The Legendary Fight Chp 20


"Incredible," I say putting my right hand in front of me as I see Broly powering up in anger

"Fuck," I say as my suspicion is right

This version of Broly is a mix of his Super and Z variants

"Dammit all," I say powering up but still remaining in my base

He crushes Paragus's skull while laughing maniacally but I can see tears in his eyes

"You..." He says before rushing at me

I block a punch to my head easily

I quickly dodge a blast that comes from that same hand 

He screams out loud as he sends a barrage of punches my way

I smile as my heart starts pumping faster

I resisted the urge to transform and take a punch to the face which while it didn't really hurt, but I still felt it

I punch him back and I hear the sound of his jaw cracking as he is sent flying away

"Oh, Yeah," I say in glee as every cell in my body is screaming for me to fight him

I rush towards him and he jumps off the ground and launches himself at me and we clash head-on

I sent many punches to his chest and head but each felt like they were doing less and less as his green aura surged out from him and he retaliated

I effortlessly dodged his punches and kicks but I could tell that he was getting faster and faster as his rage increased his power 

I am still 4 times stronger than he is but he hasn't transformed yet

I narrow my eyes as his eyes turn a yellow-amber color as I move around him

"DDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE," He screams out maniacally after I kick him in the throat

My eyes narrow further as I see some red electricity around and his aura briefly appears a dark red color with a black outline

I snap out of my battle craze and force myself under control as the moment his aura changes color his Ki turned into something different twisted, evil.

From Goku's memories, I can remember only the children of King Piccolo approaching such evil but this is different

"What is going on?" I ask out loud as Broly appears in front of me in an instant and grabs me by the face and I am overpowered by him

He slams into the ground but he holds onto me as he drags me through the ground and he runs while he drags me laughing the whole time

(His power is approaching mine) I realized as whatever that Ki was increased his power but not only that, his power continues to rise through his Legendary Super Saiyan status

I decide to stop playing and free myself and burst through the ground and send a kick to the back of his right knee and then use both of my legs to kick on the back of the head and slam him into the ground

He screams out in anger and I briefly see his hair turning a golden-green color and his power rising far surpassing that of my base form

Without hesitation, I turn Super Saiyan 2 as he screams out as he begins to transform

The whole planet that we were on begins to be affected as the ground shakes, and I can see some far-off mountains a good distance disappear from the sheer power that Broly is letting out

"No control, just pure power," I say as I can tell that he is just going by pure instinct at the moment

When I blink he is already on me and I quickly dodge and punch him in the face and then kick him in the middle of his chest but he grabs my leg and he tries to break it by slamming his elbow into it

I grunt in pain as his elbow smashes my knee and I can hear it cracking

I quickly twist around and kick him with my other leg causing him to let me go

He screams out and grabs his head as that same dark red aura pulses around him and I briefly catch something on his chest

A small red glass-like ball which soon disappears as Broly's power rises again

"What the...ugh" I stop as Broly punches me in the face which shocks me for a moment but I quickly gather myself but he starts to beat me within an inch of my life

I hear my bones crack from the assault however, my immortality is still healing me

Using a quick solar flare to get away from him

My shoulder pops back into place as some of my ribs which pierced my lungs go back to their place

"Alright no more playing around," I say as I go Super Saiyan 4

I begin to gather energy on the tip of my tail as I overpower Broly sending a barrage of hits far too fast for him to react

Again that red crystal ball appears and I gasp as I see 2 stars on it

"A dragon ball," I say as Broly's power surges again but I can see the blood pouring from his mouth, eyes, nose, and even his ears as veins begin to pop around his body

"Kaio-Ken x15," I say rushing him and grabbing the red Dragon Ball on his chest before it disappears

I grunt as I try to pry out but I can tell that it won't be as easy as I think

Broly smashes his fists into my shoulder but I am undeterred as I up my Kaio-Ken to times 25

I manage to rip the Dragon Ball off him

He pants out in pain, but knock him out with a hit to the back of his neck, and soon I slam the energy on the tip of my tail on him and he is surrounded by magical seals that force him to sleep

I quickly heal him while bringing out a Katchin jar

Using the Mafuba on him as a thought entered my mind during the fight

"Think about it later," I tell myself before looking at the red Dragon Ball on the ground which is practically oozing evil

"Since when are you a thing," I say while looking at the stars on the Dragon Ball