Idea Exchange Chp 34



"That's how it's done," I sat as I looked at the results of my spells

I have been reading up on some of the more difficult magics in my book

Such as Spatial and Temporal magics

To at least get an idea of what I am going to be dealing with in the future

Also, reading up on warding magic

I smile as I think of how Vomi reacted to me asking her if she could help me improve my ship

She went nuts while viewing its blueprints and I came up with the idea that we could possibly make it a project for the both of us to work on

She focuses on the technology aspect of it and I focus on the magical side of it

She agreed enthusiastically but she did say that she wants to get more familiar with it and I wanted to increase my knowledge of Artificing, Alchemy, and Enchanting

Something that I have been getting more interested in as I found that I have a particular talent for it

I sigh as I think about a particular fact about magic in general

It is far more complex than anything I ever thought it would be

Yet, it can compete with Ki 

To be honest, showing wizards and witches as old makes a lot of sense in particular when it is so time-consuming, and even then they only ever show true mastery in a single path of it

What I am doing is going through all of them

Elemental Magic, Alchemy, Artificing, Enchanting, Rituals, Seals, Healing to say nothing of Spatial and Temporal Magics

I am going through all of them

Something that any magic user in the universe will say I am crazy, and they would be right

Except for a couple of things

Porunga gave me the highest talent when it comes to anything about magic, even if I am at the apprentice level in all of those subjects

If I hadn't made that particular wish, I wouldn't even be at the level I am now

I would be a novice still struggling to cast my first spell

Second, I am immortal

I have an eternity to learn about magic

Hell, in a hundred years, I will be a master in all of those subjects if I keep this same pace

But, I am going to be slowing down soon, as I am going to begin my training with Ki again as well, as I haven't trained much in the past 2 months

Thankfully, my Self-Evolving Immortality comes in clutch once again

So, I won't ever lose my level of power if I stop training

Something of note is that my experimentations with Temporal Magic have affected me and my immortality combined with my Saiyan blood has made it so that I can resist some very low levels of temporal maladies

When it was letting me know about the changes I was rather disoriented about it

So much information hit me at once and that is when I truly understood what it means to withstand the power of time itself

From what I remember a lot of beings that I read about commented that the power to manipulate time was a respectable feat but nothing truly special

What a load of shit

Then again manipulating time for them is nothing special but for me this is huge

Something that made me realize that someone could have aged me back to before I became immortal, now I can at least resist such a thing

I sigh as I close my book and look at my book on Ki

Ki is just as complex as magic in some aspects in others, in some ways it is better than magic

But, that is just due to how easy it is to use Ki in general

Ki is much more straightforward and anyone can use it if they train and go at it long enough

Magic takes time, dedication, and above all resources

Resources that I am able to make through Magic Materialization straight up bypassing that third requirement

The sad thing is that if I hadn't made a wish for the highest talent that Porunga is capable of giving someone, it would take me far too long to 'master' magic

I frown a bit before sighing

People say that hard work can overcome natural talent

But, that is only the case if the one with all the talent doesn't better themselves

If someone with the talent and the drive to push the limit of their talent no amount of hard work will ever catch up

That is the sad reality of things

Heck, people with the talent AND the drive to work hard will always be better than someone who has no talent and works hard

I have both

Leaving the room while rubbing the back of my neck, I wonder what is in store for me

Beerus is the only opponent that can challenge me to a fight, that I would probably lose

Even the thought of fighting Beerus makes me excited 

Beerus awakening marks the beginning of something truly unknown to me

As only 5 universes are left

I have no idea if the Tournament of Power will still happen

Probably not

I sigh as I get an alarm of something happening with the Evil Dragon Ball

"Oh come on," I say before teleporting over to the vault

Opening the box, I see the stone-like appearance of the Dragon Ball disappear to its usual crimson color, this time I grab it and I am suddenly somewhere else

But, I can feel something dragging me here or trying to anywhere

"STOP THIS WE DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS," I turn around to see an orange-red haired woman wearing a pink outfit with pink crystaline armor around her while a man flying in a blue and yellow costume is following behind him

"I am your dad please stop this," Screamed the man in the yellow outfit

"Hello, Dad, nice of you to be here, also mom, go fuck yourself," Says a child wearing blue jeans, a green shirt with a black jacket

His eyes glow a neon blue as the ground seems to come alive and form spikes that launch themselves over to the couple

"Please, I am sorry," Screams the woman desperately

"What more do you want from me damn it? You literally aborted me, and I saved myself from dying, you could have at least done it in a clinic instead of doing your version of a coat-hanger abortion," Says the child and I have a feeling that this is very, very personal talk

"I wasn't in the best state of mind," Cries out the woman, and even from here I can see her tears

"Sure, you weren't but it wasn't as if Dad was dead now, was he? For fucks sake, look at yourself, we have the power to alter both organic and inorganic matter. It wasn't as if you would have had to raise me alone, damn it, you could have gotten rich at that point you could have raised me. But, no, you took the easy way out," Says the child

"I have a lot of resentment for you, Eve. But, I am still rational and mature enough to let go of it, and move on with my life," He continues

"Hey, oh son," Asks the man

"Oh, yes, umm, dad I guess," Answers the kid

"Why aren't you angry at me? I am just curious," he elaborates

"Why should I be angry at you? You are a hero, you save lives, and yes, I may not really be angry with you, but I am at least willing to give it a chance with you, but not with her," Says the child fighting his mother rather effortlessly

"The crystal ball..." begins the man

"It's staying with me for safekeeping," The child cuts off his father

"It's dangerous," he responds

"Look, Dad, I know what it is and I know better than anyone about what it can do, and I am not handing it over to any government, anywhere," Says the child and I look down at the ground where I see the 3-star Evil Dragon Ball

"Trust me, I may be the result of the world's most messed up abortion. But, that ball will stay with me. If anyone, and I mean ANYONE tries to stop me, I will have no choice but to turn this planet into a glass ball," Says the child with determination in his eyes

The man stops his partner

"Let's go," He says

"LET'S GO, MARK THAT'S OUR KID," She screams out at the now-revealed Mark

"Yes, OUR kid, that YOU decided to abort," He says before pointing at the child

"He, umm, sorry what's your name?" He asks

"My name is Liam," Says the child sighing before turning to look at me and freezing in shock, a feeling of familiarity hits me and I am sure it hits him too

"Vegito," Says Liam as we look at each other before he squints his eyes at me


Before I am dragged back to my Vault

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire..." I begin until I am suddenly somewhere else

"You saw that didn't you?" Comes Connor's voice

"Yeah, another piece of ours," I answer him as I am back at the Rock of Eternity

"How will we...what happened to you?" I ask him turning to look at him as I see him all bloodied

"Steppenwolf, a servant of Darkseid," He growls out and I notice that he has a staff in his hand

"He proved to be much stronger than I expected, which brought the realization of a multitude of things," He says calming down a bit

"Such as?"

"That I am not as strong as I thought I was," He answers "I may be part Kryptonian but my human side is what is holding me back immensely, as even when I am flying at the edge of the atmosphere, I don't take in as much solar energy as a normal Kryptonian to say nothing of how inefficient my body is at powering itself," He says

"What about the power of Black Adam?" I ask him

"I was much more focused on taking his authority to enter the Rock of Eternity at first. After, I took it, is when I began to take his power, and overall, I only managed to take around two-fifths of his overall power," He explained

"Aside from that, I have also done rituals that increase my power but in the end those are hardly anything significant," He goes on

"Huh, so you are not..."

"Not ready for Darkseid-level opponents myself but I will be soon if everything goes according to plan," he says as he smiles at that

"I am very curious about how you are going to achieve such a thing, but we need to talk about Liam," I say getting him back on track

"Right, from the little bit of information, I am going to say that he is in the world of Invincible," He says and I nod at that

"We don't have enough information about it, as we only ever saw the trailers for it and a few clips of it," I say as I didn't have the money to watch the full episodes and I was busy studying during that time so I didn't give it too much thought

"So, we don't have enough information and from what I can tell Liam doesn't have access to as many resources as we do and it is best to assume that he doesn't have allies to call his own," He says getting as I let out a grim expression on my face

I was lucky enough to be born as Vegito at a time when most of the trials undergone by the Z fighters were nearly over, and I was able to grow in strength in relative peace

Connor is a good example of being both lucky and unlucky at the same time

He was reborn as a mix between a Human and a Kryptonian

Not bad, in fact, it is rather good, except that he is still in DC, where world-ending events happen every week or so

The fact that he managed to survive speaks volumes of him

"What will we do?" He asks and I begin to think about it for a bit

"As happy as I would be to help him, there is nothing we can realistically do for him at the moment," I say as I know that we are some of the most dangerous beings in our respective worlds

Not just due to us wanting to survive but our memories

If beings from other universes find out about the multiverse, shit can and will probably hit the fan

Hopefully, the rest of our pieces will keep quiet about it and not talk about it to others

"I agree with you, especially since I found out something that nearly made me shit myself," Says Connor as I turn to look at him

"Lucifer Morningstar is dead," he says seriously

"The Devil?" I ask him and he closes his eyes for a moment

"Right, you wouldn't know much about him, as while we did read the comics, the affairs of Heaven and Hell of this reality are unknown to you at the moment," He says and I raise and eyebrow at that

"Why are you talking like that?" I ask him and he blinks before rubbing his nose

"Ugh, dammit again, ok, long story short, I am the King of Themyscira and yes, I fucked Wonder Woman and her mother at the same, moving on," he says looking at me

"Ok," I say plainly

"Ok, that's it, not going to say anything else?" He says incredulously

"Bitch, I have Vegeta's memories, he is not exactly a paragon of goodness, then again Vegeta was a virgin before he began to stay on Earth," I tell him

"I have memories of Vegeta killing children in front of their parents while laughing like a fucking maniac, I am my own person, but I am definitely not a good person, if anything I could be described as Neutral Evil, you making the Amazons your literal slaves means nearly nothing to me. Aside from that, they are Greek, any kind of sympathy that they could gather is overshadowed by that fact alone," I explained to him and he nodded in understanding at that

"So, we are more alike than I thought," He comments which makes me sigh

"Yes, yes, we are," I say to that as I know myself as a teen I wanted to have sex with multiple girls but that's all teenage boys

"Going back to the devil being dead how did that happen?" I ask him

"I have no idea, and while avatars of him remain, he is gone," He says and I sigh at that

"How did you know that he was dead?"I ask him

"The Rock of Eternity allows me to see into other universes which is how I managed to learn how to make this, as well as learning of many artifacts, similar to this one" he says raising up his hand and letting me see a Green Lantern Ring and he reaches for something under his shirt bringing out an amulet

A shimmering gold amulet with a purple gem embedded in it

"The amulet of first magic, while many believe it to be the source of Earthly magic, in reality, it is far more than that, it contains energy from the beginning of creation, primarily focused on magic, and in layman's terms, it can give someone low-level reality manipulation, as well as acting an incredible source of magical energy," He explains and that sounds overpowered as shit

"Of course, the energy is not infinite and loses a very minuscule amount of power every second," He says and I nod at that

"Some artifacts like the Amulet of Isis I gave over to Wonder Woman to make her stronger, as she is the one that goes on to retrieve magical artifacts for me," He elaborates more

"Ok, cool, back to the devil being dead, we keep getting sidetracked," I say

"Sorry, it's just I don't really have any actual friends to talk to," He says and I sigh at that

"Well talk later but, if the devil is practically dead, what ramifications are there?" I ask him 

"For starters, hell is basically gone alongside most of the low to mid-tier demons, only the truly powerful ones are left," He says and I blink at that

"That sounds like a fucking mess," 

"Trust me, it is," He says

"Thankfully, it hasn't affected this Earth at least,"

"Something seems really fishy about this," I comment at the news that Lucifer from DC is dead

"You think Zalama being dead could be related to Lucifer also being dead?" he asks and I nod

"Yes, I made a wish that would give me about everything the history in Universe 7 to Porunga but, there is a huge part of history missing, thankfully, it also describes Beerus as I was curious if he was alive or not,"

"The Evil Dragon Balls may be connected and through them, it can be a passageway into the universes that they are in," Comments Connor as I nod at that

"What do you know of the Dragon Balls?" He asks

"Less than than you think I do," I answer

"I have never even heard of or seen Dragon Balls doing this," I tell him

"The Namekian Dragon Balls hold a record of the knowledge of Namek, every name, every piece of history, every spell that they ever created is in there, at least after Zalama's time," I tell him

"But, most of the magic in them can only be accessed and used by Pure Namekians. This means even someone like Cell would be unable to access it all of it. Furthermore, even if I wished to be able to access it or ask Porunga to straight up give me the information, and knowledge regarding Zalama's death is not possible for me," I tell him

"Although, the Earth Dragon Balls can also be used as a source of power when mixed with technology, and Kami did say that Dragon Balls can be used to power some specific rituals. But, I am not too sure about the Namekian Dragon Balls," I added

"But, being able to be connected across multiple different realities that is something far different..." I say as I stop at that

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Dragon Balls are connected to someone, if the Evi Dragon Balls follow that same rule, it means that someone created this set, and...that being had a wish from it and they spread out across the multiverse," I finish as a feeling deep in my gut hit me like a truck

"How? They are so small," He says bringing up his Dragon Ball

"I am not, as far I know, the size of each set is determined by the power of their creato and the knowledge that is stored in each of them at the moment of their creation. Porunga gave me three pools of knowledge to learn from. One is about the history of Universe 7, the second is about magic, and the third is about Ki," I breathe out

"Yet, they are way smaller than the Super Dragon Balls," He comments

"Yes, so the Evil set, must have must be powered, by their creator. Who is someone that managed to reverse engineer, the process of making Dragon Balls," I continued to explain

"Reverse engineered, what do you mean?"

"The ability to create Dragon Balls is an ability only Pure-blooded Namekians can make," I tell him "Zalama did a lot for his race,"

"That he did, speaking of gods, you wouldn't happen to have gotten God Ki yet, have you?"

"Not yet," I answer to which he frowns and releases a sigh

"What's wrong?" I ask him which he sighs

"I want to become a god, not just someone with their powers, but an actual god," He explains and I nod for him to continue

"I may have found a way for me to do so. There is a demigod son of Zeus, who is Diana/Wonder Woman's twin brother called Jason," He says and I blink at that but shake it off pretty easily

"She brought him in and I managed to perfectly clone him, thanks to Cadmus and Kryptonian technology plus magic. I am thinking of creating a body with a mix of Jason, Superman, and Powergirl, then transferring my soul over to it alongside my powers of the Dark Lightning of Shazam," he says and I just raise an eyebrow at that

"Wouldn't it have been faster to simply use Diana for this process?" I ask him

"Oh, I did except for one thing, Jason is stronger than Diana or he would be if Diana didn't have her blessings therefore making Diana stronger. But, Jason by extension his have access to the full power spectrum inherited from Zeus, while Diana may have the body of a goddess, Jason has the body too, and he also has the power of one," He explains his reasoning

"If you can manage to add the powers of a Kryptonian on top of it, that will give you the potential to be one of the strongest in your world, to say nothing of your Shazam powers. But, why add Powergirl" I say

"Powergirl is what you call a Kryptonian-Magi, someone capable of using magic. While I can use the power of Shazam to channel magic, I would like it to be truly my own. As a plus, from my viewing over other universes, I found out that Superman is typically a direct descendant of the Sun God Rao and at times even his godly champion at the same time," He elaborates more on that and I am in shock at hearing all of that

"The only reason that Superman doesn't really use the powers he has as a Champion of Rao is that he is unaware of it, and only really learns more about the passive effects of that title with some rare exceptions exploring their powers in their later years," He says sighing a bit at the end

"In their later years,"

"Yeah, most Supermen, being wearing something made of Blue Kryptonite which basically disables their ability to process sunlight and so they age and once they take it off, it would take them years for them to regain even half of the strength they had in their prime,"

"Interesting," I comment

"Quite, also, I suppose there is no issue telling you, that Diana is essentially my biggest ally and supporter of mine as well as my lover," He says and I give him a thumbs up

"Right now, she is going to the location of the Zeus armor, an armor that I am going to get at all costs," he says as he begins to leave

"What is so special about this armor?" I ask him

"The armor imbues someone with the power of any Olympian god or goddess, that they want but only one at a time in the same process that the powers of Shazam do. But most of the Olympians are dead, I am going rip the [Divine Authorities] from it and give them to myself and the clone body I will be using," He says and I catch on as that seems like one overpowered armor

"Good luck," I say to him

"Thanks, I am going to need it," he says as his outfit repairs itself and he opens a portal

"We are going to have to find a way to at least crossover to other realities," I comment and he nods giving me a thumbs-up

"That we will," he says, and then he steps through the portal, I catch a glimpse of a temple in the distance before the projection is severed

"Great more shit to work on," I say sighing as I go to the kitchen to make myself a meal

I wonder how many pieces of me are out there



A teenager with white flames for hair and toxic green colored eyes with a burning green crown on his head is seen, a green ring with a skull on its surface with ruby gems placed on the eyes and his hand resting on a glowing green sword wearing high tech armor

On his waist lay a green key

The Skeleton Key

While on the other side of his wait a scroll was in place

The Infi-map

But, most importantly, there was a gauntlet with four powerful gemstones on it

A red square ruby, The Gem Of Life

A yellow rhombus-shaped topaz, The Gem Of Form

 A blue circular sapphire, The Gem Of Fantasy

A red triangular ruby, The Gem Of Power

The teenager has a tired look on his face as he grasps a picture of a family

A picture which he created with the use of the Reality Gauntlet

Sighing the teen lets it fall to the ground

"Hail the king of the Ghost Zone," he whispers to no one in his empty throne room

The teen stands up as some green light from the window hits his chest revealing a letter or rather symbol in the shape of a D

Staring into the Ghost Zone, the teen looks somberly and if anyone or anything was passing by, they could have seen the despair in his eyes

In the middle of the throne room, there lays a staff buried into a decomposing human head with the skull being visible

On top of the staff, there lays a crimson ball with 2 stars in it