Reunion Chp 27


2 years

2 years since I have gone back to Earth

Oh, well, sure I came back because of Vomi who is in Yardrat learning Spirit Control for herself

Soon enough, my ship touches down on the ground

Standing up from my seat, I sense around for any powers and I smile as I can sense Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo training with 2 other powers close to them

"So, Goten is now in the picture huh," I say to myself as I get a feel for him

I smile as I sense the child-like glee as he most likely enjoys the sight of Gohan being trained

"Back here," says Vomi as she comes out of my ship and looks at the sky and I do the same

The same blue sky

Even in space, it is rather rare to come across a blue sky identical to Earth's

"I missed it," I say as the saddest thing about it for me is that the sky of planet Earth is one of the only things that can remind me of my previous universe, the other being the moon alongside the sun

I fight back the immense amount of nostalgia and watch as 17 and 18 come out of the ship and bring my cargo with them

I am going to take this time to have my ship upgraded

"What are you going to do Vomi?" I ask her

"I am going to be doing some experimenting," She answers simply as she attempts to smile

I resist the urge to frown a bit at that

Vomi is not a fighter, or rather she doesn't really care about it

Oh, she enjoys a spar every now and again, but it took me a while to get her to tell me

I felt bad about it honestly, Goku and Vegeta's memories, really changed how I look at things

I can be impaled through the chest, and not even flinch, of course my immortality doesn't help my mentality

Vomi was not used to such things

I already apologized but, our friendship took an unexpected turn once she told me that she didn't really enjoy being blasted to pieces considering that she felt everything

She does enjoy getting stronger, but the training that I put her through was too much for her

"See you around," I say as she begins to fly into the sky

"Take care Vegito," She says as she flies off to a home that she had built for herself using some of my construction drones

I sigh a bit once she is far enough away before I rub the back of my neck

She did say that she would help me with assimilating Broly once I tell her

To be honest, I have been putting it off for too long now

I have no idea how to surpass Super Saiyan 4, 

Increasing my power overall

I am glad that I finally made some progress, and I am comfortable enough now, to take Broly's body into myself

Now, I just need one final step, reinforcing my mind even more

I shake my head as I begin to fly up a bit

It's been days since I came out of my ship

I breathe the air in and out as I take my time and enjoy the air as I fly over to a mountaintop and sit down I watch the view for a while

"I still can't believe it," I say as I look at my hands

I am so far from the person, that I used to be

I can kill someone with no remorse, which was honestly, worrying about, but I reasoned that I was only defending myself, even as powerful as I am

But, thanks to Goku's influence, I managed to not go over the line

I grimace a bit

Originally, I planned to make 17 and 18 my slaves, and who knows what I would have done to 18, I would have made her my literal sex slave without a second thought if I was only influenced by Vegeta

Shaking my head I begin to think about my brother and sister and their children

I miss them

These past 2 years haven't helped much with my feelings about them

"Wow," I say as it hits me again

I gained so much in basically no time at all, but I also lost a lot

I had parents who loved me and a family, but even so, I am not really that sad about it

While I would like to see them, these past 2 years, 4 counting my time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber have helped me accept the fact that I may never see them again

I have a new life now, and while I will always treasure my time spent with them and all of the love and support that they gave me, I will keep going forward and make the best of this new life

Standing up I begin to fly over to Capsule Corp to see how Bulma is doing

While making my way over, I use my scouter to make sure that the process of upgrading my ship has started

I close my eyes as I enjoy the wind hitting my face

Soon, I arrive at Capsule Corp and I glance to my side at the setting sun

"2 years," I say as I sense around and I can feel Trunks energy

He is half as strong as Frieza was in his 1st form and he is still just a toddler

I smile as I sense Bulma's energy

Flying down quickly, I go over to the door and knock and one of the servants recognizes me and says that she will tell Bulma I am here

Feeling a bit anxious about meeting Bulma again, a thought pops into my head that makes me sigh

I am going to tell her that I am immortal

If I want a relationship with her, that is one of the first things that she needs to know, if she wants a relationship with me after I tell her or not

"HEY, WHEN DID YOU GET BACK?" Shouts Bulma excitedly as she comes through a door and gives me a hug which I return

"Around 2 hours ago, had to get settled in first," I tell her as we separate and just smile at each other

"How is everyone?" I ask as she begins to lead me down one of the many hallways

"Everyone is fine," She responds a bit briskly to which I roll my eyes a bit

"How have you been Bulma?" I ask her teasing her a bit as she puffs a bit

"I have been doing fine, taking care of Trunks, working on some stuff for the company," She says as she presses a button on her quarters to her room which she is sharing with Trunks

"What did you do these past 2 years?" She asks as she puts on some coffee on the table

"Training, exploring, learning magic, and pretty much breaking universal laws," I tell her


"Oh, don't worry about, remember the reputation that Saiyans have?" I ask her as she nods

"Well, we Saiyans are pretty much wanted universally, especially after it came out that a Saiyan defeated Frieza. Bounty hunters, mercenaries, and more are after every Saiyan that could possibly be out there," I answer her

"Why? I mean when Frieza died, I would have thought that they would leave Earth alone," She says getting a bit worried

"Oh, you don't have to worry about Earth, in fact most beings consider Earth and the entire solar system have been declared off limits to the people of the universe since they think that Goku became that strong while on Earth, they reason that they might be others just as powerful as him," I tell her as it was, unfortunately, one of the first things I learned out there

When they find out the truth they will be coming over to investigate Earth and learn more about Goku

The Galactic Patrol certainly seems interested in 'hiring' Goku

"Oh, well," She comments before taking a sip of her coffee as I take the chance and a sip of mine

"How was exploring the universe?" She asks curiously

"Why don't I show you," I say bringing out my scouter and pressing a few buttons on it and a holographic screen begins to show the pictures that I took

We spent the next 2 hours just watching the pictures and the short videos I took of the sights that I saw

I bring out a certain amulet that I purchased and enchanted for Bulma

It has a silver chain, with three beautiful gemstones that I got from a planet filled with gremlin-like creatures 

"Woah," Says Bulma as we stand up and she turns around and moves her hair to the side as I put it on gently

"It's beautiful," She says looking at herself in the mirror smiling

"It is," I say as she turns around and comes closer to me and as she leans forward...

I stop her

She looks at me a bit hurt

"Bulma, as much as I would like to kiss you there is something you should know," I say as she looks at me confused

I guide her over to the table and sit down as she follows

"Bulma, you do know that I made a wish on the Dragon Balls?" I ask her

"Yes, but what does have to do with this?" She says making motions with her finger at both of us

"Bulma, the wish I was granted from Shenron, was immortality," I tell her as she gasps in shock

"WHY WOULD YOU WISH FOR THAT? I mean..." She stops as she slumps back in her chair

"Bulma, you know who I AM. Do you think I am not afraid of it? I am terrified of it. Remember, all I had before was at most months of being alive, I was scared," I tell her

"But, why tell me now?" She asks as I see her choke back a sob

"Because Bulma, I like you, I really do, and not just because of Vegeta's memories. But, as cheesy as it may sound, I didn't want to lead you on. I know that it may be too much right now,"

"What did you think I was going to say?" She says

"That you would scream at me to get out,"

"Considering it," She says as I open my mouth and close it as those words register in my mind

"The truth is I was going to offer you to become immortal and join me as I travel, once Trunks was of age," I tell her the truth which sounds, not good, not good at all

"Could you leave please?" She says as my heart drops at that "I want to be alone for a while,"

"Yes, and for what its worth I am sorry," I say as I leave through the window and fly up into the sky

So, this is a form of rejection from a girl you like

It sucks

A pit forms in my stomach

As the way that Bulma told me to leave hurt

Maybe I was expecting way too much


"What is this?" Asks a man with white hair as he grasps a crimson crystalline ball with seven stars on it that radiates a red energy with a black aura around it

He puts both of his hands on the small and in each of his fingers he has a silver ring for each finger

Suddenly the small ball forces itself from his hand and slams into his chest as his form is disrupted for a moment as an evil aura covers him

"THIS POWER," He says in a distorted voice as nine of his ten rings glow but it drowned out by the power being given by the Evil Dragon Ball

Roaring one more time before taking human form once again

"Seven stars, there must be more," Says the Beast in the skin of a man