To The Future Chp 8


"Yes, that is what I am going to do," I tell Trunks as I finish explaining my plan for Android 17 and 18

He looks down and sighs

"Alright, but this is just because of the training that I got," He says as the offer is a bit much for him

I did tell him that I would take him to New Namek using Instant Transmission to wish for whatever damage the androids did and bring back at least Gohan and Piccolo if possible

"Alright, let's go," I tell him while I order the neo-androids to hold on to the time machine

They look exactly like their original but that is where the similarities end as once they get close to the androids they will release a signal that will hinder them for a bit and they will then fuse to them

Creating my version of Super 17 and Super 18 completely under my control

I won't hesitate to make them my slaves at this point

I jump a bit and join Trunks as he inputs the commands and in a few moments we are traveling through time and as I blink we are in the future

That was a bit anti-climatic

"So this is your world," I say as I take note of everything here as the hatch opens up

Wow, it feels, depressive

I look at the sky and see the clouds covering the sky

I narrow my eyes at the sky as I feel around the planet and feel every person on it literally shivering in fear

I hold my disgust as I can feel the pure horror that these people have for the androids

"Weird, I am not feeling any mass people dying yet, so they may be taking a break, this is good, search them," I order the Neo-Androids as I made sure that they could search for power levels even those of other androids

(N/A: FYI the androids from the future timeline were not able to look for power levels while those of the present timeline had at least some form of energy scanning which wasn't that advanced due to Future Trunks arriving in the past and his data and DNA being obtained much earlier)

"Found them," Says Neo-17 as Trunks and I follow them to the androids

"Oh, hey, I was thinking of something," I tell Trunks as I slow down a bit


"Maybe we should take your mom with us to New Namek," I tell him


"We are going to be teleporting to their home and I am not really sure they are going to trust us..."

A little bit later we are floating atop a pretty big mansion after I looked at a few destroyed cities and looked at all the bodies that they left in their wake

It reminds of how Vegeta used to be

"So, this is where they go after they had their fun," Says Trunks growling before unleashing a small Ki blast towards the mansion destroying it

It pisses me off too as everytime that they destroyed a city for fun they  return to the rest in the lap of luxury

"So, that's them," I say looking at 17 and 18 before flying down

"Who..." I stop 17 by smacking him to the ground with my tail while I pimp slap 18 to the ground

I look at 18 for a bit, she is pretty hot all things considered but that is not why I am here

My own androids approach them and soon they fused, slowly

17 and 18 began to scream as Trunks and I watched

I could see a cold smile on Trunks face which I understood why

17 and 18 memories are being wiped out and being completely remade to obey my every command

I am literally ripping away their free will

Do I care

Fuck no

Flying over all those cities was another reason as to why I feel happy about this

This way they at least will be useful in raising the mortal level back in my timeline

Right now

I watch as 17 and 18 stop screaming or rather Super 17 and Super 18

"There it is done," I tell Trunks who has a few tears falling down his face and I place my hand on his shoulder as he nods

"Its over," He whispers

"Yeah, it is"

"There are still things we need to do," I say flying up heading to Capsule Corp with Trunks and my Super Androids

"Trunks, when Gohan gets revived you know what to do," I tell him while we fly down

"I have taught you everything you need to know, it will be up to you and Gohan to master everything. You know what is coming next," I continue telling him

"Zamasu," He says with a determined look on his face

I told him about Zamasu and what he plans to do

He knows the Mafuba he only needs to practice it

I also did tell him about the Fusions Dance and once he gets Gohan to a level close to him to not even hesitate to use it

We fly down as we reach Capsule Corp