Out Into The Universe Chp 16


"Everything is ready," I say looking at the small screen on my scouter showing me that my ship is ready to launch

"When do you think you will be back?" Asks Bulma with Baby Trunks in her hands

"Around 2 years and a half,"

"Really?" Asks Goku looking at my ship but I could tell something was bothering him

"Yes, one of the places that I am going to is Yardrat to complete my own training in Spirit Control, then I am going off on my own adventures," I tell them

"Right," Said Goku looking rather thoughtful at that

I frown a bit as I look at him I shake my head a bit and open a telepathic link between us

("Use instant transmission to go inside my ship, we can talk there") He didn't really respond but I could sense that he was grateful for the chance

"Also, Bulma thank you, for everything," I tell her looking her in the eyes and one of my biggest regrets is that I am leaving her right as we were getting sort of serious in our relationship

But, I have to leave

I need to learn and grow by myself

Sure, I can stay here on Earth but at this point, it won't be rewarding or exciting enough

I talk to Bulma for a bit as the others are being guided by a robot

Soon, I begin to say my goodbyes, and just as I am about to leave Bulma rises on her toes and kisses me on the cheek

I smile at her as she smiles at me

"We'll talk when you get back if we are still interested in each other," She says winking at me and my smile widens

"I am going to be gone for 2 years. It's quite a bit of time, so if we still want this..."

"We'll see where we go from there," She finishes smiling

"Yes," I say simply

"See you later," I tell her

"Take care," She says walking away with a sway on her hips

(Nice) I think while looking at her and getting into my ship

I soon left Earth

I watch from a screen as I leave the atmosphere and soon I feel Goku's energy appearing on my ship

"Well, let's talk," I tell Goku as I motion for him to follow me to the kitchen

"So, who did it go," I ask Goku who frowns

"Chi-chi is pregnant again and I told her about what you said about getting Gohan therapy and I managed to get her to accept that. But what she doesn't want to accept is Gohan and the one that is coming to be trained, although, Gohan is saying he doesn't want to fight for the thrill of it and that he wouldn't mind a spar now and again," He says sighing before taking a sip from a very special tea

Due to having Goku's memories and experiences, I know that Grandpa Gohan kept a small garden for growing different types of tea and I watch as Goku lets out a gentle smile which I mirror as I take a sip of my own

"Goku listen, Gohan is as much your child as he is Chi-chi's. Even if she doesn't like it, you can tell her to shove it at this point, I remember just how much Gohan had been forced to study and he is just a kid, she literally had him study for days on end and only taking a few breaks now and again. From morning till nighttime, he has been studying since he was 3 for crying out loud, and more than that both you and he are traumatized by your Saiyan heritage to the point that you are refusing to actively learn more about it," I sigh at that as I held that in for a while now

"Listen, I know that you are scared about the reason why you were sent to Earth as a child and it wasn't to conquer because I found out why we were sent here," I tell him stopping him from saying anything as he closes his mouth

"We were sent here to be safe, as our father, Bardock felt that something was wrong when Frieza ordered every Saiyan back to planet Vegeta, he convinced our mom Gine, to send you to Earth as the people here are not the most powerful and that in case nothing happened, they would have come over to Earth to get you and bring you back home,"

"But, you know the rest," I tell him as he looks shocked and a bit teary-eyed

I soften my expression

"Listen, the Gohan of my time was a formidable warrior but that crap about him being a scholar and ignoring his training due to his unresolved issues and only getting past them once he nearly reached his 30s, and that was 2 years before we were defeated and I was sent back here, he was as strong as Frieza at full power, sure, he did manage to grow leaps and bounds ahead of where he was once he began to once again take his training seriously but the point is that Gohan would have immensely changed the tide of the battle," I tell him

"I know that Chi-chi is scared of Gohan dying, and trust me it hurts," I tell him with a meaningful look and he gets it

Gohan died at the hands of Kid Buu

But, he doesn't know that


"Goku, you deserve to know," I say looking at him for a minute

"Look the enemies that are..."


"Wow," Says Goku a bit in a daze as I explain to him more in detail about certain beings out there

"Yeah," I say taking a bite out of some dinosaur roast meat and drinking some soda

"So, I..."

"Yup," I tell him simply as I had more or less explained some more details including what led to the tournament of power and about the 12 universes

I told him that the events that brought me here were far past that, and I did not tell him about God Ki, but I did mention that Beerus's energy cannot be sensed for some odd reason

I felt really bad for not telling him more but I truly don't want to risk much more

Telling him about Super Saiyan 4 and how to achieve it is already more than I want him to know for now

One of the major reasons for not telling him about God Ki is that I want us to stay under the radar since I don't know how much Zamasu is going to affect everything

I did tell Trunks that if he shows up and is too strong for him to travel back here immediately and I will help him deal with him

"Goku, I told you a lot, probably more than I reasonably should have, and if things take a turn for the worst I will take full responsibility for anything that may have happened. But, you need to realize the reality of the situation. You alone have saved countless people by this point in your life, but you need to take into account the consequences of your actions, as I will take responsibility for my own," I tell him simply

Goku looks at his hands and I can see the frustration at his possible future actions

Being told that you alone were responsible for having multiple universes being erased from existence, then only barely managing to bring them back due to luck is not something that I would ever wish on anyone

I left a lot of stuff out obviously, I am scared of what would happen if I told him about Zamasu and what he did

"Don't worry too much, as long as we all get stronger and are much more careful of our actions in the future we will be able to go past it," I tell him "The tournament will have to happen if we want to save the universes, we have to be much more mindful about the Dragon Balls, so leave them with people we can trust, give one to Kami, another to Roshi, one to Bulma, and think about who else to keep one for safe keeping," I suggest and Goku nods seriously at that

We talked for a bit more before Goku had to leave as we were crossing way past the range of his instant transmission in my ship

We say our goodbyes and once he leaves I stare at the spot that he in a few seconds ago

"Shit," I say groaning to myself a bit as I think about Goku's situation a bit more

I hope he can at least get his situation under control

I turn and go to the control room and see my course for a planet that is frequented by other species to trade and sell

Once I check everything is in order I leave the autopilot on and go to my room

I put on some comfortable clothes and begin to study my book on Ki

I have learned a lot about Ki and the nature it or rather the will behind it

Reading about how Ki can be said to be somewhat aware of its existence as it acts as a positive force on the soul, body, and mind as it is a power that stems from all three that can be used by someone's Genki or willpower/courage

The will of each person is different from person to person as one has to take into account, race, and personality and otherwise general attitude of someone

Will does not mean sentience if anything it is more or less an affinity toward something or having a special ability that makes them different from others

Someone could have a will that essentially helps them to keep calm allowing for an immense level of Ki control, being able to use Ki fire or Ki electricity to an even greater degree, even stuff like physical growth, and so much more

I rub my chin as I look through more of this information

This was never really shown in Dragon Ball as far as I am aware

It could be one of those things that Toriyama tried to integrate but got bored of the idea and decided to abandon it

I can sort of see why

This is some complicated stuff that will take even me years to truly master

One shouldn't even bother trying to mess around with it until they have these three things

Sufficient Power, enough knowledge about Ki itself, and of course Ki control

There are more requirements for one to be able to affect this part of themselves

But, some lucky people can access their affinity/will instinctively

One such person is Frieza, my book has details that his Will was that it allowed him to increase his power at 1/30 of the effort put in

It is such fucking bullshit as not only does it allow him to get stronger easier, but he gets stronger the older he gets, not a lot but it does add up over time

I know Goku, Vegeta, and I haven't accessed our Wills yet

I can learn to do so but managing to access or awaken someone's will are two very different things

Accessing one's will is the easier part of the process, but in my particular case, I have to both awaken it, then I need to learn to access it 

It would have taken me nearly a year to learn how to access my will, but awakening my will will take me years to do so

At best 8 years, at the absolute worst 20 years

"Better get started on that," I say while going over the process of awakening someone's will again and getting some of my notes out

Sighing, I glance at a clock next to me and decide to take the 'night' off

Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions

I order one of the cook-bots to make me some food

It gets done in less than 3 minutes and I smile as I see the amount of food

It is far less than when I first arrived here

A few pieces of dinosaur steak, with vegetables and a bowl of steamed rice with some pieces of chicken mixed inside the rice and some pieces laying on top with some teriyaki sauce, and some dessert on the side with a bottle of soda

I chuckle a bit at the soda

I tasted varying amounts of alcohol but never anything more than a single glass and to be honest, I am not a fan of it, although, I have a preference towards wine, I will only really drink when I feel like it

I begin to eat my food and smile 

Not having to stuff myself with pounds of food each sitting is refreshing, well I don't necessarily have to eat much anymore as I can feel that my immortality will pass my need for food soon enough

I frown a bit at that and sigh

My immortality has saved me more times than I can count at this

To be honest, I wouldn't have been able to push myself as much as I had without it

I am capable of at least regrowing small limbs like my fingers reliably now

Not that I particularly want to be in a situation where I have to regrow limbs

Due to it telling me of the changes that I am undergoing, I am partially amazingly horrified at what it has done as I did not realize the true extent of a wish from Shenron of all dragons is truly capable of

Shenron was shown early on to be able to resurrect people, and grant immortality with the outpost power available to him, he was not able to have my immortality rival that of Zamasu due to insufficient power, which is why I wished for it to be self-improving

I just have to wait