Trading World Chp 17



"Thank you," I say to an officer as I am finally let go after I got permission to land on Zari

A planet under the Galactic King of Universe 7

Zari is one of around 1,000 trading worlds between the North and West Galaxies 

Zari specifically is known for how much business goes on here

Nearly every building in every city is just floors upon floors where trade deals are being made every minute of the day

The other buildings are restaurants, warehouses, and stuff like that

I am heading over to a specific building

I used my Magic materialization to create a lot of different materials to sell off

I made sure not to make stuff that is too high-end but also not too low, just in the middle

I would have just made gold or silver, but they are not exactly valuable outside of Earth

Heck, even platinum is not considered valuable

Katchin on the other hand is extremely valuable even in space

Finding someone or something capable of working with it is already rare enough

Having a machine capable of working with Katchin specifically is something that most likely no one has ever heard of due to there never really being a need for it since it is so rare

So, I just spent the next 3 hours selling stuff and then purchasing some stuff

I got myself the best healing tank I could find since I never know when I might need

I bought some new up-to-date scouters

A lot of different foodstuffs, some materials that seem quite interesting, varying technologies

However, I am going to have to wait around 2 weeks since I ordered some of the technology and materials from other planets and the stuff that I purchased is going to be sent over to the dock that a tiny carrier ship that I have to receive the shipment since my main ship is too big for any of the free docking bay areas

I sit down and order some food at the equivalent of a fast food restaurant and order some curious purple-looking steaks

I get my food not even 2 minutes later and as I take my first bite, I stop chewing for a moment as I move my tongue around the piece of meat and find that it tastes like blueberry with the texture and shape of meat

It's not bad but curious and strange, I eat the stake and taste the drink

Hmm, tastes a bit like lemon and apple juice with something else

I order some more food and I am thankful that my hunger is not as bad anymore

After, I finish eating I pay and leave to go back to the carrier ship

As I arrive, I see 17 and 18 taking in the boxes inside the carrier ship and I nod to them as I head inside and let them keep bringing their stuff in

I sit down open my magic book and read for around 20 minutes as I wait for 17 and 18 to finish bringing everything on board

As they close the hatch, we quickly head over to my main ship, take everything out and I bring the tech over for my computer to analyze and come up with new stuff for me to play with

"Is that everything master?" Asks 18

"Yes, it is, for now at least," I tell her with no emotion on my voice

"By your leave," Says 17 as I dismiss the 2 of them

I narrow my eyes at them and release a small sigh

I brought them with me as I want them to protect my ship when I am not here and so that I can make them do tasks for me

I won't feel any guilt if one or both of them are destroyed

They don't need sleep so I am having them train while I don't need them

I placed the new scouters that I bought down on the scanning table to be analyzed and brought out my own personal scouter and check the condition of the ship

"Trackers," I say as the scans show multiple trackers around the outside of my ship

I press the button on my scouter and I hear a slight hum as current runs across the outside of my ship and fries the trackers

I made sure to download the new updated galactic map

I use the touchpad of the button in my scouter and quickly assign my next destination


It's time I master Spirit Control

A sudden feeling of dread comes over me and I am instantly on guard for a minute as I scan the area and sense a very far-away Ki and the feeling it gives me is putting me on edge

The Primal Wrath

The growing power


I put my fingers on my forehead as I try to hone in on his power but it begins to grow weaker

"Damn it," I say frustrated but I perk up as I feel someone attempting to connect with me

I let them into my mind and I relax a bit as I recognize the voice that comes through

("Hello, this Vegito right?") Asks King Kai

("Vegito speaking") I answer him

("Listen, I have a favor to ask, whoever, that power belongs to, has been rampaging between the North and South Galaxies. I would have sent Goku but you are stronger than him. I want you to find out who it is and put a stop to him. He has caused considerable damage. While nothing that can't be fixed within a few million years. This has set back South Kai by a lot") He says

("Sure, but what do I get in return?") I ask him knowing already what I want


("Don't worry, I am not going to ask for anything to beyond your means, In fact I wanted to see if you would be willing to train me") I tell him

("Oh, that is fine,")

("Great, next time that powers pops up, I am going to find out King Kai")

("Thank you, goodbye")

("Goodbye") I say back while sighing a bit and shaking my head as I make my way to Yardrat, it is near the border of the North and South so it all works out