A Light Of Hope Against A Dark Future Chp 26


"HHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAA" I scream out as I fight another Metal Cooler

Vegito told me about this guy

Thankfully, I was able to respond to the Namekians' call for help and used Instant Transmission to get here

Ripping my arm out of a body from one of the Metal Cooler

I begin to launch a barrage of Ki blasts and destroy hundreds of them with ease

I am in my base form

Looking around I see Gohan fighting off a bunch of them in Super Saiyan

These Metal Cooler's are nowhere near a threat to me, but Gohan is at least twice as strong as them on average in Super Saiyan

He can go up to Super Saiyan 2, but he did say that he would like to skip 3 and go straight for 4

I agreed with him as it was his choice

Turning to look over the Big Gete Star while frowning a bit

Vegito told me about this thing, and how it might be one of the things that I would need to preserve my universe otherwise, I would need to find a way to wake up Beerus in this timeline somehow so that the Tournament Of Power still happens

My third option would be to find the Super Dragon Balls and wish for them to isolate my timeline from Zeno's or the god's influence

My fourth option is to go back to Vegito's time, but that would mean, I would have to let the rest of the universe die

My fifth option is using the Big Gete Star, to create a time machine powerful enough that it can teleport an entire solar system, and bring it to Vegito's timeline, the Big Gete Star would be improved upon by the Earth's Dragon Balls, plus Porunga's to take the Namekians with us

Vegito did warn me that, I would have to make get wishes from Porunga to fuse the possible doppelgangers to hide the 'evidence' while also integrating them into the New Namek of that timeline

I am grateful, extremely grateful to Vegito, he trained me and taught me a lot, he also told me a lot

He told me about what he went through in his original timeline

He did warn me about the possibility of the Shadow Dragons, and the damage that they can cause

But, he did say that I am in a very dire situation so even if I have to risk the Dragon Balls, I am only going to stop using them when they crack as I know that the next will release the Shadow Dragons

I have already made a few wishes for me and Gohan

Regeneration in all attributes, the greatest talent for everything or as much as Porunga can give us, and a seed that can fertilize nearly any world and fill it life so that way new life can begin to flourish randomly, which means that the beings there can be either good or evil

Also, wished for worlds that are barely developing to thrive at least 1,000 years after they become a space fairing civilization then they are on their own, as well as a shield for said developing worlds that will keep them hidden while they will be able to still reach out for whatever reason, plus a few more wishes to benefit the universe as a whole

According to Vegito, our entire universe is a complete and utter shithole, so many civilizations have been wiped out, by Beerus, Frieza, and a whole bunch of other threats

This leads me to my final option, which is to go over to Zeno's palace and kindly request another God Of Destruction for Universe 7, as Beerus is mostly responsible for our situation, and hope for the best at that point

("GOHAN I HAVE WHAT WE NEED,") I tell him while rushing over to the Big Gete Star breaking through its walls with ease

I focus for a moment after not finding what I am looking for

Finding it after a few moments, I instantly teleport over to my objective

"So, you are Cooler," I say taking notice of the big head but I simply draw a specific dagger that I wished from Porunga

Something that will erase Cooler's influence on the chip of the Big Gete Star and make it loyal to me, Gohan, and my mom

I quickly stab it and then it's done

Thank you, Vegito for giving me a chance to save as many people as possible


"Fast enough for you?" Asks Vomi as I dodge her attacks with ease in Super Saiyan 3

"Come on, you have to do better than that," I taunt Vomi as I smack her with my tail in the face hitting her like a whip

She is already used to being trained by me and as such I quickly sucker punch her and then kick her in the stomach before grabbing her tail and swinging her around

I block a kick as she twists herself but I just let go and fire a Ki blast at her which pierces through her stomach and makes a hole that closes soon enough

"Really?" She asks holding in the pain

Fun fact even though she can heal like Majin Buu, she still feels pain

"You have to get used to it," I tell her simply powering down and flying down to the ground

"You have gotten stronger. But it won't be enough from here on out," I tell her plainly

"What? Why?" She asks confused

"Vomi, I have been training you, more than that, you have gotten used to my fighting style in our spars. While I learned pretty much everything that you know while we spared. What you need now is to go fight powerful opponents on your own to squeeze every bit of your potential on your own, and while you can continue to grow stronger, you need to be at least ten times more power than I have at my strongest," I tell her honestly, as she has learned nearly as much as I know about both Ki and Spirit Control

She is half as strong as I am in Super Saiyan 3

She has come far

But, now she only needs to train herself, I have been training her for a while now and she has to find her path to getting stronger now

Oh, sure, I can keep training her but she won't get stronger from the physical aspect of training,

Her body naturally ignores gravity, even when pushed to 250x Earth's gravity, she didn't even feel it, while I still felt it

Unfortunately, I did find out, just how her physical abilities can increase

She HAS to 'eat' people by turning them into food or directly launching a piece of herself to someone

Even then she has no desire to do so, as she finds even the thought of it disgusting

So, that is out

Vomi is incredibly powerful, and at this point, I have no idea how to get her to become stronger than the obvious, I could try to see if she can access her own version of Super Saiyan, or possibly even some forms like the ones that Frieza has

A metaphorical lightbulb turns on in my head as I remember that part

She can turn into an Oozaru



"THIS FEELS WEIRD," Says Vomi growling out in her version of the Oozaru transformation

We are currently on a deserted planet so no one is harmed

"Ridiculous," I say in exasperation

Her Oozaru form is very similar to that of a normal Saiyan except for the very obvious color difference being whitish pink fur, her fur feels very weird and it took me a bit to realize that it is similar to that of Frieza's bio armor

Also, her power is insane she got a literal 300 times boost just by turning into her version of the Great Ape

She is stronger than me in this form

But, it has far more drawbacks that I don't have for one

The Bio-armor like fur, is really heavy, making her slower than a regular Great Ape, while increasing her defense and strength due to her special fur, she also needs a lot more Blutz Waves in order to trigger the transformation, as this planet has 2 moons and I have a power ball up in the sky, even then it was a process that lasted 5 times longer than it takes the average Saiyan to transform

Also, she can't be in the shade, she has to be in nearly total direct moonlight in order for her to stay transformed, if around one-fourth of her body, is covered in shadow she will begin to slowly return to base

She can stay in it for around 13 minutes, if she uses the Blutz Wave pill in conjunction with natural Blutz Waves, helps her stay in it and avoid the problem of getting covered, but, she but still

Right now, I want to see something

As this form is part of a certain transformation of mine, I wonder if she can achieve her own version of Super Saiyan 4, which will be more than enough to keep me in check once I turn into a Legendary Saiyan

I shudder at that

There is one rule in Dragon Ball that someone always has to take into account

There is always someone stronger

I look over to Vomi having fun and beginning to grab some huge boulders and throwing them as far as she can before beginning to lean backward to let out a laugh

Unfortunately, she trips while falling on her back

I frown as I think of 1 thing, how do I get her to transform into something like a Super Saiyan

Admittedly I had her try before, but maybe, I am overthinking this

She didn't rampage at all when she turned into a Great Ape

The only issue was figuring out why she couldn't turn into one, but now why can't she turn into her version of Super Saiyan?