Saiyan Bonding Chp 28



"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG," Screams Goku as he rushes towards me in Super Saiyan 2

I dodge his punch and retaliate by sending a kick toward him which he blocks, barely

I am still in my base form not even trying while Goku is pushing himself to his limits

I move my head to the side as Gohan sends a kick toward my head

Gohan managed to become a Super Saiyan a couple of months ago from what they told me

Glancing at the smile on Gohan's face, I smile too

Goku told me that thanks to Bulma, he got Gohan into therapy, and the shrink had to sign a whole lot of paperwork to keep things quiet

It has done wonders for him

Moving my legs up a bit as Goku attempts to swipe them under me, I block a punch from Gohan before I send a gust of power out sending both of them flying away

Cracking my neck I smirk at them while holding back my power

Rushing towards Goku faster than he can react, I widen my eyes as even though he can't even perceive me, his body is already reacting to my attack as his moves to dodge but I am just too fast for it to do so

Goku's natural instincts are absolutely incredible

No wonder he was able to obtain Ultra Instinct

But, I also have those same instincts

I punch Goku a few times, holding back massively, not even transformed yet

I glance at Piccolo who is meditating and going over what I told him about Spirit Control

He is a natural at it

Even from here, I can sense his spirit getting calmer little by little

Piccolo himself is a monster

With nothing but determination and willpower, he was able to reach levels that hadn't been seen in a long time in his race

Thinking of him reminds me of Kami

I gave Kami a special bean that I nurtured with all of my skill

The bean restored some of Kami's youth, enough that he is finally able to move around without his staff, and he continues to do so as he likes his staff, which ironically, and also works as a Magical Foci

Kami himself has begun to 'train', well more like working out and practicing magic as he is from the Namekian Dragon Clan, still have no idea how that works, since Piccolo is from the Namekian Warrior Clan and they were originally the same person

I kicked Gohan in the back of the head after he rushed at me

"Patience Gohan," I tell him as his rage starts to get the better of him

He breaths out as he gets into a fighting stance and Goku moves next to him as they both rush at me at the same time

I block and dodge effortlessly

I may be stronger but, I am using this training to increase my experience in fighting

There aren't many out there that can push me in terms of fighting skills

Except the very rare few capable of doing so are extraordinarily dangerous

So, training in a safe environment while making sure that the protectors of Earth also get stronger is my best option for now

Training with Vomi won't exactly give me the results that I want


Even when she gets stronger than me, I helped her make her foundation, which is a huge downside, as she will need to grow without my help for some time for her to give me any type of meaningful experience

Jumping a bit I slam Gohan right into Goku as they both go flying

I get closer to both of them as they both return back to their base forms

"Whew, you are tough," says Goku while rubbing the back of his head

"Yeah, no kidding," Gohan says while coughing a bit

"Being strong is both a blessing and a curse," I tell them both and while Goku gets it the moment I say, Gohan nods a few seconds later as he thinks about it

"You asked to train with us, and the reason for that is that you want to train your skills in fighting, right?" Asks Gohan

"Yes," I answer

"Well, we are not going to be much then," Says Goku sitting down as he breathes out heavily and I spot the bruises on his arms

"Maybe, but I think it's time though," I say as I look at Goku's tail

"Time for what?" Asks Gohan

"For me to reach the next level," Goku answers him as he looks at me

Goku told me that he like to reach Super Saiyan 3 but due to the downsides, it might not be worth the effort to reach such a form, so he decided to skip it, for now

He agreed once I asked him as a favor for me since I wanted to do the Super Saiyan God Ritual with Super Saiyan 4s instead of normal Super Saiyans giving me their energy in order for me to get God Ki in the future

Mirai Trunks, Mirai Gohan, Goku, Present Gohan, and Vegeta

I resist the urge to frown at that as while Vegeta has managed to achieve Super Saiyan, he hasn't exactly progressed too much in that regard

Oh, his power has increased, but only to what I am going to assume is as powerful as he was supposed to be during the Cell Games

He is far behind all of us

I am going to meet with him soon and tell him about the different levels of Super Saiyan

To see if he has changed if not, then I guess I won't have 5 Super Saiyan 4s in the God Ritual as disappointing as it would be if the result still ends up giving me God Ki

Sure, I won't be as powerful as I want it to be but anything is good at this point

"You guys should probably begin heading home," I tell them as I see that the sun is about to set

"Oh, speaking of home, I am getting quite hungry, let's go Gohan, I am sure your mom is making dinner already, and we need a shower," He says as he stands up and we soon say our goodbyes

Going over to Piccolo, I say goodbye to him but he doesn't really respond as he is meditating using Spirit Control

I fly away over to my home slowly

Closing my eyes for a bit as I enjoy the wind on my face

Making my way over, I begin to think of my magic which has progressed some

There are things that I am barely getting a grasp on

Such as Artificing

Making objects imbued with magical abilities which is different from Enchanting

With Artificing, you are changing the natural properties of something while Enchanting is more abstract in nature, since I can enchant a rock to be more durable while Artificing can be used to alter the rock to be much more receptive to enchanting and magic in general

To be honest, both of them seem like two sides of the same coin to me

I shake my head a bit as I think about Kami's staff

Many will just dismiss it, but the thing is, his staff acts like a Magical Focci

A very powerful one in human terms

Possibly even in godly terms

His staff was made from materials that were gathered by the First Guardian of Earth

Which weren't really that impressive all things considered

What was though, is that the First Guardian had an affinity for Time Magic

Not only an affinity but a vested interest to the point of obsession with it

Which allowed him to pursue numerous abilities of Time Manipulation

The records show that he was an incredibly powerful user of Time Magic

He was able to reverse time on the whole planet by hours, he created the prototype Hyperbolic Time Chamber that Kami would then complete

Being able to bring someone back from death by reversing time, but only within 6 minutes of their death, launch time blasts that were capable of either aging someone into dust, or straight up reversing their aging until they are at the point that they were never born

He was able to see the future of the planet by around 3 years

Let me repeat that, he was able to see the future of not only animals or humans but the entire planet itself which includes himself

He was able to Time Lock certain events, or even Unlock those events

Overpowered as all hell to be sure, but this is Dragon Ball, as long as you have raw power, you could withstand his attacks

The real monsters are those who have both skill and power

Which is why I want my KI's will to be awakened

My magical affinities are Fire and Lightning

Not bad, but if I want to push them to their limits, I have my work cut out for me

It's not that it will be too difficult since Porunga gave me the highest level of talent that he can give me for magic, the thing is that I have too much on my plate right now

Between awakening my KI's Will and then learning how to manipulate it, completing my Emotional Empowerment Crest, furthering my mastery of my Super Saiyan forms, upgrading my level of technology, and learning more about different subjects of magic, like Artificing, Enchanting, Alchemy(Potions), Soul Magic, plus my Elemental Magic

As if that wasn't enough, I am also going to try to mix both magic and technology together later on

But, for now I should focus, on making sure Goku doesn't destroy the Earth as a Golden Great Ape when he attempts to go Super Saiyan 4

Damn, that form to hell

It is powerful, amazingly so, but, just so damn frustrating to figure out more how to get past it to another form or something

I love the form, it's power 

But, I have a feeling that it won't be enough and I don't know why?

I have no doubt that I am one of the strongest in Universe 7, perhaps even one of the strongest off all 12 universes, before we get to the Gods Of Destruction and Angels

Yet, this feeling, it just won't go away

I have stretched out my sensing as far as possible to the point that I have even reached King Kai, but something still feels wrong

This is why I am preparing everyone as much as I can and like it or not, I may have to teach Vegeta myself sooner rather than later in order to get him up to Super Saiyan 4 in order for me to get God Ki

I slowly fly down as I reach my home

"Home sweet home," I say as ist down a bit on one of my couches

Looking around my home I let out a chuckle

I had my construction androids hollow out most of the mountain and make my home even bigger than before

I let out a laugh as I look around

I am living in true luxury

There is no doubt about it

So much can't hide what I am feeling though

I haven't talked to Bulma in 2 weeks and I have been tempted to call her, but I have held myself back

I feel hurt, sad, and alone

I chuckle a bit before laughing out loud

I was 15 before I was sent here, and now I am 19 years old plus Goku and Vegeta's years of memories yet, this is the first time that I have ever been rejected

Frowning a bit at that as I begin to think about it some more as I steady myself

Sure, Bulma rejecting me, hurt, a lot

Then again, I did ask a lot from her, immortality

Something, that most humans would no doubt love until they read the fine print of it

Everyone around you will die one day, even in a world where death may not even be a literal consequence at all

Heck, I am still reading about how to bring someone back to life like using a wish from a set of Dragon Balls

But, Bulma doesn't really have my perspective

What meaning does death even have when I can literally go to heaven and talk to the people I care about or hell for that matter?

I will one day even be able to bring people back to life

Does death even matter to me

A being of my level of power would have a lot of freedom

After all, why should the rules of others even matter to me when no-one can stop me at all

Heck, if one day I reach the level of Zeno, would I still listen to anyone at all?

Would I go around doing whatever I want without any consequences at all?

I don't know

What I do know, is that I will explore creation not just the Dragon Ball Multiverse, but others too

I know the world of DC exists, the Evil Dragon Ball is proof enough

What other worlds are there out there?

Does the universe of Naruto exist

Harry Potter

One Piece


So many universes to explore, and so much to learn, to see, to experience for myself

I stand up as I close my eyes

I will find out how I am here, I will grow for better or for worse.

The consequences of my actions will be mine to carry forever