The Rise Of A Legend Chp 29



"Good, now you are getting it," I tell Goku as he is in Super Saiyan 4 while I am still in base

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH," He screams as I stop his punch with one hand

I 'softly' punch him in the face which sends him flying back and crashing into a small mountain, destroying it

I jump up a bit as Goku uses Instant Transmission to get behind me and try to kick me

Smirking I step on his leg, before twirling around and kicking him in the face

"This might be getting a bit counterproductive," I say as Goku lies on the ground breathing heavily

"You are right, I am so much stronger now, but I still can't even land a single hit," He says while sitting up

"Even with Kaio-Ken, I can't keep up," He says while standing up

"Blah, you can get much stronger, but you are still holding back a bit," I tell him as he lets out a sheepish laugh

I sigh as I rub my forehead at Goku's antics but I smile a bit as this past year has helped me immensely

Going around the universe for 2 years did not help my mental health

Staying on Earth has been relaxing

"Come on," I tell Goku as he groans while standing up, going back to Super Saiyan 4

Rushing towards me, I effortlessly dodge his attacks which start to get faster

I hit him back gently which is enough to hurt him significantly

"UGH" He gasps out as I hit him in the chest lazily sending him flying back

(I might be too strong) I realize as Goku struggles to get up but this time the aura of Kaio-Ken surrounds him and I narrow my eyes as he rushes at me again

I put in some more effort as his attacks can affect me a tiny bit when he is going all out

I narrow my eyes as I see a small Ki ball forming on the tip of his tail as I parry a punch form him and I let the Ki blast forming on his tail hit me

"Creative," I say to Goku as he begins attacking me with all five limbs which he covered in KI forming blades at the extremities of them while I either parry or dodge his attacks

Interestingly enough Goku's Ki blades extend and retract often

"Not bad," I say Goku's tail is aimed at my face

I dodge it and punch him in the gut

He falls backward back onto base form

"oof," He says while he begins to groan in pain

"That's enough for today," I say as it is time for me to leave Goku for a bit in order for him to train himself

I quickly search for Piccolo's power and I smile a bit at that

He is getting stronger

"Let's stop for today Goku," I tell him as I raise my hand and a white ball of magical energy goes towards him as it makes contact, I can see many of Goku's bruises and cuts are beginning to heal at a pace noticeable to the eye

Working out some basic healing spells is easy

I hold back a wince as I hear some of Goku's bones moving around

Thankfully, Goku didn't even feel it as the spell also numbs the pain around the damaged areas of his body

A Saiyan healing spell

Most magical healing is actually sort of detrimental to the Zenkai boosts, which is why I made this nifty little spell

It is also something that I am going to be adding to my own version of the Mark Of The Majin

So far, I have managed to create a Mark that can use negative emotions with an emphasis on rage and turn them into power, and with this spell, I plan to make it so those negative emotions also power the healing spell that I am adding to it

While truthfully, I don't necessarily need the healing at all, thanks to my immortality, having it makes me feel safer 

With good reason, ever since I began to read the History of Universe 7 book, I have been made aware of certain...horrors, that exist in this universe

I found out that the world of Dragon Ball has its own version of Eldritch Beings and yes, they are as horrible as it sounds

Finding out that the reason that Year 0, the calendar of the gods exists is because of a war involving them as they attempted to twist this multiverse in their image

Then learning that both Zeno and the Grand Priest were injured to such an extent that they still have not recovered

"See you around Goku," I tell him as I fly off back home

Arriving, I begin to mentally prepare myself to assimilate Broly's body

I go into my ritual room and I look to the side and see that the container holding Broly's body is still there

Going over to it, I place it in the middle of the room and bring out his body

I watch as even though, the body can be said to no longer have any type of sentience due to the effects of the Evil Dragon Ball

But, still, his body still shakes as it growls instinctually

Magical energy surges around me and goes into the magic circle as I step forward

Kneeling down, I put my hand on top of his chest right on top of his heart and soon my hand appeared to melt

It begins to spread out throughout Broly's body

I let out a gasp as Broly's body begins to fuse with that of my hand as it completely wraps around my hand and soon, the mass of flesh begins to come up my arm, and my body bulges as a rather small power begins to pass around my body

With pure willpower, I beat back the rage that begins to appear

In my mind, a picture of Broly in a cocoon appears but I can see around his face as it very slowly dissolves

I look down at myself and notice that, I am more muscular than before, as well as taller

Looking at my hand, I smile as a golden green energy surrounds me

I smirk at that