S-Cells Chp 13


"So what are the results?" I ask Bulma as she moves around me with a scanner in her hand as I am in Super Saiyan

"Incredible, thanks to the technology that you brought me, I can see that these S-cells are responsible for your transformation are something beyond human limits, not just that it seems that this energy is enhancing your body multiple times," She says

"I knew that Super Saiyan was something that just made you guys stronger but, it doesn't just stop there, it seems to enhance everything literally,"

"Have you tried using magic while using it?" She suddenly asks and I have 'O' expression on my face

"No, I haven't yet," I tell her as I want to facepalm as I haven't really given any thought before to infusing the power of the S-Cells specifically to such an extent as I already knew that it increased the attack power of my magic but now that I know that it affects other things, it may even affect healing magic

I point a bit away and make some Saiyan-style armor and I smile a bit as the effort and amount of power that it used was minimal

"Wait, you just create matter like that," She says while dragging her hand down her face as it pales

"Yup, although, it's more like turning energy into matter,"

"But, how the sheer amount of energy needed to even create it is immense," She says

"Oh, right you haven't figured it out yet. There are many forms of energy Bulma. Many forms, what you are probably thinking is electric-based energy, that is not to say that there aren't more types of energy. Magic just so happens to be the one that is the easiest to and least energy extensive form of energy to turn into matter," I explain with my somewhat limited knowledge of magic

"Wait, you mean..."

"Yes, different types of energy have many different uses than what you would expect however, if you want a more in-depth explanation, that is going to have to wait until I get more adept at it or you can go visit Kami and ask for him to teach you about it," I tell her

"Damn," She says clicking her teeth "Going back to the S-cells, I can see that you have a certain amount active,"

"How much?"

"Around 50%"

"Really, alright how about now," I say going into my bulky Super Saiyan form

"Interesting it seems like around 80% of them are active but it seems like they are activated wrong or something," She says getting closer to my back


"Take a look," She says and brings a tablet up to my face and I can tell what is happening with the S-Cells

The bigger part is glowing constantly while the 30% are flickering on and off 

The rest are not even active

Like they are about to turn off but at the last moment they are back to being active 

"Ok, transform again,"

I turn Super Saiyan 2 and quickly notice something

My S-cells are all activated

"Wait, so this means..."

"That the different levels of Super Saiyan are actually just different forms of activation and through this much information it's easy to speculate that Super Saiyan 3 it is more of an overcharge mode as it forces all of the S-cell to produce more than they can handle which would explain the issues that you said come with Super Saiyan 3,"

"What do you think about Super Saiyan 4 then?" I ask her

"To be perfectly honest, I think it's total bullshit," She says

"From what you told me, you obtain the form by compressing the Great Ape into a more humanoid form and you get numerous benefits from it, and yet you don't turn into a black hole from the sheer amount of mass that is being compressed, which has to be possible due to you being able to instinctively used a form of mass shifting..." She said a whole more than I was able to follow and some of the things that she said do make a lot of sense

Trying to follow her I drop out of Super Saiyan 2 and into my base form and raise my hands to stop her as she got a bit too into it

"Oh, sorry it's just unbelievable, it's like you Saiyans are not meant to have limits yet for some reason you do. Everything that you can do just outright makes any other species useless, you can adapt to fight in any environment given enough time, heck, you could probably become capable of fighting in space" She says and I stay quiet at that

Saiyans are not meant to have limits

To be honest, being a Saiyan that is aware of the fact that Saiyan break their limits continuously and have many different forms

"Could you turn Super Saiyan 4 please?" She asks as I nod and as I transform I make sure to control my power level so as not to cause panic around the world

"Wow," I hear her say and I smile a bit

"So, this is Super Saiyan 4," She says walking around me and scanning me

She looks at my feet and frowns a bit

"How are you not breaking the floor or at least cracking it, from these readings, you are really heavy," She says as she pokes around my fur lifts my arm, and squeezes it a bit

"It feels as if I am touching a living statue due to how dense you are..." She is interrupted as the scan showing my S-cells is shown on a screen

"All of them are activated but, oh I see," She says bringing a tablet closer to me

"They changed," I say looking at the differences between normal S-Cells and S-Cells that have been through the Oozarification process.

"Your Cells in this transformed state are much denser, their energy output is increased, and they can handle the increased power output. Hmm, your entire body is far better than before could you try to shut off the S-cells in your body while leaving the compressed Great Ape on?" She asks and I try to do so, however, the moment I manage to shut the S-cells off, I begin to grow back to a normal Great Ape and as my power decreases, I turn them back on and go back to Super Saiyan 4 so that the room doesn't end up destroyed

"Well, that happened," I noticed that I was back to normal

"What happened?" I ask Bulma 

"I have a theory," She says after thinking about it and seeing the results

"It is possible that the S-cells are assisting in some way or manner to keep this condensed form, and when you shut them off, you just return to the Great Ape form but this is just a theory,"

"Its alright," I tell her with a smile and she smiles