Training Gum Chp 25


"WHY THIS," Screams Vomi as she runs from a ball of Katchin that I am moving around with Ki telekinesis

"This is training," I tell her sipping from an Oreo milkshake

Merging with that piece of Majin Buu was the best thing I ever wished for

"HOW IS THIS TRAINING, KKKKKKYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA," She stops talking as I materialize some really pointy spikes and send them toward her

"If you have time to talk, then I am not pushing you hard enough," I tell her as she starts dodging them while still moving away

She is good

A few hours later we are eating some roasted dinosaur meat, unseasoned

"Why all of that?" She asks as I take a bit out of a dinosaur's leg and puts the boulder down as she sits down to eat

"I needed to know where you stand physically," I answer

"So, how did I do?" She asks while ripping some meat from the other dinosaur's leg and eating it

"To be honest, pretty good, although, that is just your physical strength. It is far above what is possible from a normal human without Ki. At this point, I am confident, I can make the necessary equipment to train you," I tell her as finish the leg and sip on some soda

"I have a question. Why did you agree to train me so easily?" She asks and I turn to look her in the eye

"Several reasons, first, I need to make sure your Majin side doesn't act up. Second, you asked nicely, third, I kind of want your help with something, although, I may have to take a while," I answer truthfully

"Help, with what?" She asks surprised

"There is this thing I want to do, and I would feel a lot better if I had someone on my level to keep me under control in case I begin to rampage," I tell her


"Yes," I tell her

"It's going to be totally dangerous isn't it," She asks deadpanning at me

"Yup," I answer shamelessly

"What did I get myself into?" She asks herself


"Is that all?" I say in Super Saiyan 2 as I dodge Vomi's attacks with some difficulty

She grunts as she does her best to ignore my taunts

Releasing a blast on my face and while I feel a slight bit of pain which fades away fast, she tries to go back and gain some distance while preparing something

"What's this now?" I ask as I can tell that she made a move on her own

"OMEGA DRILL," She shouts out as my widen in surprise as I see a spinning beam with a very point tip

Letting it hit me in the chest as I am sent flying back

Surprised I look at the drill-like beam on Ki on my chest as it rips my shirt to pieces and I feel it

She actually managed to hurt me

I smack it upwards and see the damage which is already disappearing

It managed to get through the layer of skin as I can see muscle

"Good enough for ya?" She asks while panting a bit falling down to the ground with a thud

Following her slowly as that attack seemed to take a lot out of her

She wakes up coughing a few minutes later

"How did I do that time?" She asks

"Incredible, that Omega Drill, is an incredibly ingenious attack. You the cutting aspect of the Destructo Disc, as well as aspects of the Special Beam Cannon, and mixed them with the Final Flash in order to make it. It is very powerful," I compliment her

This Omega Drill is an attack that allows her to hurt someone above her own level

"Yes, praise me more," She says with a smug grin

"But, your physical abilities are still shit," I tell her cutting her from her little party

"Ugh," She says as she puts her back on the ground

"You just had to go there didn't you," She says a bit depressed at that

It is rather disappointing, to be honest

She has to rely solely on her Ki to raise her physical abilities

For some reason she is stuck with around 6 tons of weight on her arms and legs

The most I am able to do is 25 on each limb without Ki and even then I don't even feel it at this as I haven't changed them in a while.

But she is unable to increase it all, she started at that point and is unable to increase without Ki

Ki is very powerful, but I have some theories that I am attempting to work around it

Ki is a fundamental force of every being in Dragon Ball, but from what I have found out, it helps promote physical growth, something even more interesting is that Ki is a manifestation, of a living being's lifeforce

Someone can actively use their lifeforce to empower their Ki, however, this usually results in death or a shortening of one's own inherent lifespan

This means that someone should be able to turn it 'off' so to speak

My research into it hasn't shown any actual results but what I do have seems very promising

If could someway find a way to lock away or seal away my Ki, I could probably become even stronger as I train just my body without Ki getting in the way, so that way when reintroduce Ki back into the equation, my power will rise accordingly

I will figure it out later

"This sucks," She says defeated

"Oh, come off it, you sheer ability in terms of Ki Manipulation are incredible,"

"But, I am not even able to hit. You just took the Omgea Drill head and it was my most powerful attack," She says getting slightly depressed while I get a tick mark on my forehead at that

"Woman, you are quite possibly one of the top 5 strongest in the Universe, I am literally 3 place, you are in 5th place, for crying out loud and you are complaining about it," I almost scream at her

"I am that strong?" She asks skeptically


"That seems rather depressing," She says and I open my mouth and close it as I realize that she has a point

She is 5th, Moro is 4th, I am 3rd, 2nd is Beerus, and 1st is Whis

I almost get depressed at that

I shake it off as there is 1 rule in not just Dragon Ball, but across all reality

"Vomi, there is always someone stronger than you, always," I tell her seriously

"Just because, is am teaching you, and due to your own inherent power, don't think that others will not get stronger too," I tell her seriously and she nods as she takes it in

"Now, come on"