Hang Out With Bulma Chp 12


"I look alright," I say to myself as I brush my teeth while looking into my bathroom mirror

I am wearing a white T-shirt, navy blue jeans, a comfy red sweater and dark red shoes

"Wow," I say while spitting out as the reality of the situation kicks in

I have a date

More than that I have a date with Bulma Briefs

Something that I have never done before in my past life or this new one

Bulma is a really beautiful woman

I will admit to having a crush on her as she does have many traits that I find attractive

She is smart, funny, loving...most of the time, compassionate, and most of all loyal

Traits that the women in my past life were losing in mass

I mean I was still a teen and I found legit found it disgusting that girls were comparing how many dicks they had in their mouths and how many times they came down their throats.

As if that is something to be proud of

I was fifteen back then a year or so before I was brought here

I frown a bit at that

Being brought here as Vegito is no coincidence at all

I know it

Someone or something brought me here for a reason and I don't know why

I have been enjoying this new life of mine a lot but, I can't help but feel like the other shoe is going to drop maybe not today, not even tomorrow, but I know it will

I will be as ready as I can for that day

I sigh as I look at my watch which I have linked with Bulma's timezone and see that I still have around half an hour before I go over to her house to pick her up

I look back into the mirror at my face and think about something

Why am I here? How did I get here? If someone or something brought me here, why did they bring me here?

Thinking about it makes no literal sense

I have immense knowledge of how to get stronger through the Dragon Balls even more since I am a Saiyan, not even mentioning that I am now fucking Vegito or what can come close to him

Now I am capable of turning Super Saiyan 4 with Kaio-Ken plus magic

Sure, I can only barely enhance my physical properties but I will get there eventually

I am pretty sure that I am not really going to use Super Saiyan 3 much if ever again

Since if there is an opponent that pushes me to Super Saiyan 2, I much rather just turn Super Saiyan 4 instead of 3 if they reveal some gimmick like transformation or a technique similar to Kaio-Ken

Thinking about it some more I am not sure where to go after Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker

I know it can be attained through sheer power alone but I don't know where to go from there

I mean is there something like Super Saiyan 5

Well, there probably is due to the multiverse existing there must be someone who has it

But, even more, should I even pursue Super Saiyan 5 something that I have no actual knowledge about or should I wait until Goten is born, since I know Chi-Chi is pregnant due to me checking in on Goku and his family this morning or should I wait until at least Trunks and Goten grow up

Goku managed to reach Super Saiyan 2 a few days ago

I am thinking of telling you how to reach Super Saiyan 4 sooner since I want to perform the godly ritual on me

I asked Mirai Trunks to teach Super Saiyan 4 to the Gohan of his time while waiting on the Vegeta there to mellow out for a few years before telling him if possible

I can only imagine the sheer power boost it will give me 

Having Goku, Mirai Gohan, Mirai Trunks, Mirai Vegeta, and quite possibly the Gohan of this timeline as Super Saiyan 4s performing the ritual on me

I shake my head as I take those thoughts out of my head for now as I leave my home and begin to fly over to Bulma's house to pick her up

Touching down as it only takes a few seconds with my speed to arrive

I send a text to Bulma who replies that she is on her as she is in the elevator

I turn to the door as she comes out of the building 

I smile at her as her lock onto me

She smiles back


Walking through the lively amusement park, Bulma and I enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and the laughter of people around us. The sun shines brightly above, casting a warm glow on our journey.

Bulma turns to me, a playful smile on her face.

"I can't wait to try out some of the stuff,"

"That looks good want to get some?" I ask her as her as I look at a burger place

"Isn't it a bit early?" She asks looking at me with an eyebrow raised

"I was mostly asking about the milkshakes. Some of them look really different compared to what I am used to," I tell her while turning in to look at the choices

"Grape, apple, cherry, strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla," I say reading out loud before I remembered

"Sorry," I tell Bulma scratching the back of my neck a bit

She laughs a bit

"I know you Saiyans are always hungry," She says while laughing lightly

"That's not untrue,"

"By the way, what have you been doing ever since I saw,"

"Well, I have been learning magic,"

"Magic, I thought Ki was magic," She says

"Oh no, while magic and Ki can both blow stuff up, one is far more annoying to learn," I say huffing at the fact that I am going to have to read books and increase my own knowledge of it for it to get stronger

"Really, could I learn magic?" She asks while I shrug

"I could not originally use magic myself until I wished for it,"

"You wished for it, of that's why you used the Dragon Radar but what would make you wish for the ability to use magic?" She asks quite confused but slowly she gets 'O' look on her face as she puts it together, even still...

"Bulma, I am far too strong and have reached a point where I am struggling to increase my own skill with Ki alone. Not to say that I can't get stronger or more skilled with Ki over time, but I want something else along with it. I am already too far ahead of all the other fighters on Earth and this is my chance to learn magic especially due to how powerful it can be," I say

"Wow, so is it as strong or nearly as strong as Ki?" She asks and I decided to tell her the truth

"To be honest, both are about the same, Ki someone can grow strong enough that merely powering up with Ki can shake the entire universe. While someone with magic could drain all of the energy out of the universe for themselves," I tell her

"That's..." she stands in shock as I get a cherry milkshake and begin to sip on it

She turns to look at me and I instantly know why

"Yes, Bulma beings that powerful are coming to Earth or for the universe in the future," I tell her and she starts shaking and I sigh before hugging her

"It's going to be okay, we managed to defeat them in the future, even now, I am sure that by the time that they come around, I will be able to take care of them before they become a problem,"

I know that she is absolutely afraid of them and to be honest, once I began to learn magic myself, I realized that magic rivals Ki

"You guys manage to defeat them?" She asks and I go on to tell her about many different enemies that I know of

Specifically about beings like Beerus and Moro

Stuff like God ki and the like as we went on enjoying ourselves

She even told me about stuff she did as a child and to be honest I am wondering if she is somewhat of a Tuffle 

To be honest, thinking about it makes me a bit sad

The Tuffles welcomed the Saiyans to their home planet, gave Saiyans food, medicine, and shelter

They were more like the Tuffles of Universe 2 in terms of attitude, however, it seems that in Universe 7 they were more about technology than love

But, I guess war changes people

"So, this gravity chamber helped you guys out?" Asks Bulma as we begin to head back to her home

"It sure did, I am pretty sure we would have been toast without it," I tell her honestly

I have told her a lot of stuff and I had her promise to not say anything about the other Super Saiyan forms to Goku until I do personally

"Hey, umm you mentioned that you wanted me to research your Super Saiyan forms," She says

"Yes, I have figured something out about them but having someone research my body and how to get stronger will be beneficial, and also to spend some more time with you," I admit to her which is one of the reasons why I asked her to do so

"Oh, I am sure we can make that happen," She says as she leans up kisses me on the cheek, and goes inside her house

"Yes, I will," I say looking at her go inside before I frown

Something was strange about our outing

She seemed to hold herself back a lot and I had to coax her to tell me and she did not act the way that I expected

But, it is something that I am going to have to figure out in time as I get closer to her

(N/A: Sorry if this seems rather short but yesterday, I had to have my dog put to sleep as he was old and was suffering from a lot of health issues. I am pretty much in a bit of depression since he is gone now as he was a part of my life since I was 9)