Training Part 2 Chp 7



"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,"  I scream with a growl as I force my Golden Great Ape form to obey me

I force it with all of my will for it to listen to me

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH," I scream again as I begin to shrink and I feel uncomfortable throughout it all

I feel my bones getting smaller as they crunch together

I can feel my muscles being separated from my bones before they are reattached again 

I scream in both pain  and anger

An explosion of power happens as I finally begin to calm down, but some anger is still there.

I open my eyes to see Trunks in his Super Saiyan 4 form

No words are said as we rush towards the other

Our fists clash in an awesome display of power

I send a kick to his face which, he manages to dodge and retaliate by sending a punch to my chest which, I block and send a blast towards him, sending him flying away

"Incredible," I say as I effortlessly block and dodge Trunks attacks

We are not fighting seriously, Trunks is just helping me test this new form out

The power is unreal

I know that I achieved Super Saiyan 4 in less than 2 years, yet, I already knew about the transformations

I already had Super Saiyan from the get-go and mastered it easily when I already knew what was necessary for me to do so

For the other forms though, Super Saiyan 2, I can say I mastered it, Super Saiyan 3 still needs quite a bit of work though

Super Saiyan 4 

It is absolutely incredible

My senses are through the roof

I am not even focusing on anything right now yet...

Closing my eyes


I feel as if I don't even have my eyes closed 

I breathe in and out

I easily ignore the anger that is present in my mind as I clench my fists

Power incarnate

That's how I feel

I put my arms on my sides and let out a scream as I let go of my hold on my power and let it run wild

The familiar golden aura surges around me intensely as I scream


I calm down from the power high soon enough

"Incredible," I say

I am stronger than Trunks in his own Super Saiyan 4 although, that is just because I have a much higher base than his

I look down at my body and see that I am wearing black gi pants and white Saiyan-type boots

I have no gloves

"So, we train?" Asks Trunks

"Yes," I say rushing towards him as we clash once again


I let out a tired sigh as I dropped out of Super Saiyan 4 as I fall to the ground and lay on my back once I hit it

(I should Piccolo to teach me his clothes beam and his materialization thing when I get out of here) I thought once I realized that much of the clothing I have used to this point is pretty much rags now.

I look at Trunks who is currently unconscious back in his base form

We are both much stronger

Super Saiyan 4 is awesome

But with such awesomeness, there is a small drawback

Sometimes I forget to drop out of it

Okay, so not much of an issue but still.

Trunks and I have pushed each other to the max

I am still stronger but not by much

One particular strategy that I developed once we both had a true grasp on Super Saiyan 4 was fighting one another while one is in Super Saiyan and the other in a weaker form in order to get stronger

At one point I was able to fight against Trunks in his Super Saiyan 4 with just my Super Saiyan 2 form

I have been pushing the both of us far too much

My immortality finally showed a lot of results

First off, Super Saiyan 3 is far more manageable than before

I can stay in it as if I were in Super Saiyan 1 the first time I transformed

My immortality is catching up with the incredible amount of KI that is consumed to activate it and maintain it

Isn't that a pain in the ass

Self-evolving immortality is awesome but so fucking annoying

In Super Saiyan 3, my body is sort of able to keep up with the huge consumption of KI that it uses enough that I am thinking of making it my go-to Super Saiyan form

But it doesn't exactly do the same for the other forms though

Super Saiyan 1 is understandable since I can literally transform into it without even blinking and literally sleep with it

Super Saiyan 2 is a bit of a struggle since I kept tearing the bed sheets

Super Saiyan 3 is a different ballpark all the same and I am quite thankful for my wish to make me aware of several factors of the S-cells

I am overclocking them in Super Saiyan 3

From what I have been able to gather, the Super Saiyan transformations are rates at which the S-cells become active in someone

This can go to explain Gohan's rather explosive power even at a young age

Not entirely, but some part of it but some parts of it at least

I have theories about it but all I have to go on is the information that my immortality gave me about Super Saiyan 3

If I tried to push the transformation even further part of my body would have exploded

Super Saiyan 3 is the maximum output of the S-cells to my knowledge

Maybe things change when I go Super Saiyan 4

I will figure out more later as I am genuinely curious about it

Maybe Bulma would be willing to study the Saiyan forms

I shake my head as I stand up

I fly over to the entrance of the time chamber and get some food out

Another benefit of my wish, I don't have to eat as much anymore and soon I won't have to at all

Thank you, Shenron

I did come up with a couple of moves

I managed to create the Ki Sword that the OG Vegito used against Buuhan

I did go one step further by applying my knowledge of the spirit bomb to increase its power which turns the color from yellow to blue

I have been working on it a lot

To be honest, it is an avenue that I am exploring

  I can already do the Final Kamehameha, its x10 version, plus the Spirit version that I made which is what I am thinking of making my signature attack

I pretty much gather energy to form a spirit bomb and then begin to make a Final Kamehameha x10, I then put the Spirit Bomb energy between the movements for Final Flash and Kamehameha, and boom

Final Spirit Kamehameha x10

But, there is the downside of the spirit energy that I add to it doesn't really add anything to increase its power against people like Trunks as if he was just affected by a normal Final Kamehameha x10

Which is alright

I am making attacks against specific enemies like Frieza or Moro

I did have an idea to use the opposite of what King-Kai taught Goku for the spirit bomb and something that Baby Vegeta used

The Revenge Death Ball follows some of the principles of making a normal Spirit Bomb but instead of asking for energy, I would have to take it forcefully

But it's not necessary in fact, I can gather some of the energy released by someone who is evil when they launch ki blasts, and once the ki disperses nearby from the blasts I can gather the energy plus the the energy leaked by my opponent aura essentially taking over the battlefield as this Evil Spirit Bomb variant is capable of harming those who are good or evil

I will save it for later

Since Trunks and I have a good grasp on our forms it is time to begin to work on something else

Ki control


It is necessary to get stronger and get used to our new level of power but so damn annoying as it is so repetitive getting a hang of it

I am hoping to reach the sheer level of Ki control in my base that I have in Super Saiyan 4 which is quite frankly unfair to anyone else and I absolutely love it

The sheer level of Ki control that I have in Super Saiyan 4 is just incredible

I can make ki blasts in the shape of random things

I found out when I let my childish side take over

Creating Ki blasts in the shapes of the troll face will forever be one of my greatest achievements

I can't quite do the same in my base but I will still try to do so

These next few months, Trunks and I are going to be focusing on techniques and Ki control

At this point, we are good with our transformations

I did tell Trunks to see if he could turn Super Saiyan 3 but he much prefers just skipping it over entirely

I will respect his choice as I know the power it brings is big, but definitely not worth the cost of stamina, focus, and the sheer amount of Ki used by it are small number of reasons as to why it isn't worth it


"It's alright, you did your best," I tell him patting him on the back as he finishes telling me about the actions of the androids in his time period, and any hesitation about what I am going to do to them is gone

Trunks fought with them a lot and the only reason he is even alive is because they played around with him

He just told me about one time when he was going to a bunker with survivors delivering supplies and when he arrived he was too late the androids were already there and he saw them killing children in horrifying

17 was holding 2 children and ripped out their spines while 18 had electrocuted a group of them until they were charred

All the while forcing the adults to watch while they laugh and kill the children

Trunks rushed in to do...anything really

But it wasn't enough

It never was

But, now its different

I am going to make the Androids regret that they were ever created