Spirit Control Chp 19



"You need to remain calm, Vegito," Says Pybara as I am on a spike pillar balancing myself as I attempt to sync up my spirit with my body and mind through very deep meditation

Breathing out, I take air back in as I relax and focus on the core of my energy as I attempt to balance all aspects of myself

Doing this for hours on end seemed tedious from Goku's memories and like him, I have gotten an even deeper appreciation for this type of meditation

I don't say anything as I just immerse myself in my power as my Ki surrounds my body gently, like a flame on a candle

I keep my eyes closed as I enjoy this feeling but I make sure to not drown in it as my Ki is immense

I had some idea as to just how much Ki, I had in base by comparing it to Goku whose Ki I can sense clearly from here as he is in Super Saiyan 2 training in it

He is weak compared to me

I can easily beat even if he were to go Super Saiyan 3 right now

Which is why I am not going to focus on him anymore

It's clear that he won't be able to catch up to me for a while

To be honest, my goal right now is to just become as strong as I can possibly be until Beerus wakes up

I focus deeply on myself and slowly open my eyes to find myself within my own mindscape, but I can feel that I am not going to be able to stay here for long

Still, this is a great achievement for myself

I remember the mindscape from Naruto and to my surprise, it is something that I am capable of achieving after entering a very deep state of meditation and creating a balance between my conscious and subconscious mind in order for me to create a door for me to access it

Forced out of my mindscape as my energy surges around me

I sigh in slight disappointment but it is overshadowed by my excitement at reaching my mindscape as I have some ideas that I can test to see if they are feasible or not

I go back to synchronizing my mind, body, and soul

"Well done," Says Pybara as Ki slowly recedes into my body as I follow one of the teachings that Whis imparted on Goku and Vegeta

To raise our Ki within our bodies and let no energy leak out from our bodies whatsoever

Something that I have practiced for a long time now

Even when I went inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Trunks I was never able to truly keep my energy inside for long and I just wasn't able to when I was transformed in any form whatsoever

But, with my current experience using Spirit Control, I am able to manipulate my Ki with much more finesse

I fly up a bit as I get in a standing position while in the air

"This is awesome," I say excitedly before focusing again on my energy as some leaks out

I take aim at the sky and let a Ki beam from one of my fingers and the difference is noticeable as I would have thought that I released a Kamehameha with just a finger beam

"Woah," I say as the beam goes up far away from the planet, and with a single thought after around 10 seconds it detonates making an explosion that would have obliterated the planet if it had detonated anywhere near its atmosphere and even though it was already thousands of miles away from it says a lot about the power in it

"Incredible, you have come far Vegito," Says Pybara coming closer to me

"But, if I may ask what is it that you intend to achieve with how much your Ki control has risen?" He asks and I turn to him slowly

"What I intend to reach is a state of absolute control over my Ki, while I also attempt to reach a mental state where I am able to bring out all my power at the last moment while being in a relaxed state for maximum efficiency in terms of power," I answer him as I calmly turn Super Saiyan and I am still able to prevent the energy from leaking

The transformation was perhaps the smoothest one I have ever had

As my hair simply rose up and changed color

No sounds, or anything

Just a seamless transformation

Even as my power soared due to this form, I am still keeping it in

However, I am having to focus a bit more on it

Breathing out, I go back to my base and smile

"I am ready for the other techniques Pybara," I tell him


"Well, this is something," I say as I am in my Great Ape form and using Gigantification with it

I force myself back into my base form while staring at the power ball which triggered my transformation

Yup, being able to force the Great Ape down to return to my base form is awesome

"Thank you for everything Master Pybara," I say to him with every ounce of respect that I have

"It was no problem Vegito, you have managed to surpass all of my expectations of you at every turn. I am honored to have taught you everything I know," He said with a smile

"The honor was mine..." I begin before I felt that primal energy once again

I glance at the direction before nodding towards Pybara and placing my fingers on my forehead

I was able to sense Broly multiple times these past few months but I was never able to pinpoint it fast enough

But, now, I am ready