

Thanks to my wish to know everything about what my immortality improves 

I learned that it is now improving my energy/stamina regeneration in order to compensate for Super Saiyan 3 because holy shit, I had some idea of just how much KI is required to enter that form and how much is needed to maintain it

I barely even used some Ki attacks and that was more than enough to wear me down

Never mind that I tried to use the Kaio-Ken

I frown a bit as I hear some pops around my body as it heals

"You should rest Trunks, I will be fine," I tell him as I notice the bags under his eyes


"Trunks, you achieved Super Saiyan 4. A huge milestone in power, now you only need to master everything else I have taught you in order to protect your home, rest," I tell him as I look him in the eyes causing him to sigh about a minute later

"Alright," He says as he walks over to a bed on the other side of the room and lays down

My frown gets a bit deeper as I recall much of what we have been going through, or rather just how he feels about me, he feels like I am his dad, and in a sense I pretty much am

I don't personally mind taking that position but, there is still the fact that I still consider myself quite young, even if I have Goku and Vegeta's memories, it is something that I haven't really thought about much even less since I became immortal

I would start a relationship with Bulma if I wanted to pursue her, and thanks to Vegeta's memories, I know a bit more about Bulma than I reasonably should

The thing is, I am immortal would Bulma be willing to become immortal just to stay with me while she knows that her son might grow old and die one day?

I don't know

I WANT to explore this universe and beyond that is the reason why I became immortal after all

But, I also want to experience love and all that stuff, I want to enjoy life

I sigh as I think some more about it and coming to a stop once I just shrug my worries away

Fuck it, I am going to try to get close to the Bulma of this timeline, and if it works out, it works out, if it doesn't, I will move on and keep moving forward

I am not going to be a little bitch about it

I have to step out of my comfort zone if I want to get into a relationship

I shake my head to get back to Super Saiyan 4

What exactly is it

Is it the power of the Oozaru and Super Saiyan combined

If so how powerful is it exactly

Obviously much more powerful than Super Saiyan 3

When SS3 Gt Goku fought Baby Vegeta, he was defeated pretty easily by him which is due to a number of factors, first off Goku was turned back into a kid and his body was incapable of handling Super Saiyan 3 even with the tail

What a lot of people don't really remember is that Baby Vegeta was in his own version of Super Saiyan 3 and he was able to handle it a whole lot better than Goku but I am pretty sure Adult GT Goku had already mastered Super Saiyan 3 so they probably would have been around even

The abilities displayed by a Super Saiyan 4 are phenomenal, to say the least

It allows the Saiyan using it to have much, much greater control over their KI, their Zenkai is improved to the point that they obtain a level of adaptation as the same attack won't affect them either as much or at all, their senses are increased massively to the point that they don't even need to see their opponent although, they can use KI sense to find said opponent but still their senses are improved, they also seem to gain the ability to outright absorb KI and/or redirect said KI to boost their own KI attacks

That's all I know of the form

I am going to wait a bit more until I try to obtain it

I achieved Super Saiyan 3, I should at least become proficient at it until I feel comfortable in that form before I move on to 4

I smile at that

A Saiyan gets stronger when he faces someone that is stronger than them

Trunks in Super Saiyan 4 is going to be an incredible training partner


"HHHIIIIIIYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAA," I scream as I send a kick at Trunks who effortlessly dodges out of the way

I am currently in my Super Saiyan 3 form while he is in his Super Saiyan 4 form

I am still stronger than him in our base forms but him in Super Saiyan 4 is still way too strong for me

Nevermind that I got a massive Zenkai after I healed from having almost my whole body broken

He hits me in the chest and I am sent flying back far away

I stop myself but I can tell that he is already behind and I hit him in the face with my elbow but he doesn't even flinch

He punches me in the back and I am sent flying but he appears above me and kicks me to the ground

I slam into the ground in pain as I go back to base

"Good fight," I gasp out in pain

It has already been a year since I got my immortality and we went into the chamber

Trunks is now able to enter Super Saiyan 4 at will

We discovered that Blutz waves help make the transformation easier(Same case with the Blutz Pills) thanks to me being able to create the power ball, it is not necessary once a Saiyan has experienced it they are able to enter it at will but it does take a of concentration to do so

I stand up in pain 

"How do you feel?" Asks Trunks returning to his base form

"Yup, I am alright," I say as I begin to heal

"So tomorrow is the day huh," He comments 

"Yeah," I tell him

Tommorow is the day I begin trying to reach Super Saiyan 4